diff --git a/src/io/graphics.rs b/src/io/graphics.rs
index c8077a77ad1387573d7b93005b3fe8d1580b3685..be5b068bde29050756fd2966b37948cebad977bc 100644
--- a/src/io/graphics.rs
+++ b/src/io/graphics.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use edit::buffer::TextBuffer;
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use io::redraw::RedrawTask;
 use state::editor::Editor;
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use state::mode::{Mode, PrimitiveMode};
 #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
@@ -39,7 +42,10 @@ impl Editor {
         let mut string = false;
-        for (y, row) in self.buffers.current_buffer().lines().enumerate() {
+        for (y, row) in self.buffers
+                .current_buffer()
+                .lines()
+                .enumerate() {
             for (x, c) in row.chars().enumerate() {
                 // TODO: Move outta here
                 let color = if self.options.highlight {
@@ -49,36 +55,18 @@ impl Editor {
                             (226, 225, 167) //(167, 222, 156)
                         _ if string => (226, 225, 167), //(167, 222, 156)
-                        '!' |
-                        '@' |
-                        '#' |
-                        '$' |
-                        '%' |
-                        '^' |
-                        '&' |
-                        '|' |
-                        '*' |
-                        '+' |
-                        '-' |
-                        '/' |
-                        ':' |
-                        '=' |
-                        '<' |
-                        '>' => (198, 83, 83), //(228, 190, 175), //(194, 106, 71),
+                        '!' | '@' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '^' | '&' | '|' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '/' |
+                        ':' | '=' | '<' | '>' => (198, 83, 83), //(228, 190, 175), //(194, 106, 71),
                         '.' | ',' => (241, 213, 226),
                         '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' => (164, 212, 125), //(195, 139, 75),
-                        '0' ... '9' => (209, 209, 177),
+                        '0'...'9' => (209, 209, 177),
                         _ => (255, 255, 255),
                 } else {
                     (255, 255, 255)
-                let c = if c == '\t' {
-                    ' '
-                } else {
-                    c
-                };
+                let c = if c == '\t' { ' ' } else { c };
                 if pos_x == x && pos_y == y {
                     self.window.char(8 * (x - scroll_x) as i32,
@@ -122,7 +110,10 @@ impl Editor {
         for (n, c) in self.prompt.chars().enumerate() {
-            self.window.char(n as i32 * 8, h as i32 - 16 - 1, c, Color::rgb(255, 255, 255));
+            self.window.char(n as i32 * 8,
+                             h as i32 - 16 - 1,
+                             c,
+                             Color::rgb(255, 255, 255));
@@ -135,41 +126,54 @@ impl Editor {
         let mode = self.cursor().mode;
-        let current_title = 
-            self.buffers.current_buffer_info().title.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()).unwrap_or("");
+        let current_title = self.buffers
+            .current_buffer_info()
+            .title
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|s| s.as_str())
+            .unwrap_or("");
-        let items = [
-            (self.status_bar.mode, 0, 4),
-            (current_title, 1, 4),
-            (&self.status_bar.cmd, 2, 4),
-            (&self.status_bar.msg, 3, 4)
-        ];
+        let items = [(self.status_bar.mode, 0, 4),
+                     (current_title, 1, 4),
+                     (&self.status_bar.cmd, 2, 4),
+                     (&self.status_bar.msg, 3, 4)];
         for &(text, a, b) in items.iter() {
             for (n, c) in (if text.len() as u32 > w / (8 * b) {
-                              text.chars().take((w / (8 * b) - 5) as usize).chain(vec!['.'; 3]).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-                          } else {
-                              text.chars().collect()
-                          })
-                          .into_iter()
-                          .enumerate() {
+                         text.chars()
+                             .take((w / (8 * b) - 5) as usize)
+                             .chain(vec!['.'; 3])
+                             .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+                     } else {
+                         text.chars().collect()
+                     })
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .enumerate() {
                 self.window.char(((w * a) / b) as i32 + (n as i32 * 8),
-                                    h as i32 - 16 - 1 -
-                                    {
-                                        if mode == Mode::Primitive(PrimitiveMode::Prompt) {
-                                            16 + 1 + 1
-                                        } else {
-                                            0
-                                        }
-                                    },
-                                    c,
-                                    Color::rgb(255, 255, 255));
+                                 h as i32 - 16 - 1 -
+                                 {
+                                     if mode == Mode::Primitive(PrimitiveMode::Prompt) {
+                                         16 + 1 + 1
+                                     } else {
+                                         0
+                                     }
+                                 },
+                                 c,
+                                 Color::rgb(255, 255, 255));
+#[cfg(not(feature = "orbital"))]
+impl Editor {
+    /// Redraw the window
+    pub fn redraw(&mut self) {}
+    /// Redraw the status bar
+    pub fn redraw_status_bar(&mut self) {}
 /// The statubar (showing various info about the current state of the editor)
 pub struct StatusBar {
     /// The current mode
diff --git a/src/io/key_state.rs b/src/io/key_state.rs
index bc736fe4c339d3514ed702dd722c8e85c3e50295..e0ec99761e40525039ef6b95a4a1c43cdb8d3e7a 100644
--- a/src/io/key_state.rs
+++ b/src/io/key_state.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use io::key::Key;
 #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use orbclient::KeyEvent;
@@ -30,12 +31,7 @@ impl KeyState {
     /// Feed the keystate with a new key input.
     #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
     pub fn feed(&mut self, k: KeyEvent) -> Option<Key> {
-        use orbclient::{
-            K_ALT,
-            K_CTRL,
-            K_LEFT_SHIFT,
-            K_RIGHT_SHIFT
-        };
+        use orbclient::{K_ALT, K_CTRL, K_LEFT_SHIFT, K_RIGHT_SHIFT};
         let c = k.character;
         match c {
diff --git a/src/io/parse.rs b/src/io/parse.rs
index 9f6af08fdaf3d7eab0e4c4627f629ed78d3e058f..76478dae3f25af1cc0455de792f8122f093b38d5 100644
--- a/src/io/parse.rs
+++ b/src/io/parse.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 use io::key::{Cmd, Key};
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use io::redraw::RedrawTask;
 use state::editor::Editor;
+#[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
 use state::mode::Mode;
 #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
@@ -42,82 +44,86 @@ impl Editor {
     pub fn get_char(&mut self) -> char {
         #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
         loop {
-            for event in  self.window.events() {
-                match event.to_option(){
+            for event in self.window.events() {
+                match event.to_option() {
                     EventOption::Key(k) => {
                         if let Some(Key::Char(c)) = self.key_state.feed(k) {
                             self.redraw_task = RedrawTask::StatusBar;
                             return c;
-                    },
-                    _ => {},
+                    }
+                    _ => {}
+        #[cfg(not(feature = "orbital"))]
+        '\0'
     /// Get the next instruction, i.e. the next input of a command together with a numeral
     /// parameter.
     pub fn get_inst(&mut self) -> Inst {
-        let mut n = 0;
-        let mut unset = true;
+        #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
+        {
+            let mut n = 0;
+            let mut unset = true;
-        let mut key = Key::Null;
-        self.status_bar.cmd = String::new();
+            let mut key = Key::Null;
+            self.status_bar.cmd = String::new();
-        // self.status_bar.cmd = String::new();
-        #[cfg(feature = "orbital")]
-        loop {
-            for event in self.window.events() {
-                match event.to_option() {
-                    EventOption::Key(key_event) => {
-                        if let Some(k) = self.key_state.feed(key_event) {
-                            let c = k.to_char();
-                            self.status_bar.cmd.push(c);
-                            self.redraw_status_bar();
+            // self.status_bar.cmd = String::new();
+            loop {
+                for event in self.window.events() {
+                    match event.to_option() {
+                        EventOption::Key(key_event) => {
+                            if let Some(k) = self.key_state.feed(key_event) {
+                                let c = k.to_char();
+                                self.status_bar.cmd.push(c);
+                                self.redraw_status_bar();
-                            match self.cursor().mode {
-                                Mode::Primitive(_) => {
-                                    key = k;
-                                }
-                                Mode::Command(_) => {
-                                    n = match c {
-                                        '0' ... '9' => {
-                                            unset = false;
-                                            n * 10 + ((c as u8) - b'0') as usize
-                                        }
-                                        _ => {
+                                match self.cursor().mode {
+                                    Mode::Primitive(_) => {
+                                        key = k;
+                                    }
+                                    Mode::Command(_) => {
+                                        n = match c {
+                                            '0'...'9' => {
+                                                unset = false;
+                                                n * 10 + ((c as u8) - b'0') as usize
+                                            }
+                                            _ => {
-                                            key = k;
-                                            n
-                                        }
-                                    };
-                                }
+                                                key = k;
+                                                n
+                                            }
+                                        };
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            match key {
+                                Key::Null => {}
+                                _ => {
+                                    return Inst(if unset {
+                                                    Parameter::Null
+                                                } else {
+                                                    Parameter::Int(n)
+                                                },
+                                                Cmd { key: key });
+                                }
-                        match key {
-                            Key::Null => {},
-                            _ => {
-                                return Inst(
-                                    if unset {
-                                        Parameter::Null
-                                    } else {
-                                        Parameter::Int(n)
-                                    },
-                                    Cmd { key: key }
-                                );
-                            },
+                        EventOption::Quit(_) => {
+                            return Inst(Parameter::Null, Cmd { key: Key::Quit });
-                    },
-                    EventOption::Quit(_) => {
-                        return Inst(Parameter::Null, Cmd { key: Key::Quit });
-                    },
-                    _ => {},
+                        _ => {}
+                    }
+        #[cfg(not(feature = "orbital"))]
+        Inst(Parameter::Null, Cmd { key: Key::Null })