//! The backend of the "proc:" scheme. Most internal breakpoint //! handling should go here, unless they closely depend on the design //! of the scheme. use crate::{ arch::{ interrupt::InterruptStack, paging::{ mapper::PageFlushAll, temporary_page::TemporaryPage, ActivePageTable, InactivePageTable, PageTableType, Page, PAGE_SIZE, VirtualAddress } }, common::unique::Unique, context::{self, signal, Context, ContextId}, event, scheme::proc, sync::WaitCondition, syscall::{ data::PtraceEvent, error::*, flag::*, ptrace_event }, }; use alloc::{ boxed::Box, collections::{ BTreeMap, VecDeque, btree_map::Entry }, sync::Arc, vec::Vec }; use core::{ cmp, sync::atomic::Ordering }; use spin::{Mutex, Once, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard}; // ____ _ // / ___| ___ ___ ___(_) ___ _ __ ___ // \___ \ / _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| // ___) | __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \ // |____/ \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/ #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SessionData { breakpoint: Option<Breakpoint>, events: VecDeque<PtraceEvent>, file_id: usize, } impl SessionData { fn add_event(&mut self, event: PtraceEvent) { self.events.push_back(event); // Notify nonblocking tracers if self.events.len() == 1 { // If the list of events was previously empty, alert now proc_trigger_event(self.file_id, EVENT_READ); } } /// Override the breakpoint for the specified tracee. Pass `None` to clear /// breakpoint. pub fn set_breakpoint(&mut self, flags: Option<PtraceFlags>) { self.breakpoint = flags.map(|flags| Breakpoint { reached: false, flags }); } /// Returns true if the breakpoint is reached, or if there isn't a /// breakpoint pub fn is_reached(&self) -> bool { self.breakpoint.as_ref().map(|b| b.reached).unwrap_or(false) } /// Used for getting the flags in fevent pub fn session_fevent_flags(&self) -> EventFlags { let mut flags = EventFlags::empty(); if !self.events.is_empty() { flags |= EVENT_READ; } flags } /// Poll events, return the amount read. This drains events from the queue. pub fn recv_events(&mut self, out: &mut [PtraceEvent]) -> usize { let len = cmp::min(out.len(), self.events.len()); for (dst, src) in out.iter_mut().zip(self.events.drain(..len)) { *dst = src; } len } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Session { pub data: Mutex<SessionData>, pub tracee: WaitCondition, pub tracer: WaitCondition, } impl Session { pub fn with_session<F, T>(pid: ContextId, callback: F) -> Result<T> where F: FnOnce(&Session) -> Result<T>, { let sessions = sessions(); let session = sessions.get(&pid).ok_or_else(|| { println!("session doesn't exist - returning ENODEV."); println!("can this ever happen?"); Error::new(ENODEV) })?; callback(session) } } type SessionMap = BTreeMap<ContextId, Arc<Session>>; static SESSIONS: Once<RwLock<SessionMap>> = Once::new(); fn init_sessions() -> RwLock<SessionMap> { RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()) } fn sessions() -> RwLockReadGuard<'static, SessionMap> { SESSIONS.call_once(init_sessions).read() } fn sessions_mut() -> RwLockWriteGuard<'static, SessionMap> { SESSIONS.call_once(init_sessions).write() } /// Try to create a new session, but fail if one already exists for this /// process pub fn try_new_session(pid: ContextId, file_id: usize) -> bool { let mut sessions = sessions_mut(); match sessions.entry(pid) { Entry::Occupied(_) => false, Entry::Vacant(vacant) => { vacant.insert(Arc::new(Session { data: Mutex::new(SessionData { breakpoint: None, events: VecDeque::new(), file_id, }), tracee: WaitCondition::new(), tracer: WaitCondition::new(), })); true } } } /// Remove the session from the list of open sessions and notify any /// waiting processes pub fn close_session(pid: ContextId) { if let Some(session) = sessions_mut().remove(&pid) { session.tracer.notify(); session.tracee.notify(); } } /// Wake up the tracer to make sure it catches on that the tracee is dead. This /// is different from `close_session` in that it doesn't actually close the /// session, and instead waits for the file handle to be closed, where the /// session will *actually* be closed. This is partly to ensure ENOSRCH is /// returned rather than ENODEV (which occurs when there's no session - should /// never really happen). pub fn close_tracee(pid: ContextId) { if let Some(session) = sessions().get(&pid) { session.tracer.notify(); let data = session.data.lock(); proc_trigger_event(data.file_id, EVENT_READ); } } /// Returns true if a session is attached to this process pub fn is_traced(pid: ContextId) -> bool { sessions().contains_key(&pid) } /// Trigger a notification to the event: scheme fn proc_trigger_event(file_id: usize, flags: EventFlags) { event::trigger(proc::PROC_SCHEME_ID.load(Ordering::SeqCst), file_id, flags); } /// Dispatch an event to any tracer tracing `self`. This will cause /// the tracer to wake up and poll for events. Returns Some(()) if an /// event was sent. pub fn send_event(event: PtraceEvent) -> Option<()> { let id = { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context = contexts.current()?; let context = context.read(); context.id }; let sessions = sessions(); let session = sessions.get(&id)?; let mut data = session.data.lock(); let breakpoint = data.breakpoint.as_ref()?; if event.cause & breakpoint.flags != event.cause { return None; } // Add event to queue data.add_event(event); // Notify tracer session.tracer.notify(); Some(()) } // ____ _ _ _ // | __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | ___ __ ___ (_)_ __ | |_ ___ // | _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / '_ \ / _ \| | '_ \| __/ __| // | |_) | | | __/ (_| | <| |_) | (_) | | | | | |_\__ \ // |____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\ .__/ \___/|_|_| |_|\__|___/ // |_| #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct Breakpoint { reached: bool, flags: PtraceFlags } /// Wait for the tracee to stop, or return immediately if there's an unread /// event. /// /// Note: Don't call while holding any locks or allocated data, this will /// switch contexts and may in fact just never terminate. pub fn wait(pid: ContextId) -> Result<()> { loop { let session = { let sessions = sessions(); match sessions.get(&pid) { Some(session) => Arc::clone(&session), _ => return Ok(()) } }; // Lock the data, to make sure we're reading the final value before going // to sleep. let data = session.data.lock(); // Wake up if a breakpoint is already reached or there's an unread event if data.breakpoint.as_ref().map(|b| b.reached).unwrap_or(false) || !data.events.is_empty() { break; } // Go to sleep, and drop the lock on our data, which will allow other the // tracer to wake us up. if session.tracer.wait(data, "ptrace::wait") { // We successfully waited, wake up! break; } } Ok(()) } /// Notify the tracer and await green flag to continue. If the breakpoint was /// set and reached, return the flags which the user waited for. Otherwise, /// None. /// /// Note: Don't call while holding any locks or allocated data, this /// will switch contexts and may in fact just never terminate. pub fn breakpoint_callback(match_flags: PtraceFlags, event: Option<PtraceEvent>) -> Option<PtraceFlags> { loop { let session = { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context = contexts.current()?; let context = context.read(); let sessions = sessions(); let session = sessions.get(&context.id)?; Arc::clone(&session) }; let mut data = session.data.lock(); let breakpoint = data.breakpoint?; // only go to sleep if there's a breakpoint // Only stop if the tracer have asked for this breakpoint if breakpoint.flags & match_flags != match_flags { return None; } // In case no tracer is waiting, make sure the next one gets the memo data.breakpoint.as_mut() .expect("already checked that breakpoint isn't None") .reached = true; // Add event to queue data.add_event(event.unwrap_or(ptrace_event!(match_flags))); // Wake up sleeping tracer session.tracer.notify(); if session.tracee.wait(data, "ptrace::breakpoint_callback") { // We successfully waited, wake up! break Some(breakpoint.flags); } } } /// Obtain the next breakpoint flags for the current process. This is used for /// detecting whether or not the tracer decided to use sysemu mode. pub fn next_breakpoint() -> Option<PtraceFlags> { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context = contexts.current()?; let context = context.read(); let sessions = sessions(); let session = sessions.get(&context.id)?; let data = session.data.lock(); let breakpoint = data.breakpoint?; Some(breakpoint.flags) } // ____ _ _ // | _ \ ___ __ _(_)___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ // | |_) / _ \/ _` | / __| __/ _ \ '__/ __| // | _ < __/ (_| | \__ \ || __/ | \__ \ // |_| \_\___|\__, |_|___/\__\___|_| |___/ // |___/ pub struct ProcessRegsGuard; /// Make all registers available to e.g. the proc: scheme /// --- /// For use inside arch-specific code to assign the pointer of the /// interupt stack to the current process. Meant to reduce the amount /// of ptrace-related code that has to lie in arch-specific bits. /// ```rust,ignore /// let _guard = ptrace::set_process_regs(pointer); /// ... /// // (_guard implicitly dropped) /// ``` pub fn set_process_regs(pointer: *mut InterruptStack) -> Option<ProcessRegsGuard> { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context = contexts.current()?; let mut context = context.write(); let kstack = context.kstack.as_mut()?; context.regs = Some((kstack.as_mut_ptr() as usize, Unique::new(pointer))); Some(ProcessRegsGuard) } impl Drop for ProcessRegsGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { fn clear_process_regs() -> Option<()> { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context = contexts.current()?; let mut context = context.write(); context.regs = None; Some(()) } clear_process_regs(); } } /// Return the InterruptStack pointer, but relative to the specified /// stack instead of the original. pub unsafe fn rebase_regs_ptr( regs: Option<(usize, Unique<InterruptStack>)>, kstack: Option<&Box<[u8]>> ) -> Option<*const InterruptStack> { let (old_base, ptr) = regs?; let new_base = kstack?.as_ptr() as usize; Some((ptr.as_ptr() as usize - old_base + new_base) as *const _) } /// Return the InterruptStack pointer, but relative to the specified /// stack instead of the original. pub unsafe fn rebase_regs_ptr_mut( regs: Option<(usize, Unique<InterruptStack>)>, kstack: Option<&mut Box<[u8]>> ) -> Option<*mut InterruptStack> { let (old_base, ptr) = regs?; let new_base = kstack?.as_mut_ptr() as usize; Some((ptr.as_ptr() as usize - old_base + new_base) as *mut _) } /// Return a reference to the InterruptStack struct in memory. If the /// kernel stack has been backed up by a signal handler, this instead /// returns the struct inside that memory, as that will later be /// restored and otherwise undo all your changes. See `update(...)` in /// context/switch.rs. pub unsafe fn regs_for(context: &Context) -> Option<&InterruptStack> { let signal_backup_regs = match context.ksig { None => None, Some((_, _, ref kstack, signum)) => { let is_user_handled = { let actions = context.actions.read(); signal::is_user_handled(actions[signum as usize].0.sa_handler) }; if is_user_handled { None } else { Some(rebase_regs_ptr(context.regs, kstack.as_ref())?) } } }; signal_backup_regs .or_else(|| context.regs.map(|regs| regs.1.as_ptr() as *const _)) .map(|ptr| &*ptr) } /// Mutable version of `regs_for` pub unsafe fn regs_for_mut(context: &mut Context) -> Option<&mut InterruptStack> { let signal_backup_regs = match context.ksig { None => None, Some((_, _, ref mut kstack, signum)) => { let is_user_handled = { let actions = context.actions.read(); signal::is_user_handled(actions[signum as usize].0.sa_handler) }; if is_user_handled { None } else { Some(rebase_regs_ptr_mut(context.regs, kstack.as_mut())?) } } }; signal_backup_regs .or_else(|| context.regs.map(|regs| regs.1.as_ptr())) .map(|ptr| &mut *ptr) } // __ __ // | \/ | ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ // | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '__| | | | // | | | | __/ | | | | | (_) | | | |_| | // |_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| \__, | // |___/ pub fn with_context_memory<F>(context: &mut Context, offset: VirtualAddress, len: usize, f: F) -> Result<()> where F: FnOnce(*mut u8) -> Result<()> { // As far as I understand, mapping any regions following // USER_TMP_MISC_OFFSET is safe because no other memory location // is used after it. In the future it might be necessary to define // a maximum amount of pages that can be mapped in one batch, // which could be used to either internally retry `read`/`write` // in `proc:<pid>/mem`, or return a partial read/write. let start = Page::containing_address(VirtualAddress::new(crate::USER_TMP_MISC_OFFSET)); let mut active_page_table = unsafe { ActivePageTable::new(PageTableType::User) }; let mut target_page_table = unsafe { InactivePageTable::from_address(context.arch.get_page_utable()) }; // Find the physical frames for all pages let mut frames = Vec::new(); let mut result = None; active_page_table.with(&mut target_page_table, &mut TemporaryPage::new(start), |mapper| { let mut inner = || -> Result<()> { let start = Page::containing_address(offset); let end = Page::containing_address(VirtualAddress::new(offset.data() + len - 1)); for page in Page::range_inclusive(start, end) { frames.push(( mapper.translate_page(page).ok_or(Error::new(EFAULT))?, mapper.translate_page_flags(page).ok_or(Error::new(EFAULT))? )); } Ok(()) }; result = Some(inner()); }); result.expect("with(...) callback should always be called")?; // Map all the physical frames into linear pages let pages = frames.len(); let mut page = start; let flush_all = PageFlushAll::new(); for (frame, mut flags) in frames { flags = flags.execute(false).write(true); flush_all.consume(active_page_table.map_to(page, frame, flags)); page = page.next(); } flush_all.flush(); let res = f((start.start_address().data() + offset.data() % PAGE_SIZE) as *mut u8); // Unmap all the pages (but allow no deallocation!) let mut page = start; let flush_all = PageFlushAll::new(); for _ in 0..pages { flush_all.consume(active_page_table.unmap_return(page, true).0); page = page.next(); } flush_all.flush(); res }