#![no_std] #![feature(asm)] #![feature(lang_items)] #![feature(llvm_asm)] #[macro_use] extern crate alloc; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::{ cmp, fmt::{self, Write}, ptr, slice, }; use linked_list_allocator::LockedHeap; use log::{error, info}; use self::disk::DiskBios; use self::logger::LOGGER; use self::thunk::ThunkData; use self::vbe::{VbeCardInfo, VbeModeInfo}; use self::vga::{VgaTextBlock, VgaTextColor, Vga}; mod disk; mod logger; mod panic; mod thunk; mod vbe; mod vga; // Real mode memory allocation, for use with thunk // 0x500 to 0x7BFF is free const VBE_CARD_INFO_ADDR: usize = 0x500; // 512 bytes, ends at 0x6FF const VBE_MODE_INFO_ADDR: usize = 0x700; // 256 bytes, ends at 0x7FF const DISK_ADDRESS_PACKET_ADDR: usize = 0x0FF0; // 16 bytes, ends at 0x0FFF const DISK_BIOS_ADDR: usize = 0x1000; // 4096 bytes, ends at 0x1FFF const THUNK_STACK_ADDR: usize = 0x7C00; // Grows downwards const VGA_ADDR: usize = 0xB8000; #[global_allocator] static ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty(); static mut VGA: Vga = unsafe { Vga::new(VGA_ADDR as *mut VgaTextBlock, 80, 25) }; #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn kstart( boot_disk: usize, thunk10: extern "C" fn(), thunk13: extern "C" fn(), thunk15: extern "C" fn(), thunk16: extern "C" fn(), ) -> ! { { // Make sure we are in mode 3 (80x25 text mode) let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.ax = 0x03; data.with(thunk10); } { // Disable cursor let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.ax = 0x0100; data.cx = 0x3F00; data.with(thunk10); } { // Clear VGA console let blocks = VGA.blocks(); for i in 0..blocks.len() { blocks[i] = VgaTextBlock { char: 0, color: ((VGA.bg as u8) << 4) | (VGA.fg as u8), }; } } // Initialize allocator at the end of stage 3 with a meager 1 MiB extern "C" { static mut __end: u8; } let heap_start = &__end as *const _ as usize; let heap_size = 1024 * 1024; ALLOCATOR.lock().init(heap_start, heap_size); // Set logger LOGGER.init(); // Locate RedoxFS { //TODO: ensure boot_disk is 8-bit info!("DISK {:02X}", boot_disk); let disk = DiskBios::new(boot_disk as u8, thunk13); //TODO: get block from partition table let block = 1024 * 1024 / redoxfs::BLOCK_SIZE; match redoxfs::FileSystem::open(disk, Some(block)) { Ok(mut fs) => { info!("RedoxFS {} MiB", fs.header.1.size / 1024 / 1024); match fs.find_node("kernel", fs.header.1.root) { Ok(node) => match fs.node_len(node.0) { Ok(len) => { info!("Kernel {} MiB", len / 1024 / 1024); }, Err(err) => { error!("Failed to read kernel file length: {:?}", err); } }, Err(err) => { error!("Failed to find kernel file: {:?}", err); } } }, Err(err) => { error!("Failed to open RedoxFS: {:?}", err); } } } let mut modes = Vec::new(); { // Get card info let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.ax = 0x4F00; data.di = VBE_CARD_INFO_ADDR as u16; data.with(thunk10); if data.ax == 0x004F { let card_info = ptr::read(VBE_CARD_INFO_ADDR as *const VbeCardInfo); let mut mode_ptr = card_info.videomodeptr as *const u16; loop { // Ask for linear frame buffer with mode let mode = *mode_ptr | (1 << 14); if mode == 0xFFFF { break; } mode_ptr = mode_ptr.add(1); // Get mode info let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.ax = 0x4F01; data.cx = mode; data.di = VBE_MODE_INFO_ADDR as u16; data.with(thunk10); if data.ax == 0x004F { let mode_info = ptr::read(VBE_MODE_INFO_ADDR as *const VbeModeInfo); // We only support 32-bits per pixel modes if mode_info.bitsperpixel != 32 { continue; } let w = mode_info.xresolution as u32; let h = mode_info.yresolution as u32; let mut aspect_w = w; let mut aspect_h = h; for i in 2..cmp::min(aspect_w / 2, aspect_h / 2) { while aspect_w % i == 0 && aspect_h % i == 0 { aspect_w /= i; aspect_h /= i; } } //TODO: support resolutions that are not perfect multiples of 4 if w % 4 != 0 { continue; } modes.push(( mode, w, h, mode_info.physbaseptr, format!("{:>4}x{:<4} {:>3}:{:<3}", w, h, aspect_w, aspect_h) )); } else { error!("Failed to read VBE mode 0x{:04X} info: 0x{:04X}", mode, data.ax); } } } else { error!("Failed to read VBE card info: 0x{:04X}", data.ax); } } // Sort modes by pixel area, reversed modes.sort_by(|a, b| (b.1 * b.2).cmp(&(a.1 * a.2))); writeln!(VGA, "Arrow keys and enter select mode").unwrap(); //TODO 0x4F03 VBE function to get current mode let off_x = VGA.x; let off_y = VGA.y; let rows = 12; let mut selected = modes.get(0).map_or(0, |x| x.0); loop { let mut row = 0; let mut col = 0; for (mode, w, h, ptr, text) in modes.iter() { if row >= rows { col += 1; row = 0; } VGA.x = off_x + col * 20; VGA.y = off_y + row; if *mode == selected { VGA.bg = VgaTextColor::White; VGA.fg = VgaTextColor::Black; } else { VGA.bg = VgaTextColor::DarkGray; VGA.fg = VgaTextColor::White; } write!(VGA, "{}", text).unwrap(); row += 1; } // Read keypress let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.with(thunk16); match (data.ax >> 8) as u8 { 0x4B /* Left */ => { if let Some(mut mode_i) = modes.iter().position(|x| x.0 == selected) { if mode_i < rows { while mode_i < modes.len() { mode_i += rows; } } mode_i -= rows; if let Some(new) = modes.get(mode_i) { selected = new.0; } } }, 0x4D /* Right */ => { if let Some(mut mode_i) = modes.iter().position(|x| x.0 == selected) { mode_i += rows; if mode_i >= modes.len() { mode_i = mode_i % rows; } if let Some(new) = modes.get(mode_i) { selected = new.0; } } }, 0x48 /* Up */ => { if let Some(mut mode_i) = modes.iter().position(|x| x.0 == selected) { if mode_i % rows == 0 { mode_i += rows; if mode_i > modes.len() { mode_i = modes.len(); } } mode_i -= 1; if let Some(new) = modes.get(mode_i) { selected = new.0; } } }, 0x50 /* Down */ => { if let Some(mut mode_i) = modes.iter().position(|x| x.0 == selected) { mode_i += 1; if mode_i % rows == 0 { mode_i -= rows; } if mode_i >= modes.len() { mode_i = mode_i - mode_i % rows; } if let Some(new) = modes.get(mode_i) { selected = new.0; } } }, 0x1C /* Enter */ => { let mut data = ThunkData::new(); data.ax = 0x4F02; data.bx = selected; data.with(thunk10); }, _ => (), } } }