use core::fmt::Write; use core::{mem, ptr}; use super::types::*; use super::{errno, FileWriter, Pal}; use c_str::CStr; use header::dirent::dirent; use header::errno::{EINVAL, ENOSYS}; use header::signal::SIGCHLD; use header::sys_ioctl::{winsize, TCGETS, TCSETS, TIOCGWINSZ}; // use header::sys_resource::rusage; use header::sys_select::fd_set; use header::sys_stat::stat; use header::sys_time::{itimerval, timeval, timezone}; // use header::sys_times::tms; use header::sys_utsname::utsname; use header::termios::termios; use header::time::timespec; mod signal; mod socket; const AT_FDCWD: c_int = -100; const AT_EMPTY_PATH: c_int = 0x1000; const AT_REMOVEDIR: c_int = 0x200; fn e(sys: usize) -> usize { if (sys as isize) < 0 && (sys as isize) >= -256 { unsafe { errno = -(sys as isize) as c_int; } !0 } else { sys } } pub struct Sys; impl Sys { fn getitimer(which: c_int, out: *mut itimerval) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETITIMER, which, out) }) as c_int } // fn getrusage(who: c_int, r_usage: *mut rusage) -> c_int { // e(unsafe { syscall!(GETRUSAGE, who, r_usage) }) as c_int // } pub fn ioctl(fd: c_int, request: c_ulong, out: *mut c_void) -> c_int { // TODO: Somehow support varargs to syscall?? e(unsafe { syscall!(IOCTL, fd, request, out) }) as c_int } fn setitimer(which: c_int, new: *const itimerval, old: *mut itimerval) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(SETITIMER, which, new, old) }) as c_int } // fn times(out: *mut tms) -> clock_t { // unsafe { syscall!(TIMES, out) as clock_t } // } fn umask(mask: mode_t) -> mode_t { unsafe { syscall!(UMASK, mask) as mode_t } } pub fn uname(utsname: *mut utsname) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(UNAME, utsname, 0) }) as c_int } } impl Pal for Sys { fn access(path: &CStr, mode: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(ACCESS, path.as_ptr(), mode) }) as c_int } fn brk(addr: *mut c_void) -> *mut c_void { unsafe { syscall!(BRK, addr) as *mut c_void } } fn chdir(path: &CStr) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(CHDIR, path.as_ptr()) }) as c_int } fn chmod(path: &CStr, mode: mode_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FCHMODAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), mode, 0) }) as c_int } fn chown(path: &CStr, owner: uid_t, group: gid_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!( FCHOWNAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), owner as u32, group as u32 ) }) as c_int } fn clock_gettime(clk_id: clockid_t, tp: *mut timespec) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(CLOCK_GETTIME, clk_id, tp) }) as c_int } fn close(fildes: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(CLOSE, fildes) }) as c_int } fn dup(fildes: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(DUP, fildes) }) as c_int } fn dup2(fildes: c_int, fildes2: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(DUP3, fildes, fildes2, 0) }) as c_int } unsafe fn execve(path: &CStr, argv: *const *mut c_char, envp: *const *mut c_char) -> c_int { e(syscall!(EXECVE, path.as_ptr(), argv, envp)) as c_int } fn exit(status: c_int) -> ! { unsafe { syscall!(EXIT, status); } loop {} } fn fchdir(fildes: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FCHDIR, fildes) }) as c_int } fn fchmod(fildes: c_int, mode: mode_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FCHMOD, fildes, mode) }) as c_int } fn fchown(fildes: c_int, owner: uid_t, group: gid_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FCHOWN, fildes, owner, group) }) as c_int } fn flock(fd: c_int, operation: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FLOCK, fd, operation) }) as c_int } fn fstat(fildes: c_int, buf: *mut stat) -> c_int { let empty_cstr: *const c_char = unsafe { super::cstr_from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"\0") }; e(unsafe { syscall!(NEWFSTATAT, fildes, empty_cstr, buf, AT_EMPTY_PATH) }) as c_int } fn fcntl(fildes: c_int, cmd: c_int, arg: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FCNTL, fildes, cmd, arg) }) as c_int } fn fork() -> pid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(CLONE, SIGCHLD, 0) }) as pid_t } fn fsync(fildes: c_int) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FSYNC, fildes) }) as c_int } fn ftruncate(fildes: c_int, length: off_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(FTRUNCATE, fildes, length) }) as c_int } fn futimens(fd: c_int, times: *const timespec) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(UTIMENSAT, fd, ptr::null::<c_char>(), times, 0) }) as c_int } fn utimens(path: &CStr, times: *const timespec) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(UTIMENSAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), times, 0) }) as c_int } fn getcwd(buf: *mut c_char, size: size_t) -> *mut c_char { if e(unsafe { syscall!(GETCWD, buf, size) }) == !0 { ptr::null_mut() } else { buf } } fn getdents(fd: c_int, dirents: *mut dirent, bytes: usize) -> c_int { unsafe { syscall!(GETDENTS64, fd, dirents, bytes) as c_int } } fn getegid() -> gid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETEGID) }) as gid_t } fn geteuid() -> uid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETEUID) }) as uid_t } fn getgid() -> gid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETGID) }) as gid_t } unsafe fn gethostname(mut name: *mut c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int { // len only needs to be mutable on linux let mut len = len; let mut uts = mem::uninitialized(); let err = Sys::uname(&mut uts); if err < 0 { mem::forget(uts); return err; } for c in uts.nodename.iter() { if len == 0 { break; } len -= 1; *name = *c; if *name == 0 { // We do want to copy the zero also, so we check this after the copying. break; } name = name.offset(1); } 0 } fn getpgid(pid: pid_t) -> pid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETPGID, pid) }) as pid_t } fn getpid() -> pid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETPID) }) as pid_t } fn getppid() -> pid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETPPID) }) as pid_t } fn gettimeofday(tp: *mut timeval, tzp: *mut timezone) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETTIMEOFDAY, tp, tzp) }) as c_int } fn getuid() -> uid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(GETUID) }) as uid_t } fn isatty(fd: c_int) -> c_int { let mut winsize = winsize::default(); (Self::ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &mut winsize as *mut _ as *mut c_void) == 0) as c_int } fn link(path1: &CStr, path2: &CStr) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!( LINKAT, AT_FDCWD, path1.as_ptr(), AT_FDCWD, path2.as_ptr(), 0 ) }) as c_int } fn lseek(fildes: c_int, offset: off_t, whence: c_int) -> off_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(LSEEK, fildes, offset, whence) }) as off_t } fn mkdir(path: &CStr, mode: mode_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(MKDIRAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), mode) }) as c_int } fn mkfifo(path: &CStr, mode: mode_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(MKNODAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), mode, 0) }) as c_int } unsafe fn mmap( addr: *mut c_void, len: usize, prot: c_int, flags: c_int, fildes: c_int, off: off_t, ) -> *mut c_void { e(syscall!(MMAP, addr, len, prot, flags, fildes, off)) as *mut c_void } unsafe fn munmap(addr: *mut c_void, len: usize) -> c_int { e(syscall!(MUNMAP, addr, len)) as c_int } fn nanosleep(rqtp: *const timespec, rmtp: *mut timespec) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(NANOSLEEP, rqtp, rmtp) }) as c_int } fn open(path: &CStr, oflag: c_int, mode: mode_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(OPENAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), oflag, mode) }) as c_int } fn pipe(fildes: &mut [c_int]) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(PIPE2, fildes.as_mut_ptr(), 0) }) as c_int } fn read(fildes: c_int, buf: &mut [u8]) -> ssize_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(READ, fildes, buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len()) }) as ssize_t } fn rename(old: &CStr, new: &CStr) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(RENAMEAT, AT_FDCWD, old.as_ptr(), AT_FDCWD, new.as_ptr()) }) as c_int } fn rmdir(path: &CStr) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(UNLINKAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), AT_REMOVEDIR) }) as c_int } fn select( nfds: c_int, readfds: *mut fd_set, writefds: *mut fd_set, exceptfds: *mut fd_set, timeout: *mut timeval, ) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(SELECT, nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout) }) as c_int } fn setpgid(pid: pid_t, pgid: pid_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(SETPGID, pid, pgid) }) as c_int } fn setregid(rgid: gid_t, egid: gid_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(SETREGID, rgid, egid) }) as c_int } fn setreuid(ruid: uid_t, euid: uid_t) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(SETREUID, ruid, euid) }) as c_int } fn tcgetattr(fd: c_int, out: *mut termios) -> c_int { Self::ioctl(fd, TCGETS, out as *mut c_void) } fn tcsetattr(fd: c_int, act: c_int, value: *const termios) -> c_int { if act < 0 || act > 2 { unsafe { errno = EINVAL; } return -1; } // This is safe because ioctl shouldn't modify the value Self::ioctl(fd, TCSETS + act as c_ulong, value as *mut c_void) } fn unlink(path: &CStr) -> c_int { e(unsafe { syscall!(UNLINKAT, AT_FDCWD, path.as_ptr(), 0) }) as c_int } fn waitpid(pid: pid_t, stat_loc: *mut c_int, options: c_int) -> pid_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(WAIT4, pid, stat_loc, options, 0) }) as pid_t } fn write(fildes: c_int, buf: &[u8]) -> ssize_t { e(unsafe { syscall!(WRITE, fildes, buf.as_ptr(), buf.len()) }) as ssize_t } }