diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 8996ba411c79c1096630310b5a176155f023abaa..aafeb0d9906badc953b014d369d46435ef466983 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ name = "viewer"
 path = "src/viewer/main.rs"
+calculate = "0.1.*"
 html5ever = "0.12"
 html5ever-atoms = "0.1"
 hyper-rustls = "0.6"
diff --git a/src/calculator/main.rs b/src/calculator/main.rs
index b27dc96855f17a4d759886e408958492c517f363..9bf9fb773cbf4041d49a40ae8eabfce606163c93 100644
--- a/src/calculator/main.rs
+++ b/src/calculator/main.rs
@@ -1,279 +1,15 @@
 extern crate orbtk;
+extern crate calc;
 use orbtk::{Button, Point, Rect, TextBox, Window};
 use orbtk::traits::{Click, Enter, Place, Text};
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum Token {
-    Plus,
-    Minus,
-    Divide,
-    Multiply,
-    Exponent,
-    OpenParen,
-    CloseParen,
-    Number(String),
-impl Token {
-    pub fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
-        match self {
-            &Token::Plus       => "Plus",
-            &Token::Minus      => "Minus",
-            &Token::Divide     => "Divide",
-            &Token::Multiply   => "Multiply",
-            &Token::Exponent   => "Exponent",
-            &Token::OpenParen  => "OpenParen",
-            &Token::CloseParen => "CloseParen",
-            &Token::Number(_)  => "Number",
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
-        self.to_str().to_owned()
-    }
-#[derive(Debug,  Clone)]
-pub enum ParseError {
-    InvalidNumber(String),
-    UnrecognizedToken(String),
-    UnexpectedToken(String, &'static str),
-    UnexpectedEndOfInput,
-    OtherError(String),
-pub struct IntermediateResult {
-    value: f64,
-    tokens_read: usize,
-impl IntermediateResult {
-    fn new(value: f64, tokens_read: usize) -> Self {
-        IntermediateResult {
-            value: value,
-            tokens_read: tokens_read,
-        }
-    }
-pub trait OperatorFunctions {
-    fn is_operator(self) -> bool;
-    fn operator_type(self) -> Token;
-impl OperatorFunctions for char {
-    fn is_operator(self) -> bool {
-        self == '+' ||
-        self == '-' ||
-        self == '*' ||
-        self == '/' ||
-        self == '^' ||
-        self == '(' ||
-        self == ')'
-    }
-    fn operator_type(self) -> Token {
-        match self {
-            '+' => Token::Plus,
-            '-' => Token::Minus,
-            '/' => Token::Divide,
-            '*' => Token::Multiply,
-            '^' => Token::Exponent,
-            '(' => Token::OpenParen,
-            ')' => Token::CloseParen,
-            _   => panic!("Invalid operator")
-        }
-    }
-pub fn tokenize(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, ParseError> {
-    // CONSIDER: input.len() too generous?
-    let mut tokens = Vec::with_capacity(input.len());
-    // TODO: Not this. Modify to use iterator
-    let chars: Vec<char> = input.chars().collect();
-    let input_length = chars.len();
-    let mut current_pos = 0;
-    while current_pos < input_length {
-        let c = chars[current_pos];
-        if c.is_digit(10) {
-            let token_string = consume_number(&chars[current_pos..]);
-            current_pos += token_string.len();
-            tokens.push(Token::Number(token_string));
-        } else if c.is_operator() {
-            tokens.push(c.operator_type());
-            current_pos += 1;
-        } else if c.is_whitespace() {
-            current_pos += 1;
-        } else {
-            let token_string = consume_until_new_token(&chars[current_pos..]);
-            return Err(ParseError::UnrecognizedToken(token_string));
-        }
-    }
-    Ok(tokens)
-fn consume_number(input: &[char]) -> String {
-    // CONSIDER: input.len seems a bit generous
-    let mut number = String::with_capacity(input.len());
-    let mut has_decimal_point = false;
-    for &c in input {
-        if c == '.' {
-            if has_decimal_point {
-                break;
-            } else {
-                number.push(c);
-                has_decimal_point = true;
-            }
-        } else if c.is_digit(10) {
-            number.push(c);
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    number
-fn consume_until_new_token(input: &[char]) -> String {
-    input.iter()
-         .take_while(|c| !(c.is_whitespace() || c.is_operator() || c.is_digit(10)))
-         .map(|&c| c)
-         .collect()
-// Addition and subtraction
-pub fn e_expr(token_list: &[Token]) -> Result<IntermediateResult, ParseError> {
-    let mut t1 = try!(t_expr(token_list));
-    let mut index = t1.tokens_read;
-    while index < token_list.len() {
-        match token_list[index] {
-            Token::Plus => {
-                let t2 = try!(t_expr(&token_list[index+1..]));
-                t1.value += t2.value;
-                t1.tokens_read += t2.tokens_read + 1;
-            }
-            Token::Minus => {
-                let t2 = try!(t_expr(&token_list[index+1..]));
-                t1.value -= t2.value;
-                t1.tokens_read += t2.tokens_read + 1;
-            }
-            Token::Number(ref n) => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(n.clone(),"operator")),
-            _ => break,
-        };
-        index = t1.tokens_read;
-    }
-    Ok(t1)
-// Multiplication and division
-pub fn t_expr(token_list: &[Token]) -> Result<IntermediateResult, ParseError> {
-    let mut f1 = try!(f_expr(token_list));
-    let mut index = f1.tokens_read;
-    while index < token_list.len() {
-        match token_list[index] {
-            Token::Multiply => {
-                let f2 = try!(f_expr(&token_list[index+1..]));
-                f1.value *= f2.value;
-                f1.tokens_read += f2.tokens_read + 1;
-            }
-            Token::Divide => {
-                let f2 = try!(f_expr(&token_list[index+1..]));
-                if f2.value == 0.0 {
-                    return Err(ParseError::OtherError("Divide by zero error".to_owned()));
-                } else {
-                    f1.value /= f2.value;
-                    f1.tokens_read += f2.tokens_read + 1;
-                }
-            }
-            Token::Number(ref n) => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(n.clone(),"operator")),
-            _ => break,
-        }
-        index = f1.tokens_read;
-    }
-    Ok(f1)
-// Exponentiation
-pub fn f_expr(token_list: &[Token]) -> Result<IntermediateResult, ParseError> {
-    let mut g1 = try!(g_expr(token_list));
-    let mut index = g1.tokens_read;
-    let token_len = token_list.len();
-    while index < token_len {
-        match token_list[index] {
-            Token::Exponent => {
-                let f = try!(f_expr(&token_list[index+1..]));
-                g1.value = g1.value.powf(f.value);
-                g1.tokens_read += f.tokens_read + 1;
-            }
-            Token::Number(ref n) => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(n.clone(),"operator")),
-            _ => break,
-        }
-        index = g1.tokens_read;
-    }
-    Ok(g1)
-// Numbers and parenthesized expressions
-pub fn g_expr(token_list: &[Token]) -> Result<IntermediateResult, ParseError> {
-    if !token_list.is_empty() {
-        match token_list[0] {
-            Token::Number(ref n) => {
-                n.parse::<f64>()
-                 .map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidNumber(n.clone()))
-                 .and_then(|num| Ok(IntermediateResult::new(num, 1)))
-            }
-            Token::Minus => {
-                if token_list.len() > 1 {
-                    if let Token::Number(ref n) = token_list[1] {
-                        n.parse::<f64>()
-                         .map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidNumber(n.clone()))
-                         .and_then(|num| Ok(IntermediateResult::new(-1.0 * num, 2)))
-                    } else {
-                        Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(token_list[1].to_string(), "number"))
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    Err(ParseError::UnexpectedEndOfInput)
-                }
-            }
-            Token::OpenParen => {
-                let expr = e_expr(&token_list[1..]);
-                match expr {
-                    Ok(ir) => {
-                        let close_paren = ir.tokens_read + 1;
-                        if close_paren < token_list.len() {
-                            match token_list[close_paren] {
-                                Token::CloseParen => Ok(IntermediateResult::new(ir.value, close_paren+1)),
-                                _ => Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(token_list[close_paren].to_string(), ")")),
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            Err(ParseError::OtherError("no matching close parenthesis found.".to_owned()))
-                        }
-                    }
-                    Err(e) => Err(e),
-                }
-            }
-            _ => Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(token_list[0].to_string(), "number"))
-        }
-    } else {
-        Err(ParseError::UnexpectedEndOfInput)
-    }
-pub fn parse(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<String, ParseError> {
-    e_expr(&tokens).map(|answer| answer.value.to_string())
 fn eval(input: &str) -> String {
-    match tokenize(input).and_then(parse) {
-        Ok(s) => s,
-        Err(_e) => "Syntax Error".to_string()
+    match calc::eval(input) {
+        Ok(s) => s.to_string(),
+        Err(e) => e.into()