Redox: A Rust Operating System
The Ion Shell. Compatible with Redox and Linux.
The Redox microkernel
C Library in Rust for Redox and Linux (WIP)
Redox Windowing and Compositing System
A bindless library for controlling terminals/TTY.
The Redox book -
Sodium: The Text Editor
Redox OS Drivers
A collection of package recipes for Redox.
The Redox Filesystem
Redox Packaging Utilities
The Redox website (blog, news, feed, etc.)
A readline-like library in Rust.
Syntax highlighting for the ion shell
The Redox coreutils.
Extra utilities for Redox (and Unix systems)
An alternative pure-Rust memory allocator.
Redox Rust Syscall Library
Redox OS Bootloader