From d60a176094cfd4456d72316ccd52a231119281a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Aaron Murphy <>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2017 15:37:35 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update README & Add More Examples

---              | 192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-              | 104 ----------------------
 examples/else_if.ion   |  37 ++++++++
 examples/else_if.out   |   3 +
 examples/fibonacci.ion |  18 ++++
 examples/fibonacci.out |  19 ++++
 examples/while.ion     |  14 +++
 examples/while.out     |   9 ++
 8 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644
 create mode 100644 examples/fibonacci.ion
 create mode 100644 examples/fibonacci.out

diff --git a/ b/
index b5d812ca..8a25fdd0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+# Ion Shell
 Ion is the underlying library for shells and command execution in
 Redox, as well as the default shell.
@@ -7,3 +7,193 @@ Redox, as well as the default shell.
 [![Coverage Status](](
+## Shell Syntax
+### Defining Variables
+The `let` keyword is utilized to create local variables within the shell. The `export` keyword performs
+a similar action, only setting the variable globally as an environment variable for the operating system.
+// TODO: Ion Shell does not yet implement stderr redirection.
+let git_branch = $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)
+If the command is executed without any arguments, it will simply list all available variables.
+### Dropping Variables
+To drop a value from the shell, the `drop` keyword may be used:
+drop git_branch
+### Variable Arithmetic
+The `let` command also supports basic arithmetic.
+let a = 1
+echo $a
+let a += 4
+echo $a
+let a *= 10
+echo $a
+let a /= 2
+echo $a
+let a -= 5
+echo $a
+### Export
+The `export` command works similarly to the `let` command, but instead of defining a local variable, it defines a global variable that other processes can access.
+export PATH = "~/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
+### Export Arithmetic
+The `export` command also supports basic arithmetic.
+export a = 1
+echo $a
+export a += 4
+echo $a
+export a *= 10
+echo $a
+export a /= 2
+echo $a
+export a -= 5
+echo $a
+### Aliases
+The `alias` command is used to set an alias for running other commands under a different name. The most common usages of the `alias` keyword are to shorten the keystrokes required to run a command and it's specific arguments, and to rename a command to something more familiar.
+alias ls = 'exa'
+If the command is executed without any arguments, it will simply list all available aliases.
+The `unalias` command performs the reverse of `alias` in that it drops the value from existence.
+unalias ls
+### Commands
+Commands may be written line by line or altogether on the same line with semicolons separating them.
+command arg1 arg2 arg3
+command arg1 arg2 arg3
+command arg1 arg2 arg3; command arg1 arg2 arg3; command arg1 arg2 arg3
+### Pipelines & Redirections
+It's currently only possible to pipe and redirect the standard output of one command to another command.
+command arg1 | other_command | another_command arg2
+command arg1 > file
+### Conditional Operators
+The Ion shell supports the `&&` and `||` operators in the same manner as the Bash shell. The `&&` operator
+executes the following command if the previous command exited with a successful exit status. The `||`
+operator performs the reverse -- executing if the previous command exited in failure.
+test -e .git && echo Git directory exists || echo Git directory does not exist
+### If Conditions
+It is also possible to perform more advanced conditional expressions using the `if`, `else if`, and `else` keywords.
+let a = 5;
+if test $a -lt 5
+    echo "a < 5"
+else if test $a -eq 5
+    echo "a == 5"
+    echo "a > 5"
+### While Loops
+While loops will evaluate a supplied expression for each iteration and execute all the contained statements if it
+evaluates to a successful exit status.
+let a = 1
+while test $a -lt 100
+    echo $a
+    let a += 1
+### For Loops
+For loops, on the other hand, will take a variable followed by a list of values or a range expression, and
+iterate through all contained statements until all values have been exhausted.
+# Obtaining Values From a Subshell
+for a in $(seq 1 10)
+    echo $a
+# Values Provided Directly
+for a in 1 2 3 4 5
+    echo $a
+# Exclusive Range
+for a in 1..11
+    echo $a
+# Inclusive Range
+for a in 1...10
+    echo $a
+### Functions
+Functions in the Ion shell are defined with a name along with a set of variables. The function
+will check if the corrent number of arguments were supplied and execute if all arguments
+were given.
+fn fib n
+    if test $n -le 1
+        echo $n
+    else
+        let output = 1
+        let previous = 1
+        for index in 2..$n
+            let temp = $output
+            let output += $previous
+            let previous = $temp
+        end
+        echo $output
+    end
+for i in 1..20
+    fib $i
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index e34924da..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# ion Syntax Reference
-## Current Syntax
-### Commands
-- `arg0 arg1 "arg 2"` will call the command `arg0` with three arguments, the executable path, `arg1`, and `arg 2`
-### Builtins
-- `help` will list all builtins
-- `help builtin` will display the syntax and description of the `builtin` command
-### Variables
-- `let variable=value` will set a variable to `value`
-- `$variable` will be placed inline as a single argument, so `touch $variable` would try to create a file `some value`
-- `drop variable` will delete the variable called `variable`
-- `let` will list all variables
-### Conditionals
-- `if left comparison right` will begin a comparison block
- - `left` and `right` are single arguments, they may be a variable like `$variable` or a value like `2` or `"some value"`
- - The available comparisons are `==`, `!=`, `>`, `>=`, `<`, and `<=`
-- `else` will invert the comparison block
-- `end` will end the comparison block
-### Functions
-Use the `fn` keyword to define functions:
-fn function
-  echo "Hello, Ion!"
-And use the function name to call it:
-ion:# function
-Hello, Ion!
-You can also create function with arguments:
-fn print_two_strings first second
-  echo $first $second
-To call the function you can use the function name followed by the arguments:
-ion:# print_two_strings "Foo" "Bar"
-Foo Bar
-### Piping
-- `echo foo | cat | xargs touch` will pipe the output from one process to another.
-### Redirection
-- `echo foo > bar` will write "foo" to a file named "bar".
-- `cat < foo` will write the contents of a file named "foo" to the console.
-- `cat < foo > bar` will write the contents of a file named "foo" to a file named "bar".
-## Proposed Syntax
-A LR(k) grammar. This is a rough brainstorm and is somewhat out of sync with the examples:
-    LET IDENT SET expr
-    | IF expr DELSTART statement* DELEND
-    # comparations
-    expr EQ expr = eq
-    | expr NEQ expr = not_eq
-    | expr LT expr = less_than
-    | expr GT expr = greater_than
-    | expr LEQ expr = less_than_or_eq
-    | expr GEQ expr = greater_than_or_eq
-    # operators
-    | expr PLUS expr = add
-    | expr MINUS expr = sub
-    | expr MUL expr = mul
-    | expr DIV expr = div
-    # control
-    | IF expr DELSTART expr DELEND ELSE DELSTART expr DELEND = if_else
-    # misc
-    | statement* SEMICOLON expr = block
-    # const
-    | STR(a) = str
-    | NUM(a) = num
-    ...
-let home = "~";
-if home == pwd
-    echo "home sweet home"
-// let's define a new cmd
-fn my_cmd a b
-    echo a + b
-mycmd 2 4 // 6
diff --git a/examples/else_if.ion b/examples/else_if.ion
index 4e75c01b..39350059 100644
--- a/examples/else_if.ion
+++ b/examples/else_if.ion
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# Single Else If Condition
 if test 1 -gt 5
     echo one
 else if test 1 -eq 1
@@ -5,3 +7,38 @@ else if test 1 -eq 1
     echo three
+# Multiple Else Conditions
+let a = 4
+if test $a -eq 1
+    echo one
+else if test $a -eq 2
+    echo two
+else if test $a -eq 3
+    echo three
+else if test $a -eq 4
+    echo four
+    echo five
+# Nested Else If Conditions
+let a = 5
+let b = 10
+if test $a -gt 10
+    echo "a > 10"
+else if test $a -lt 10
+    echo "a < 10"
+    if test $a -gt $b
+        echo "a > b"
+    else if test $a -eq $b
+        echo "a == b"
+    else
+        echo "a < b"
+    end
+    echo "a == 10"
diff --git a/examples/else_if.out b/examples/else_if.out
index f719efd4..ff414bd7 100644
--- a/examples/else_if.out
+++ b/examples/else_if.out
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
+a < 10
+a < b
diff --git a/examples/fibonacci.ion b/examples/fibonacci.ion
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a41ae0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fibonacci.ion
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn fib n
+    if test $n -le 1
+        echo $n
+    else
+        let output = 1
+        let previous = 1
+        for index in 2..$n
+            let temp = $output
+            let output += $previous
+            let previous = $temp
+        end
+        echo $output
+    end
+for i in 1..20
+    fib $i
diff --git a/examples/fibonacci.out b/examples/fibonacci.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d0da546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fibonacci.out
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/examples/while.ion b/examples/while.ion
index 8bd808f3..22707283 100644
--- a/examples/while.ion
+++ b/examples/while.ion
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
+# Simple While Loop
 let a = 1
 while test $a -lt 10
     echo $a
     let a += 1
+# While Loop With If Conditions
+let a = 1
+while test $a -lt 10
+    if test $a -eq 5
+        echo found 5
+    else
+        echo $a
+    end
+    let a += 1
diff --git a/examples/while.out b/examples/while.out
index 07193989..3ee7080e 100644
--- a/examples/while.out
+++ b/examples/while.out
@@ -7,3 +7,12 @@
+found 5