ORG 0x7C00 SECTION .text USE16 boot: ; dl comes with disk ; initialize segment registers xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ss, ax ; initialize stack mov sp, 0x7C00 ; initialize CS push ax push word .set_cs retf .set_cs: ; save disk number mov [disk], dl mov si, name call print call print_line mov bx, (startup_start - boot) / 512 call print_hex call print_line mov bx, startup_start call print_hex call print_line mov eax, (startup_start - boot) / 512 mov bx, startup_start mov cx, (startup_end - startup_start) / 512 xor dx, dx call load call print_line mov si, finished call print call print_line jmp startup ; load some sectors from disk to a buffer in memory ; buffer has to be below 1MiB ; IN ; ax: start sector ; bx: offset of buffer ; cx: number of sectors (512 Bytes each) ; dx: segment of buffer ; CLOBBER ; ax, bx, cx, dx, si ; TODO rewrite to (eventually) move larger parts at once ; if that is done increase buffer_size_sectors in startup-common to that (max 0x80000 - startup_end) load: cmp cx, 127 jbe .good_size pusha mov cx, 127 call load popa add eax, 127 add dx, 127 * 512 / 16 sub cx, 127 jmp load .good_size: mov [DAPACK.addr], eax mov [DAPACK.buf], bx mov [DAPACK.count], cx mov [DAPACK.seg], dx call print_dapack mov dl, [disk] mov si, DAPACK mov ah, 0x42 int 0x13 jc error ret print_dapack: mov al, 13 call print_char mov bx, [DAPACK.addr + 2] call print_hex mov bx, [DAPACK.addr] call print_hex mov al, '#' call print_char mov bx, [DAPACK.count] call print_hex mov al, ' ' call print_char mov bx, [DAPACK.seg] call print_hex mov al, ':' call print_char mov bx, [DAPACK.buf] call print_hex ret error: call print_line mov bh, 0 mov bl, ah call print_hex mov al, ' ' call print_char mov si, errored call print call print_line .halt: cli hlt jmp .halt %include "print.asm" name: db "Redox Loader - Stage One",0 errored: db "Could not read disk",0 finished: db "Redox Loader - Stage Two",0 disk: db 0 DAPACK: db 0x10 db 0 .count: dw 0 ; int 13 resets this to # of blocks actually read/written .buf: dw 0 ; memory buffer destination address (0:7c00) .seg: dw 0 ; in memory page zero .addr: dq 0 ; put the lba to read in this spot times 446-($-$$) db 0 partitions: times 4 * 16 db 0 db 0x55 db 0xaa