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  • bors's avatar
    Auto merge of #59710 - alexcrichton:llvm-9-compat, r=sanxiyn · 8159f389
    bors authored
    rustc: Start implementing compat with LLVM 9
    This commit doesn't actually migrate to LLVM 9, but it brings our own
    C++ bindings in line with LLVM 9 and able to compile against tip of
    tree. The changes made were:
    * The `MainSubprogram` flag for debuginfo moved between flag types.
    * Iteration of archive members was tweaked slightly and we have to
      construct the two iterators before constructing the returned
      `RustArchiveIterator` value.
    * The `getOrInsertFunction` binding now returns a wrapper which we use
      `getCallee()` on to get the value we're interested in.