diff --git a/recipes/userutils/recipe.sh b/recipes/userutils/recipe.sh
index d5cf814d8b00235a5629c750e801f35405e91bb1..3c8640e0fb3002fe7dd6188bee26f1473ffff763 100644
--- a/recipes/userutils/recipe.sh
+++ b/recipes/userutils/recipe.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,43 @@
+    id
+    getty
+    groupadd
+    groupmod
+    groupdel
+    login
+    passwd
+    su
+    sudo
+    useradd
+    usermod
+    userdel
 function recipe_stage {
-    cp -Rv res "$1/etc"
+    # Reimplement the entire copy bc of suid
+    if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ]
+    then
+        build=debug
+    else
+        build=release
+    fi
     mkdir -p "$1/bin"
+    for bin in "${BINS[@]}"
+    do
+        cp -v "target/x86_64-unknown-redox/$build/$bin" "$1/bin"
+    done
+    cp -Rv "res" "$1/etc"
     ln -s id "$1/bin/whoami"
+    chmod +s "$1/bin/passwd"
+    chmod +s "$1/bin/sudo"
+    chmod +s "$1/bin/su"
+    docgen ../source ../stage/ref
+    skip=1