use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::{Error, Write}; use std::path::Path; // View loc folder with subfolders, get listings // Returns touple (folder_map, file_list) // folder_map keys are folders, and values are lists of direct childs // file_list is a vector of all detected files with full path fn scan_folder(loc: &Path) -> (HashMap<String, Vec<String>>, Vec<String>) { let mut folders: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new(); let mut files: Vec<String> = Vec::new(); let mut current = Vec::new(); if loc.is_dir() { for entry in fs::read_dir(loc).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); let path_str = String::from(path.to_str().unwrap()).replace("\\", "/"); current.push(path_str.clone()); // if folder then scan recursively if path.is_dir() { let (d, mut f) = scan_folder(&path); for (key, value) in d.into_iter() { folders.insert(key, value); } files.append(&mut f); } else { files.push(path_str); } } current.sort(); folders .entry(String::from(loc.to_str().unwrap()).replace("\\", "/")) .or_insert(current); } else { panic!("{:?} is not a folder!", loc); } (folders, files) } // Write folder/file information to output file fn fill_from_location(f: &mut fs::File, loc: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> { let (folders, mut files) = scan_folder(loc); let mut folder_it: Vec<_> = folders.keys().collect(); let loc_str = loc.to_str().unwrap(); let mut idx = loc_str.len(); if !loc_str.ends_with("/") { idx += 1; } folder_it.sort(); files.sort(); for dir in folder_it.iter() { let strip: String = dir.chars().skip(idx).collect(); write!(f, " files.insert(b\"{}\", (b\"", strip)?; // Write child elements separated with \n let sub = folders.get(*dir).unwrap(); let mut first = true; for child in sub.iter() { let idx = child.rfind('/').unwrap() + 1; let (_, c) = child.split_at(idx); if first { write!(f, "{}", c)?; first = false; } else { write!(f, "\\n{}", c)?; } } write!(f, "\", true));\n")?; } for name in files.iter() { let (_, strip) = name.split_at(idx); write!( f, " files.insert(b\"{}\", (include_bytes!(\"{}\"), false));\n", strip, name )?; } Ok(()) } fn main() { println!("cargo:rustc-env=TARGET={}", env::var("TARGET").unwrap()); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=INITFS_FOLDER"); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut f = fs::File::create(&dest_path).unwrap(); let src = env::var("INITFS_FOLDER"); // Write header f.write_all( b" mod gen { use alloc::collections::BTreeMap; pub fn gen() -> BTreeMap<&'static [u8], (&'static [u8], bool)> { let mut files: BTreeMap<&'static [u8], (&'static [u8], bool)> = BTreeMap::new(); ", ) .unwrap(); match src { Ok(v) => { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", v); fill_from_location(&mut f, Path::new(&v)).unwrap() } Err(e) => { f.write_all( b" files.clear();", // Silence mutability warning ) .unwrap(); println!( "cargo:warning=location not found: {}, please set proper INITFS_FOLDER.", e ); } } f.write_all( b" files } } ", ) .unwrap(); }