extern crate fuse; extern crate time; use std::cmp; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::path::Path; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use crate::{filesystem, Disk, Node, TreeData, TreePtr, BLOCK_SIZE}; use self::fuse::{ FileAttr, FileType, Filesystem, ReplyAttr, ReplyCreate, ReplyData, ReplyDirectory, ReplyEmpty, ReplyEntry, ReplyStatfs, ReplyWrite, Request, Session, }; use self::time::Timespec; const TTL: Timespec = Timespec { sec: 1, nsec: 0 }; // 1 second const NULL_TIME: Timespec = Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 }; pub fn mount<D, P, T, F>( filesystem: filesystem::FileSystem<D>, mountpoint: P, mut callback: F, ) -> io::Result<T> where D: Disk, P: AsRef<Path>, F: FnMut(&Path) -> T, { let mountpoint = mountpoint.as_ref(); // One of the uses of this redoxfs fuse wrapper is to populate a filesystem // while building the Redox OS kernel. This means that we need to write on // a filesystem that belongs to `root`, which in turn means that we need to // be `root`, thus that we need to allow `root` to have access. let defer_permissions = [OsStr::new("-o"), OsStr::new("defer_permissions")]; let mut session = Session::new( Fuse { fs: filesystem }, mountpoint, if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { &defer_permissions } else { &[] }, )?; let res = callback(mountpoint); session.run()?; Ok(res) } pub struct Fuse<D: Disk> { pub fs: filesystem::FileSystem<D>, } fn node_attr(node: &TreeData<Node>) -> FileAttr { FileAttr { ino: node.id() as u64, size: node.data().size(), // Blocks is in 512 byte blocks, not in our block size blocks: (node.data().size() + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE * (BLOCK_SIZE / 512), atime: Timespec { sec: node.data().atime().0 as i64, nsec: node.data().atime().1 as i32, }, mtime: Timespec { sec: node.data().mtime().0 as i64, nsec: node.data().mtime().1 as i32, }, ctime: Timespec { sec: node.data().ctime().0 as i64, nsec: node.data().ctime().1 as i32, }, crtime: NULL_TIME, kind: if node.data().is_dir() { FileType::Directory } else if node.data().is_symlink() { FileType::Symlink } else { FileType::RegularFile }, perm: node.data().mode() & Node::MODE_PERM, nlink: node.data().links(), uid: node.data().uid(), gid: node.data().gid(), rdev: 0, flags: 0, } } impl<D: Disk> Filesystem for Fuse<D> { fn lookup(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEntry) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::new(parent_id as u32); match self .fs .tx(|tx| tx.find_node(parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap())) { Ok(node) => { reply.entry(&TTL, &node_attr(&node), 0); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &Request, node_id: u64, reply: ReplyAttr) { let node_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(node_id as u32); match self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.read_tree(node_ptr)) { Ok(node) => { reply.attr(&TTL, &node_attr(&node)); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn setattr( &mut self, _req: &Request, node_id: u64, mode: Option<u32>, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, size: Option<u64>, atime: Option<Timespec>, mtime: Option<Timespec>, _fh: Option<u64>, _crtime: Option<Timespec>, _chgtime: Option<Timespec>, _bkuptime: Option<Timespec>, _flags: Option<u32>, reply: ReplyAttr, ) { let node_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(node_id as u32); let mut node = match self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.read_tree(node_ptr)) { Ok(ok) => ok, Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); return; } }; let mut node_changed = false; if let Some(mode) = mode { if node.data().mode() & Node::MODE_PERM != mode as u16 & Node::MODE_PERM { let new_mode = (node.data().mode() & Node::MODE_TYPE) | (mode as u16 & Node::MODE_PERM); node.data_mut().set_mode(new_mode); node_changed = true; } } if let Some(uid) = uid { if node.data().uid() != uid { node.data_mut().set_uid(uid); node_changed = true; } } if let Some(gid) = gid { if node.data().gid() != gid { node.data_mut().set_gid(gid); node_changed = true; } } if let Some(atime) = atime { node.data_mut() .set_atime(atime.sec as u64, atime.nsec as u32); node_changed = true; } if let Some(mtime) = mtime { node.data_mut() .set_mtime(mtime.sec as u64, mtime.nsec as u32); node_changed = true; } if let Some(size) = size { match self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.truncate_node_inner(&mut node, size)) { Ok(ok) => { if ok { node_changed = true; } } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); return; } } } let attr = node_attr(&node); if node_changed { if let Err(err) = self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.sync_tree(node)) { reply.error(err.errno as i32); return; } } reply.attr(&TTL, &attr); } fn read( &mut self, _req: &Request, node_id: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, size: u32, reply: ReplyData, ) { let node_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(node_id as u32); let atime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); let mut data = vec![0; size as usize]; match self.fs.tx(|tx| { tx.read_node( node_ptr, cmp::max(0, offset) as u64, &mut data, atime.as_secs(), atime.subsec_nanos(), ) }) { Ok(count) => { reply.data(&data[..count]); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn write( &mut self, _req: &Request, node_id: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, data: &[u8], _flags: u32, reply: ReplyWrite, ) { let node_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(node_id as u32); let mtime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); match self.fs.tx(|tx| { tx.write_node( node_ptr, cmp::max(0, offset) as u64, data, mtime.as_secs(), mtime.subsec_nanos(), ) }) { Ok(count) => { reply.written(count as u32); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn flush(&mut self, _req: &Request, _ino: u64, _fh: u64, _lock_owner: u64, reply: ReplyEmpty) { reply.ok(); } fn fsync(&mut self, _req: &Request, _ino: u64, _fh: u64, _datasync: bool, reply: ReplyEmpty) { reply.ok(); } fn readdir( &mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, mut reply: ReplyDirectory, ) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::new(parent_id as u32); let mut children = Vec::new(); match self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.child_nodes(parent_ptr, &mut children)) { Ok(()) => { let mut i; let skip; if offset == 0 { skip = 0; i = 0; reply.add(parent_id, i, FileType::Directory, "."); i += 1; reply.add( //TODO: get parent? parent_id, i, FileType::Directory, "..", ); i += 1; } else { i = offset + 1; skip = offset as usize - 1; } for child in children.iter().skip(skip) { //TODO: make it possible to get file type from directory entry let node = match self.fs.tx(|tx| tx.read_tree(child.node_ptr())) { Ok(ok) => ok, Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); return; } }; let full = reply.add( child.node_ptr().id() as u64, i, if node.data().is_dir() { FileType::Directory } else { FileType::RegularFile }, child.name().unwrap(), ); if full { break; } i += 1; } reply.ok(); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn create( &mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, mode: u32, flags: u32, reply: ReplyCreate, ) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(parent_id as u32); let ctime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); match self.fs.tx(|tx| { tx.create_node( parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap(), Node::MODE_FILE | (mode as u16 & Node::MODE_PERM), ctime.as_secs(), ctime.subsec_nanos(), ) }) { Ok(node) => { // println!("Create {:?}:{:o}:{:o}", node.1.name(), node.1.mode, mode); reply.created(&TTL, &node_attr(&node), 0, 0, flags); } Err(error) => { reply.error(error.errno as i32); } } } fn mkdir( &mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, mode: u32, reply: ReplyEntry, ) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(parent_id as u32); let ctime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); match self.fs.tx(|tx| { tx.create_node( parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap(), Node::MODE_DIR | (mode as u16 & Node::MODE_PERM), ctime.as_secs(), ctime.subsec_nanos(), ) }) { Ok(node) => { // println!("Mkdir {:?}:{:o}:{:o}", node.1.name(), node.1.mode, mode); reply.entry(&TTL, &node_attr(&node), 0); } Err(error) => { reply.error(error.errno as i32); } } } fn rmdir(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEmpty) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(parent_id as u32); match self .fs .tx(|tx| tx.remove_node(parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap(), Node::MODE_DIR)) { Ok(()) => { reply.ok(); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn unlink(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEmpty) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(parent_id as u32); match self .fs .tx(|tx| tx.remove_node(parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap(), Node::MODE_FILE)) { Ok(()) => { reply.ok(); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn statfs(&mut self, _req: &Request, _ino: u64, reply: ReplyStatfs) { let bsize = BLOCK_SIZE; let blocks = self.fs.header.size() / bsize; let bfree = self.fs.allocator().free(); reply.statfs(blocks, bfree, bfree, 0, 0, bsize as u32, 256, 0); } fn symlink( &mut self, _req: &Request, parent_id: u64, name: &OsStr, link: &Path, reply: ReplyEntry, ) { let parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(parent_id as u32); let ctime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); match self.fs.tx(|tx| { let node = tx.create_node( parent_ptr, name.to_str().unwrap(), Node::MODE_SYMLINK | 0o777, ctime.as_secs(), ctime.subsec_nanos(), )?; let mtime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); tx.write_node( node.ptr(), 0, link.as_os_str().as_bytes(), mtime.as_secs(), mtime.subsec_nanos(), )?; Ok(node) }) { Ok(node) => { reply.entry(&TTL, &node_attr(&node), 0); } Err(error) => { reply.error(error.errno as i32); } } } fn readlink(&mut self, _req: &Request, node_id: u64, reply: ReplyData) { let node_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(node_id as u32); let atime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); let mut data = vec![0; 4096]; match self.fs.tx(|tx| { tx.read_node( node_ptr, 0, &mut data, atime.as_secs(), atime.subsec_nanos(), ) }) { Ok(count) => { reply.data(&data[..count]); } Err(err) => { reply.error(err.errno as i32); } } } fn rename( &mut self, _req: &Request, orig_parent: u64, orig_name: &OsStr, new_parent: u64, new_name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEmpty, ) { let orig_parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(orig_parent as u32); let orig_name = orig_name.to_str().expect("name is not utf-8"); let new_parent_ptr = TreePtr::<Node>::new(new_parent as u32); let new_name = new_name.to_str().expect("name is not utf-8"); // TODO: improve performance match self.fs.tx(|tx| { let node = tx.find_node(orig_parent_ptr, orig_name)?; tx.link_node(new_parent_ptr, new_name, node.ptr())?; tx.remove_node( orig_parent_ptr, orig_name, node.data().mode() & Node::MODE_TYPE, )?; Ok(()) }) { Ok(()) => reply.ok(), Err(err) => reply.error(err.errno as i32), } } }