SECTION .text USE16 ; provide function for printing in x86 real mode ; print a string and a newline ; CLOBBER ; ax print_line: mov al, 13 call print_char mov al, 10 jmp print_char ; print a string ; IN ; si: points at zero-terminated String ; CLOBBER ; ax print: cld .loop: lodsb test al, al jz .done call print_char jmp .loop .done: ret ; print a character ; IN ; al: character to print ; CLOBBER ; ah print_char: mov ah, 0x0e int 0x10 ret ; print a number in hex ; IN ; bx: the number ; CLOBBER ; cx, ax print_num: mov cx, 4 .lp: mov al, bh shr al, 4 cmp al, 0xA jb .below_0xA add al, 'A' - 0xA - '0' .below_0xA: add al, '0' call print_char shl bx, 4 loop .lp ret