#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e shopt -s nullglob source config.sh # Variables to be overriden by recipes export BINDIR=bin export CARGO=(env RUSTFLAGS="$PREFIX_RUSTFLAGS -C link-arg=-zmuldefs" cargo) export CARGOBUILD=rustc export CARGOFLAGS= export DEBUG= export EXAMPLES= export PREPARE_COPY=1 if hash sha256sum 2>/dev/null then SHASUM="sha256sum" else SHASUM="shasum -a 256" fi if [ ! "$(uname -s)" = "Redox" ] then function docgen { CC=cc AR=ar RANLIB=ranlib cargo run --release --manifest-path "$ROOT/docgen/Cargo.toml" --bin docgen -- "$@" } function pkg { CC=cc AR=ar RANLIB=ranlib cargo run --release --manifest-path "$ROOT/pkgutils/Cargo.toml" --bin pkg -- "$@" } function pkgar { CC=cc AR=ar RANLIB=ranlib cargo run --release --manifest-path "$ROOT/pkgar/Cargo.toml" --bin pkgar -- "$@" } fi function usage { echo "cook.sh $1 <op>" >&2 echo " dist" >&2 echo " distclean" >&2 echo " build" >&2 echo " clean" >&2 echo " fetch" >&2 echo " unfetch" >&2 echo " pkg" >&2 echo " unpkg" >&2 echo " prepare" >&2 echo " unprepare" >&2 echo " publish" >&2 echo " unpublish" >&2 echo " stage" >&2 echo " unstage" >&2 echo " tar" >&2 echo " untar" >&2 echo " version" >&2 } function op { if [ ! "$COOK_QUIET" = "1" ] then echo -e "\033[01;38;5;215mcook - $1 $2\033[0m" >&2 fi case "$2" in dist) op $1 prepare op $1 build op $1 stage op $1 tar op $1 pkg ;; distclean) op $1 unpkg op $1 untar op $1 unstage op $1 unprepare ;; fetch) skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_fetch)" = "function" ] then recipe_fetch fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then if [ -n "$TAR" ] then if [ ! -f source.tar ] then wget "$TAR" --continue -O source.tar.tmp mv source.tar.tmp source.tar fi if [ -n "$TAR_SHA256" ] then $SHASUM -c <<< "${TAR_SHA256} source.tar" fi if [ ! -d source ] then mkdir source tar xvf source.tar -C source --strip-components 1 fi elif [ -n "$GIT" ] then if [ ! -d source ] then if [ -n "$BRANCH" ] then git clone --recursive "$GIT" -b "$BRANCH" source else git clone --recursive "$GIT" source fi fi pushd source > /dev/null git remote set-url origin "$GIT" git fetch origin if [ -n "$GIT_UPSTREAM" ] then git remote set-url upstream "$GIT_UPSTREAM" &> /dev/null || git remote add upstream "$GIT_UPSTREAM" git fetch upstream fi ORIGIN_BRANCH="$(git branch --remotes | grep '^ origin/HEAD -> ' | cut -d ' ' -f 5-)" if [ -n "$BRANCH" ] then ORIGIN_BRANCH="origin/$BRANCH" fi if [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" != "$(git rev-parse $ORIGIN_BRANCH)" ] then git checkout -B "$(echo "$ORIGIN_BRANCH" | cut -d / -f 2-)" "$ORIGIN_BRANCH" fi git submodule sync --recursive git submodule update --init --recursive popd > /dev/null fi fi ;; unfetch) rm -rfv source source.tar ;; prepare) skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_prepare)" = "function" ] then recipe_prepare fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then rm -rf "${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" mkdir "${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" if [ ${#BUILD_DEPENDS} -gt 0 ] then pushd $ROOT ./repo.sh "${BUILD_DEPENDS[@]}" popd for i in "${BUILD_DEPENDS[@]}" do pkgar \ extract \ "${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" \ --archive "$REPO/$i.pkgar" \ --pkey "${ROOT}/build/id_ed25519.pub.toml" done fi rm -rf "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" if [ "$PREPARE_COPY" -eq "0" ] then mkdir "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" else cp -Rp source "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" fi for patch in *.patch do patch -p1 -d "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" < "$patch" done fi ;; unprepare) rm -rf "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" rm -rf "${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" ;; version) pushd "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" > /dev/null skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_version)" = "function" ] then recipe_version fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then # there's an unstable built-in cargo config command, so hack around it cargo-config config package.version | tr -d '"' fi popd > /dev/null ;; gitversion) if [ -d "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}"/.git ] then echo "$(op $1 version)-$(git -C "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" rev-parse --short HEAD)" else op $1 version fi ;; build) pushd "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" > /dev/null skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_build)" = "function" ] then recipe_build fi release_flag="--release" if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ] then release_flag= fi if [ -n "$CARGO_PACKAGE" ]; then package_flag="--package=$CARGO_PACKAGE" else package_flag= fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then "${CARGO[@]}" "$CARGOBUILD" --target "$TARGET" $release_flag $package_flag $CARGOFLAGS fi popd > /dev/null ;; clean) pushd "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" > /dev/null skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_clean)" = "function" ] then recipe_clean fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then "${CARGO[@]}" clean fi popd > /dev/null ;; stage) op $1 unstage mkdir -p "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" stage="$(realpath "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}")" source="$(realpath source)" pushd "${COOKBOOK_BUILD}" > /dev/null skip=0 if [ "$(type -t recipe_stage)" = "function" ] then recipe_stage "$stage" fi if [ "$skip" -eq "0" ] then #TODO "${CARGO[@]}" install --root "$stage" $CARGOFLAGS if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ] then build=debug else build=release fi bins="$(find target/$TARGET/$build/ -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*.*')" if [ -z "$bins" ] || [ "$EXAMPLES" == 1 ] then example=true bins="$bins $(find target/$TARGET/$build/examples/ -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*.*' ! -name '*-*' \ 2> /dev/null || true)" fi if [ -n "$bins" ] then if [ -n "$example" ] && [ "$EXAMPLES" != 1 ] then echo "$(tput bold)Note$(tput sgr0): No binaries detected, using example binaries" fi mkdir -p "$stage/$BINDIR" for bin in $bins do if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ] then cp -v "$bin" "$stage/$BINDIR/$(basename $bin)" else "${STRIP}" -v "$bin" -o "$stage/$BINDIR/$(basename $bin)" fi done else echo "$(tput bold)Warning$(tput sgr0): Recipe does not have any binaries" >&2 fi docgen "$source" "$stage/ref" fi popd > /dev/null ;; unstage) rm -rfv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" ;; pkg) pkgar \ create \ --archive "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.pkgar" \ --skey "${ROOT}/build/id_ed25519.toml" \ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" ;; unpkg) rm -fv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.pkgar" ;; tar) echo "name = \"$1\"" > "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" echo "version = \"$(op $1 version)\"" >> "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" echo "target = \"$TARGET\"" >> "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" # Add runtime dependencies to package if they exist if [ -n "$DEPENDS" ] then # Remove leading and trailing whitespace, replace whitespace between # package names with commas, and surround package names with quotes dependencies=$(echo -e "$DEPENDS" | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/[[:space:]]+/,/g;s/[^, ][^, ]*/"&"/g') echo "depends = [$dependencies]" >> "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" else echo "depends = []" >> "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" fi rm -rf "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/pkg" mkdir -p "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/pkg" pushd "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" > /dev/null find -L . -type f | cut -d / -f 2- | sort | while read file do $SHASUM "$file" >> "pkg/$1.sha256sums" done popd > /dev/null cp -v "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/pkg/$1.toml" pushd "$(dirname "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}")" > /dev/null pkg --target="$TARGET" create "$(basename "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}")" popd > /dev/null ;; untar) rm -rfv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.tar.gz" "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.sig" "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" ;; publish) mkdir -p "$REPO" cp -v "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.tar.gz" "$REPO/$1.tar.gz" cp -v "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.sig" "$REPO/$1.sig" cp -v "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}.toml" "$REPO/$1.toml" ;; unpublish) rm -rfv "$REPO/$1.tar.gz" "$REPO/$1.sig" "$REPO/$1.toml" ;; *) usage $1 ;; esac } if [ -n "$1" ] then recipe_path=`target/release/find_recipe $1` if [ -d "$ROOT/$recipe_path" ] then export COOKBOOK_RECIPE="${ROOT}/$recipe_path" TARGET_DIR="${COOKBOOK_RECIPE}/target/${TARGET}" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" export COOKBOOK_BUILD="${TARGET_DIR}/build" export COOKBOOK_STAGE="${TARGET_DIR}/stage" export COOKBOOK_SOURCE="${COOKBOOK_RECIPE}/source" export COOKBOOK_SYSROOT="${TARGET_DIR}/sysroot" export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH= export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" cd "${COOKBOOK_RECIPE}" if [ -e recipe.sh ]; then source recipe.sh fi ops=() for arg in "${@:2}" do if [ "$arg" == "--debug" ] then DEBUG=1 else ops[${#ops[@]}]="$arg" fi done for i in "${ops[@]}" do op "$1" "$i" done else echo "cook.sh: recipe '$1' not found" >&2 exit 1 fi else usage "{package}" fi