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  • Alex Hornby's avatar
    Fix for case where calling shrink_to_fit could make the map larger · df565f17
    Alex Hornby authored
    Reproduced issue by adding new test shrink_to_fit_after_insert.  Checked it was failing before doing any changes
    With the test in place fixes were:
    1. Make CHashMap::reserve be the place the amortizing growth factor LENGTH_MULTIPLIER is applied, rather than Table::with_capacity ( non-CHashMap::reserve users of Table::with_capacity are requesting a specific capacity and just need load factor applied, not amortizing growth multiplier )
    2. Apply load factor consistently in Table::with_capacity() vs CHashMap::capacity()
    3. Apply MINIMUM_CAPACITY in CHashMap::capacity to stop reported capacity being below requested.
    4. Add test known_size_with_capacity_matches_shrink to test the initial capacity+shrink case
    Tested via cargo test