image: "redoxos/redoxer:latest" variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive stages: - build - test default: cache: paths: - target/ build:linux: stage: build script: - rustup show # Ensure correct toolchain is downloaded and installed - make -j "$(nproc)" all build:redox: stage: build variables: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-redox script: - ./ -j "$(nproc)" all test:linux: stage: test needs: - build:linux dependencies: - build:linux script: - make test test:redox: stage: test needs: - build:redox dependencies: - build:redox variables: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-redox script: - ./ test # TODO: Out of memory allow_failure: true fmt: stage: test needs: [] script: - rustup component add rustfmt-preview - ./ -- --check