wiki: create wiki for collection and validation of ideas
Some recent article had a list of possible improvements for operating systems, although more elaborate ideas were shared on other platforms (reddit or forum). Would be nice to collect the interesting ones and annotate feasibility.
Some recently written TLDR by me:
Help shortcuts in the shell would need a shell-independent format (shellac tries to do this).
Package managers isolating all programs wont work, but one could create certain rings of duplication of core programs for stable+safe fallback. (Installations should be in separated folders and only have read/write access to predefined and user-defined folders) (Android does this)
gen_servers for data could have a standard for handling IPC protocols, so that central extremely lightweight sandboxing exists.
deterministic and non-deterministic program execution modes (similar to rr), (simulating multiple core execution)
making compete sections mutable and immutable (Linux is going there btw) (read-only systems)
better linking (format for the linker how to do stuff and how to debug/fix the problem for the user) (ideas to track metainformation)
dbremmer, reezer, ideas are very nice but way too complex to summarize