diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
index 0c24361b85bff613bd4a32b30afd44d02ced2a6f..194e634ebba4797a1bf98deac021cf5f6bd49385 100644
--- a/config.toml
+++ b/config.toml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ name = "Community"
 url = "/community"
 weight = 5
-name = "Donate"
+name = "Donate/Merch"
 url = "/donate/"
 weight = 6
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ name = "FAQ"
 url = "/faq/"
 weight = 5
-name = "Doações"
+name = "Doar/Loja"
 url = "/donate/"
 weight = 6
@@ -593,7 +593,11 @@ name = "Dokumentacja"
 url = "/docs/"
 weight = 2
-name = "Community"
+name = "FAQ"
+url = "/pl/faq"
+weight = 2
+name = "Społeczność"
 url = "/community"
 weight = 3
diff --git a/content/community.en.md b/content/community.en.md
index 7dcdfa341d90375a81501ffeaa633645eaf35bfc..3e98e23f17764b7f2d9f110a54d6a7de38fb03e2 100644
--- a/content/community.en.md
+++ b/content/community.en.md
@@ -2,31 +2,53 @@
 title = "Community"
-This page attempts to explain how the Redox OS community is organised and help you navigate it.
+This page attempts to explain how the Redox OS community is organised and helps you navigate it.
+The headings are clickable to help you get to where you need to go.
 We follow the [Rust Code Of Conduct](https://www.rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct) for rules in all community/chat channels.
+## [Announcements](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-announcements:matrix.org)
+We do our announcements on [this](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-announcements:matrix.org) Matrix room, it's public and you don't need to login on Matrix to read it.
+- #redox-announcements:matrix.org (Use this Matrix room address if you don't want to use the external Matrix link)
 ## [Chat](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org)
-Matrix is the official way to talk with Redox OS team/community (these rooms are English-only, we don't accept other languages because we don't understand them).
+Matrix is the official way to talk with Redox OS team and community (these rooms are English-only, we don't accept other languages because we don't understand them).
-- #redox-join:matrix.org
+Matrix has several different clients. [Element](https://element.io/) is a commonly used choice, it works on web browsers, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android and iOS.
-Matrix has several different clients. [Element](https://element.io/) is a commonly used choice.
+If you have problems with Element, try [nheko](https://nheko-reborn.github.io/).
-- Join this room and don't forget to request an invite to the Redox space.
+- Join [this](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org) room and don't forget to request an invite to the Redox Matrix space.
+- #redox-join:matrix.org (Use this Matrix room address if you don't want to use the external Matrix link)
 (We recommend that you leave the "Join Requests" room after your entry on Redox space)
+If you want to have a big discussion in our rooms, you should use a Element thread, it's more organized and easy to keep track if more discussions happen on the same room.
+You cand find more information on [this](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html) page.
+## [Summer of Code](/rsoc)
+The **Redox Summer of Code** (RSoC) program runs annually when funding permits, and we may participate in other Summer of Code type programs.
+An overview of our Summer of Code programs and our plans for this year are [here](/rsoc).
+Check out our [RSoC Proposal Guide](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) and [Project Suggestions](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
 ## [GitLab](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox)
-A bit more formal way of communication with fellow Redox devs, but a little less quick and convenient like the chat. Submit an issue when you run into problems compiling, testing, or just would like to discuss a certain topic, be it features, code style, code inconsistencies, minor changes and fixes, etc.
+A slightly more formal way of communication with fellow Redox devs, but a little less quick and convenient like the chat. Submit an issue when you run into problems compiling or testing. Issues can also be used if you would like to discuss a certain topic: be it features, code style, code inconsistencies, minor changes and fixes, etc.
 If you want to create an account, read this [page](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-01-signing-in-to-gitlab.html).
+If you have ready MRs (merge requests) you must send the links in the [MRs](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-mrs:matrix.org) room. To join this room, you will need to request an invite in the [Join Requests](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org) room.
+By sending a message in the room, your MR will not be forgotten or accumulate conflicts.
 ## [Lemmy](https://lemmy.world/c/redox)
-Our alternative to Reddit, we post news and community threads.
+Our alternative to Reddit, where we post news and community threads.
 ## [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Redox/)
@@ -36,7 +58,7 @@ If you want a quick look at what's going on and talk about it.
 ## [Fosstodon](https://fosstodon.org/@redox)
-Our alternative to Twitter, we post news and community threads.
+Our alternative to Twitter, where we post news and community threads.
 ## [Twitter](https://twitter.com/redox_os)
@@ -48,12 +70,12 @@ Demos and board meetings.
 ## [Forum](https://discourse.redox-os.org/)
-This is our historical forum with old/classic questions, it's inactive and must be used for historical purposes, if you have a question, send on Matrix chat.
+This is our archived forum with old/classic questions, it's inactive and can only be used for archival purposes. If you have a question, send on Matrix chat.
 ## [Talks](/talks/)
 Redox talks given at various events and conferences.
-## Note
+## Spread the word
 Community outreach is an important part of Redox's success. If more people know about Redox, then more contributors are likely to step in, and everyone can benefit from their added expertise. You can make a difference by writing articles, talking to fellow OS enthusiasts, or looking for communities that would be interested in knowing more about Redox.
diff --git a/content/community.pl.md b/content/community.pl.md
index 0072fa19e4137c26cdc3a131e23144c5bffd7f2c..63e926fb0d42d0310fd8a6a0305df19bda26fdee 100644
--- a/content/community.pl.md
+++ b/content/community.pl.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-title = "Community"
+title = "Społeczność"
-This page attempts to explain how the Redox OS community is organised and help you navigate it.
+Ta strona pokazuje jak zorganizowana jest społeczność Redox OS i jak się po niej poruszać.
 <a id="chat"></a>
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ This page attempts to explain how the Redox OS community is organised and help y
 <a id="forum"></a>
 ## [Forum](https://discourse.redox-os.org/)
-This is the best way to discuss more general topics that aren't about specific things that need to be addressed one way or another. You can sign up like any other website.
+To forum najlepszy sposób na omówienie bardziej ogólnych tematów, które nie dotyczą konkretnych spraw, którymi należy się zająć w ten czy inny sposób. Możesz zarejestrować się jak w każdej innej witrynie.
 <a id="gitlab"></a>
 ## [GitLab](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox)
-A bit more formal way of communication with fellow Redox devs, but a little less quick and convenient like the chat. Submit an issue when you run into problems compiling, testing, or just would like to discuss a certain topic, be it features, code style, code inconsistencies, minor changes and fixes, etc.
+Nieco bardziej formalny sposób komunikacji z innymi twórcami Redox, ale trochę mniej szybki i wygodny jak czat. Zgłoś problem, jeśli napotkasz problemy podczas kompilacji, testowania lub po prostu chcesz omówić określony temat, czy to funkcje, styl kodu, niespójności kodu, drobne zmiany i poprawki itp.
 <a id="reddit"></a>
 ## [Redox OS on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Redox/)
-If you want a quick look at what's going on and talk about it.
+Jeśli chcesz szybko rzucić okiem na to, co się dzieje i porozmawiać o tym.
-[reddit.com/r/rust](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust) for related Rust news and discussions.
+[reddit.com/r/rust](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust) dla powiązanych wiadomości i dyskusji na temat Rusta.
diff --git a/content/community.pt.md b/content/community.pt.md
index 2e39a5d8cdca21a56e38ecf506475c89de97aff8..557a475c202d4cc2ddf5290df65e17f8a0b4cddf 100644
--- a/content/community.pt.md
+++ b/content/community.pt.md
@@ -6,18 +6,31 @@ Essa página explica como a comunidade do Redox OS é organizada e como você po
 Nós seguidos o [Código de Conduta da Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct) como regra em todos os nossos canais de comunidade/chats.
+## [Novidades](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-announcements:matrix.org)
+Nós anunciamos as novidades do Redox OS nesta sala do Matrix, ela é pública e você pode ler sem um login no Matrix.
+- #redox-announcements:matrix.org (Use esse endereço de sala do Matrix caso não queira utilizar o link externo do Matrix)
 ## [Chat](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org)
 Matrix é a forma de comunicação oficial com o time/comunidade do Redox OS (aceitamos apenas o Inglês nestas salas, pois não entendemos outras linguagens).
-- #redox-join:matrix.org
+A rede Matrix tem diferentes clientes, sendo o [Element](https://element.io/) o mais utilizado.
+O Element funciona em navegadores web, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android e iOS.
-A rede Matrix tem diferentes clientes, [Element](https://element.io/) é o mais utilizado.
+Caso tenha problemas com o Element, teste o [nheko](https://nheko-reborn.github.io/).
-- Entre na sala e não esqueça de solicitar um convite para o espaço do Redox.
+- Entre [nesta](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org) sala e não esqueça de solicitar um convite para o espaço do Redox.
+- #redox-join:matrix.org (Use esse endereço de sala do Matrix caso não queira utilizar o link externo do Matrix)
 (Nós recomendamos que você saia da sala "Join Requests" depois de entrar no espaço do Redox)
+Caso você tenha uma grande discussão nas nossas salas, você deve usar um thread do Element, pois é mais organizado e fácil de acompanhar caso mais discussões ocorram na mesma sala.
+Você pode encontrar mais informações [nesta](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html) página.
 ## [GitLab](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox)
 Uma forma mais formal de comunicação com os desenvolvedores do Redox, porém mais lento e menos conveniente de conversar.
@@ -26,6 +39,10 @@ Envie uma Issue se você tiver problemas compilando/testando ou apenas queira di
 Se você quiser criar uma conta, leia essa [página](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-01-signing-in-to-gitlab.html).
+Se você tiver MRs (merge requests) prontos você precisa enviar o link deles na sala [MRs](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-mrs:matrix.org), antes de entrar nesta sala você precisa solicitar um convite para o espaço Matrix na sala [Join Requests](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org).
+Dessa forma seu MR não será esquecido, evitando conflitos.
 ## [Lemmy](https://lemmy.world/c/redox)
 Nossa alternativa ao Reddit, postamos notícias e tópicos da comunidade.
diff --git a/content/docs.en.md b/content/docs.en.md
index e581a09d4c5e3ac84f83c5f9f41c6017398ba2d0..2e4b71111084d0053466c12876c66ebd2fb6ed64 100644
--- a/content/docs.en.md
+++ b/content/docs.en.md
@@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ We highly recommend that you start with the [Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book
 ## References
-- [Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) - A Book describing Redox's design.
+### Cargo Docs
 - [redox_syscall](https://docs.rs/redox_syscall/latest/syscall/) - Documentation for the Redox system calls.
 - [libstd](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/) - Documentation for the Rust standard library.
+### Gitlab
+- [Gitlab](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/) - Redox OS Gitlab repository where you can find all source code.
 - [Drivers](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/blob/master/README.md) - High-level documentation of the drivers.
 - [RFCs](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/rfcs) - Request for Changes to Redox.
diff --git a/content/docs.pl.md b/content/docs.pl.md
index 5cea3f80bedcb1acd629d52092fef60b9ff05a66..539ef676bd15c7797b977d3f911d42e9ec361f11 100644
--- a/content/docs.pl.md
+++ b/content/docs.pl.md
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ Gorąco polecamy zacząć od [Książki](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/), gdyż
 [Książka](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/). Książka opisująca architekturę systemu Redox.
-[Talks](/talks/). Redox talks given at various events and conferences.
+[Konferencje](/talks/). Przemówienia Redox wygłaszane na różnych wydarzeniach i konferencjach.
-[redox_syscall](https://docs.rs/redox_syscall/latest/syscall/). Documentation for the Redox system calls.
+[redox_syscall](https://docs.rs/redox_syscall/latest/syscall/). Dokumentacja wywołań systemowych Redox.
-[libstd](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/). Documentation for the Rust standard library.
+[libstd](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/). Dokumentacja standardowej biblioteki Rusta.
-[Ion Manual](https://doc.redox-os.org/ion-manual/). Documentation for the Ion shell.
+[Ion Manual](https://doc.redox-os.org/ion-manual/). Dokumentacja powłoki Ion.
 ## Współtworzenie systemu Redox
diff --git a/content/donate.en.md b/content/donate.en.md
index 0976140992503d7bd29a0d254eccdebb7a355726..cabfbcfc570cc39e8231237c63a9dc359dce079e 100644
--- a/content/donate.en.md
+++ b/content/donate.en.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title = "Donate"
+title = "Donate/Merch"
 ## Redox OS Nonprofit
@@ -14,18 +14,23 @@ You can donate to Redox OS the following ways:
  - [Donorbox](https://donorbox.org/redox-os)
  - For more donation options, please contact donate@redox-os.org
+## Merch
+We sell T-shirts on Teespring, you can buy them [here](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/).
+Each sale is a donation to the Redox OS Nonprofit.
 ## Jeremy Soller
 Jeremy Soller, is the creator, maintainer, and lead developer of Redox OS.
-Donations to Jeremy Soller are treated as a taxable gift, and will be used at
+Donations to him are treated as a taxable gift, and will be used at
 his discretion.
-You can donate to Jeremy Soller the following ways:
+You can donate to Jeremy in the following ways:
 - [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/redox_os)
 - [Paypal](https://www.paypal.me/redoxos)
-- Jeremy Soller no longer accepts Bitcoin or Ethereum donations. Do not send
-  anything to the previously listed addresses, as it will not be received.
+- Jeremy no longer accepts Bitcoin or Ethereum donations. Do not donate to the wallet addresses that were listed on the website in the past, as the donation will not be received.
-The following patrons have donated $4 or more to Jeremy Soller for use in developing Redox OS:
+The following patrons have donated $4 or more to Jeremy to develop Redox OS:
 {{% partial "donors/jackpot51.html" %}}
diff --git a/content/donate.pl.md b/content/donate.pl.md
index b76d149217c4034e2daaba1da1e1a68083e5bc51..488ce5b274f9e9d88c50dd3e3c5b802860c0f678 100644
--- a/content/donate.pl.md
+++ b/content/donate.pl.md
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ title = "Darowizny"
 ## Jackpot51
-Jackpot51, albo Jeremy Soller, jest twórcą, opiekunem i głównym developerem systemu Redox OS.
+Jeremy Soller
+Jeremy Soller jest twórcą, opiekunem i głównym programistą Redox OS. Darowizny na rzecz Jeremy’ego Sollera są traktowane jako prezent podlegający opodatkowaniu i zostaną wykorzystane według jego uznania.
 Możesz przekazać mu datek pieniężny następującymi środkami:
 - [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/redox_os)
 - [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/redox_os)
 - [Paypal](https://www.paypal.me/redoxos)
-- Jeremy Soller no longer accepts Bitcoin or Ethereum donations. Do not send
-  anything to the previously listed addresses, as it will not be received.
+- JJeremy Soller nie przyjmuje już darowizn w postaci Bitcoinów ani Ethereum. Nie wysyłaj niczego na wcześniej podane adresy, ponieważ nie zostaną odebrane.
 Następujące osoby podarowały $4 lub więcej na wsparcie rozwoju Redox OS:
 {{% partial "donors/jackpot51.html" %}}
diff --git a/content/donate.pt.md b/content/donate.pt.md
index 439f719fdefb689e14c09538b4e79376852fc9ea..9a1ce45885a8d961af9707e096ed2cdc5a0ea417 100644
--- a/content/donate.pt.md
+++ b/content/donate.pt.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-title = "Doações"
+title = "Doar/Loja"
-## Redox OS Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos
+## Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos Redox OS
 O Redox OS tem uma organização sem fins lucrativos no Colorado (EUA) que gerencia as doações, essa organização sem fins lucrativos não está isenta de impostos.
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ Você pode doar para o Redox OS das seguintes formas:
  - Para mais opções de doações, por favor entre em contato no endereço de e-mail:
+## Loja
+Nós vendemos camisetas pela Teespring, você pode comprar [aqui](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/).
+Cada venda é uma doação para a Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos Redox OS.
 ## Jeremy Soller
 Jeremy Soller é o criador, mantenedor e desenvolvedor chefe do Redox OS.
diff --git a/content/faq.en.md b/content/faq.en.md
index c93e624640934750396fc2a07b7fea7cef1f5a82..1cc7f4fde74c60d0f72331640e2b3f1b58df4435 100644
--- a/content/faq.en.md
+++ b/content/faq.en.md
@@ -9,15 +9,11 @@ This page covers questions/answers for newcomers and end-users.
 - [What features does Redox have?](#what-features-does-redox-have)
     - [Microkernel benefits](#microkernel-benefits)
     - [Rust benefits](#rust-benefits)
+    - [Comparison with other operating systems](#comparison-with-other-operating-systems)
 - [What is the purpose of Redox?](#what-is-the-purpose-of-redox)
 - [What I can do with Redox?](#what-i-can-do-with-redox)
 - [What is a Unix-like OS?](#what-is-a-unix-like-os)
 - [How Redox is inspired by other systems?](#how-redox-is-inspired-by-other-systems)
-    - [Plan 9](#plan-9)
-    - [Minix](#minix)
-    - [seL4](#sel4)
-    - [BSD](#bsd)
-    - [Linux](#linux)
 - [What is a microkernel?](#what-is-a-microkernel)
 - [What programs can Redox run?](#what-programs-can-redox-run)
 - [How to install programs on Redox?](#how-to-install-programs-on-redox)
@@ -26,90 +22,95 @@ This page covers questions/answers for newcomers and end-users.
 - [I have a low-end computer, would Redox work on it?](#i-have-a-low-end-computer-would-redox-work-on-it)
 - [Which virtual machines does Redox have integration with?](#which-virtual-machines-does-redox-have-integration-with)
 - [How do I build Redox?](#how-do-i-build-redox)
- - [How to launch QEMU without GUI](#how-to-launch-qemu-without-gui)
- - [How to troubleshoot your build in case of errors](#how-to-troubleshoot-your-build-in-case-of-errors)
- - [How to report bugs on Redox](#how-to-report-bugs-on-redox)
+- [How to troubleshoot your build in case of errors](#how-to-troubleshoot-your-build-in-case-of-errors)
+- [How to report bugs on Redox](#how-to-report-bugs-on-redox)
 - [How do I contribute to Redox?](#how-do-i-contribute-to-redox)
 - [I have a problem/question for Redox team](#i-have-a-problemquestion-for-redox-team)
 ## What is Redox?
-Redox is a microkernel-based operating system, a complete, fully-functioning, general-purpose operating system with a focus on safety, freedom, reliability, correctness, and pragmatism.
+Redox is a microkernel-based, complete, fully-functioning and general-purpose operating system created in 2015, with a focus on safety, freedom, reliability, correctness, and pragmatism.
 Wherever possible, the system components are written in Rust and run in user-space.
 ### Current status
-Redox is a alpha/beta quality software, because we implement new features while fix the bugs.
+Redox is alpha/beta quality software, because we implement new features while fixing the bugs.
-Thus it's not ready for daily usage yet, feel free to test the system until its maturity and **don't store your sensitive data without a proper backup.**
+Because of this, it's not ready for daily usage yet. Feel free to test the system until its maturity and **don't store your sensitive data without a proper backup.**
-The version 1.0 will be released once all system APIs are considered stable.
+The 1.0 version will be released once all system APIs are considered stable.
 ## What does Redox mean?
-[Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) is the chemical reaction (reduction–oxidation) that creates rust, as Redox is an operating system written in Rust, it makes sense.
+[Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) is the chemical reaction (reduction–oxidation) that creates rust. As Redox is an operating system written in Rust, it makes sense.
-It sounds like Minix/Linux too.
+It sounds like Minix and Linux too.
 ## What features does Redox have?
 ### Microkernel benefits
-#### True modularity
+- **True modularity**
 You can modify/change many system components without a system restart, similar to but safer than [livepatching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kpatch).
-#### Bug isolation
+- **Bug isolation**
-Most system components run in user-space on a microkernel system, a bug in a non-kernel component won't [crash the system/kernel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic).
+Most system components run in user-space on a microkernel system. Because of this, bugs in most system components won't [crash the system/kernel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic).
-#### No-reboot design
+- **Restartless design**
-A mature microkernel changes very little (bug fixing), so you won't need to restart your system very often to update the system.
+A mature microkernel changes very little (except for bug fixes), so you won't need to restart your system very often to update it.
-Since most of the system components are in userspace, they can be replaced on-the-fly (reducing downtime for server administrators).
+Since most of the system components are in userspace, they can be replaced on-the-fly, reducing downtime for server administrators.
-#### Easy to develop and debug
+- **Easy to develop and debug**
 Most of the system components run in userspace, simplifying testing/debugging.
 ### Rust benefits
-#### Less likely to have bugs
+- **Less likely to have bugs**
 The restrictive syntax and compiler suggestions reduce the probability of bugs a lot.
-#### No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations
+- **Less vulnerable to data corruption**
-The microkernel design written in Rust protects against C/C++ memory defects.
+The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs.
+- **No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations**
+The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in C/C++ programs.
 By isolating the system components from the kernel, the [attack surface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_surface) is very limited.
-#### Improved security and reliability without significant performance impact
+- **Improved security and reliability without significant performance impact**
-As the kernel is small, it uses less memory to do its work and the limited kernel code size helps to keep it close to bug-free status ([KISS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle) goal).
+As the kernel is small, it uses less memory to do its work. The limited kernel code size helps us work towards a bug-free status ([KISS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle)).
 Rust's safe and fast language design, combined with the small kernel code size, helps ensure a reliable, performant and easy to maintain core.
-#### Thread-safety
-The C/C++ support for thread-safety is quite fragile, and it is very easy to write a program that looks safe to run across multiple threads, but which introduces subtle bugs or security holes. If one thread accesses a piece of state at the same time that another thread is changing it, the whole program can exhibit some truly confusing and bizarre bugs.
+- **Thread-safety**
-But in Rust this kind of bug is easy to avoid, the same type system that keeps us from writing memory unsafety prevents us from writing dangerous concurrent access patterns
+The C/C++ support for thread-safety is quite fragile. As such, it is very easy to write a program that looks safe to run across multiple threads, but which introduces subtle bugs or security holes. If one thread accesses a piece of state at the same time that another thread is changing it, the whole program can exhibit some truly confusing and bizarre bugs.
-#### Rust-written Drivers
+In Rust, this kind of bug is easy to avoid: the same type system that keeps us from writing memory unsafety prevents us from writing dangerous concurrent access patterns
-Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and therefore are more secure.
+- **Rust-written Drivers**
-- [Currently supported devices](#which-devices-does-redox-support)
+Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more secure.
-#### ZFS-inspired filesystem
+- **ZFS-inspired filesystem**
-Redox uses RedoxFS as the default filesystem, it supports similar features as [ZFS](https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/) with a written-in-Rust implementation.
+Redox uses RedoxFS as the default filesystem. It supports similar features as [ZFS](https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/) with a written-in-Rust implementation.
 Expect high performance and data safety (copy-on-write, data integrity, volumes, snapshots, hardened against data loss).
+### Comparison with other operating systems
+You can see how Redox is compared to Linux, FreeBSD and Plan 9 on [this](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-11-features.html) page.
 ## What is the purpose of Redox?
 The main goal of Redox is to be a general-purpose OS, while maintaining security, reliability and correctness.
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ Redox is still under development, so our list of supported applications is curre
 ## What is a Unix-like OS?
-Any OS compatible with [Single Unix Specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification) and [POSIX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX), expect a [shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell), "[everything is a file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_is_a_file)" concept, multitasking and multiuser.
+Any OS compatible with the [Single Unix Specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification) and [POSIX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX). You can expect a [shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell), the "[Everything is a File](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_is_a_file)" concept, multitasking and multiuser support.
 [Unix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix) was a highly influential multitasking system and impacted the design choices of most modern systems.
@@ -138,34 +139,34 @@ Any OS compatible with [Single Unix Specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
 ### [Plan 9](http://9p.io/plan9/index.html)
-This Bell Labs OS brings the concept of "everything is a file" to the highest level, doing all the system communication from the filesystem.
+This Bell Labs OS brings the concept of "Everything is a File" to the highest level, doing all the system communication from the filesystem.
 - [Drew DeVault explains the Plan 9](https://drewdevault.com/2022/11/12/In-praise-of-Plan-9.html)
 - [Plan 9's influence on Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch05-00-urls-schemes-resources.html)
 ### [Minix](https://minix3.org/)
-The most influential Unix-like system with a microkernel, it has advanced features such as system modularity, [kernel panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic) resistence, driver reincarnation, protection against bad drivers and secure interfaces for [process comunication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication).
+The most influential Unix-like system with a microkernel. It has advanced features such as system modularity, [kernel panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic) resistence, driver reincarnation, protection against bad drivers and secure interfaces for [process comunication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication).
-Redox is largely inspired by Minix, it has a similar architecture and feature set written in Rust.
+Redox is largely inspired by Minix - it has a similar architecture but with a feature set written in Rust.
 - [How Minix influenced the Redox design](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html)
 ### [seL4](https://sel4.systems/)
-The most fast and simple microkernel of the world, it aims for performance and simplicity.
+The most performant and simplest microkernel of the world.
 Redox follow the same principle, trying to make the kernel-space small as possible (moving components to user-space and reducing the number of system calls, passing the complexity to user-space) and keeping the overall performance good (reducing the context switch cost).
 ### [BSD](https://www.bsd.org/)
-This Unix [family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_Unix) included several improvements on Unix systems, the open-source variants of BSD added many improvements to the original system (like Linux did).
+This Unix [family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_Unix) included several improvements on Unix systems and the open-source variants of BSD added many improvements to the original system (like Linux did).
 [FreeBSD](https://www.freebsd.org/) is the most notable example, Redox took inspiration from [Capsicum](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?capsicum(4)) (a capability-based system) and [jails](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freebsd_jail) (a sandbox technology) for the namespaces implementation.
 ### [Linux](https://www.kernel.org/)
-The most advanced monolithic kernel and biggest open-source project of the world, it brought several improvements and optimizations to the Unix-like world.
+The most advanced monolithic kernel and biggest open-source project of the world. It brought several improvements and optimizations to the Unix-like world.
 Redox tries to implement the Linux performance improvements in a microkernel design.
@@ -175,52 +176,50 @@ A microkernel is the near-minimum amount of software that can provide the mechan
 This approach to OS design brings more stability and security, with a small cost on performance.
-- [Redox Book explanation](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html)
+You can read more about it [here](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html).
 ## What programs can Redox run?
-Redox is designed to be source-compatible with most Unix, Linux and POSIX-compilant applications, only requiring compilation.
+Redox is designed to be source-compatible with most Unix, Linux and POSIX-compliant applications, only requiring compilation.
 Currently, most GUI applications require porting, as we don't support X11 or Wayland yet.
 Some important software that Redox supports:
-- [Bash](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/bash)
-- [ffmpeg](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/ffmpeg)
-- [GCC](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/gcc)
-- [Git](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/git)
-- [LLVM](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/llvm)
-- [Mesa3D](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/mesa)
-- [OpenSSL](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/openssl)
-- [SDL2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/sdl2)
+- GNU Bash
+- Git
+- SDL2
+- OpenSSL
+- Mesa3D
+- GCC
-You can see all Redox components/ported programs [here](https://static.redox-os.org/pkg/x86_64-unknown-redox/).
+You can see all Redox components and ported programs [here](https://static.redox-os.org/pkg/x86_64-unknown-redox/).
 ## How to install programs on Redox?
-Redox has a package manager similar to `apt` (Debian) and `pkg` (FreeBSD), you can see how to use it on this page:
+Redox has a package manager similar to `apt` (Debian) and `pkg` (FreeBSD), you can see how to use it on [this](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-08-pkg.html) page.
-- [Redox package manager](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-08-pkg.html)
+## Which are the Redox variants?
-## Which are  the Redox variants?
+Redox has some variants for each task, take a look at them below:
-Redox has some variants for each task, take a look on them below:
+- `server-minimal` - The most minimal variant with a basic system. Aimed at embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
-- `server-minimal` - The most minimal variant with a basic system, aimed for embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
+- `desktop-minimal` - The most minimal variant with the Orbital desktop environment included. Aimed at embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
-- `desktop-minimal` - The most minimal variant with the Orbital desktop environment included, aimed for embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
+- `server` - The server variant with a complete system and network tools. Aimed at server administrators, embedded devices, low-end computers and developers.
-- `server` - The server variant with a complete system and network tools, aimed for server administrators, embedded devices, low-end computers and developers.
+- `desktop` - The standard variant with a complete system, Orbital desktop environment and useful tools. Aimed at daily usage, producers, developers and gamers.
-- `desktop` - The standard variant with a complete system, Orbital desktop environment and useful tools, aimed for daily usage, producers, developers and gamers.
+- `dev` - The development variant with a complete system and development tools. Aimed at developers.
-- `dev` - The development variant with a complete system and development tools, aimed for developers.
-- `demo` - The demo variant with a complete system, tools, players and games, aimed for testers, gamers and developers.
+- `demo` - The demo variant with a complete system, tools, players and games. Aimed at testers, gamers and developers.
 ## Which devices does Redox support?
-There are billions of devices with hundreds of models/architectures in the world, we try to write drivers for the most used devices to support more people, some drivers are device-specific and others are architecture-specific.
+There are billions of devices with hundreds of models and architectures in the world. We try to write drivers for the most used devices to support more people. Support depends on the specific hardware, since some drivers are device-specific and others are architecture-specific.
 Have a look at [HARDWARE.md](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/blob/master/HARDWARE.md) to see all tested computers.
@@ -232,92 +231,82 @@ Have a look at [HARDWARE.md](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/blob/m
 ### Hardware Interfaces
-- [ACPI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/acpid)
-- [PCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcid)
+- PCI
 (USB soon)
 ### Video
-- [VGA](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vesad) - (BIOS)
+- VGA - (BIOS)
-- [LLVMpipe](https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/llvmpipe.html) - Software Rendering
+- [LLVMpipe](https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/llvmpipe.html) (OpenGL CPU emulation)
 (Intel/AMD and others in the future)
 ### Sound
-- [Intel chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ihdad)
-- [Realtek chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ac97d)
-- [PC speaker](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcspkrd)
+- Intel chipsets
+- Realtek chipsets
+- PC speaker
-([Sound Blaster](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/sb16d) soon)
+(Sound Blaster soon)
 ### Storage
-- [IDE](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ided) - (PATA)
-- [AHCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ahcid) - (SATA)
-- [NVMe](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/nvmed)
+- NVMe
 (USB soon)
 ### Input
-- [PS/2 keyboards](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
-- [PS/2 mouse](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
-- [PS/2 touchpad](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
+- PS/2 keyboards, mouse and touchpad
 (USB soon)
 ### Internet
-- [Intel Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/e1000d)
-- [Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ixgbed)
-- [Realtek ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/rtl8168d)
+- Intel Gigabit ethernet
+- Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet
+- Realtek ethernet
-(Wi-Fi/[Atheros ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/alxd) soon)
+(Wi-Fi and Atheros ethernet soon)
 ## I have a low-end computer, would Redox work on it?
-A computer processor is the most complex machine of the world, even the most old processors are powerful for some tasks, it depends on the task.
+A CPU is the most complex machine of the world: even the oldest processors are powerful for some tasks but not for others.
-The main problem with old computers is the amount of RAM available (they were sold in a epoch where RAM chips were expensive) and lack of SSE/AVX extensions (programs use them to speed up the algorithms), thus some modern programs may not work or require a lot of RAM to perform complex tasks.
+The main problem with old computers is the amount of RAM available (they were sold in a era where RAM chips were expensive) and the lack of SSE/AVX extensions (programs use them to speed up the algorithms). Because of this some modern programs may not work or require a lot of RAM to perform complex tasks.
-Redox will work normally (if the processor architecture is supported by the system) but you will need to test each program.
+Redox itself will work normally if the processor architecture is supported by the system, but the performance and stability may vary per program.
 ## Which virtual machines does Redox have integration with?
-- [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/)
-- [VirtualBox](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vboxd)
+- VirtualBox
 In the future the microkernel could act as a hypervisor, similar to [Xen](https://xenproject.org/).
-A [hypervisor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervisor) is software providing the ability to run multiple isolated operating system instances simultaneously.
+A [hypervisor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervisor) is a program providing the ability to run multiple isolated operating systems instances simultaneously.
 ## How do I build Redox?
 Currently Redox has a bootstrap script for Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD with unmaintained support for other distributions.
-We also offer Podman as our universal compilation method, it is the recommended build process for non-Debian systems because it avoids environment problems on the build process.
+We also offer Podman as our universal compilation method. It is the recommended build process for non-Debian systems because it avoids environment problems on the build process.
 - [Redox Book Guide](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html) - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
 - [Redox Book Podman Guide](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-06-podman-build.html)
-### How to launch QEMU without GUI
-- `make qemu vga=no`
-### How to troubleshoot your build in case of errors
+## How to troubleshoot your build in case of errors
 Read [this](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch08-05-troubleshooting.html) page or join us on [Redox Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
-### How to report bugs on Redox
-Check GitLab Issues first to see if your problem is already known.
+## How to report bugs on Redox
-- [Redox Book Bug Report Guide](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-03-creating-proper-bug-reports.html)
+Read [this](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-03-creating-proper-bug-reports.html) page and check the GitLab Issues to see if your problem was reported.
 ## How do I contribute to Redox?
@@ -326,5 +315,5 @@ You can contribute to Redox in many ways, you can see them on [CONTRIBUTING](htt
 ## I have a problem/question for Redox team
 - Have a look at the [Documentation](/docs/) page for more details of Redox internals.
-- Have a look at the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) to see if it answers your questions/fixes your problem.
-- If the book does not answer your question, ask your question/say your problem on the [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
+- Have a look at the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) to see if it answer your question or solve your problem.
+- If the documentation or the book does not answer your question, ask your question or say your problem on the [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
diff --git a/content/faq.pl.md b/content/faq.pl.md
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+title = "FAQ"
+Na tej stronie znajdują się pytania/odpowiedzi dla nowicjuszy i użytkowników końcowych.
+- [Co to jest Redox?](#Co-to-jest-Redox)
+- [Co znaczy Redox?](#Co-znaczy-Redox)
+- [Jakie funkcje ma Redox?](#Jakie-funkcje-ma-Redox)
+    - [Microkernel benefits](#microkernel-benefits)
+    - [Rust benefits](#rust-benefits)
+- [Jaki jest cel Redox?](#Jaki-jest-cel-Redox)
+- [Co mogę zrobić z Redox?](#Co-mogę-zrobić-z-Redox)
+- [Co to jest system operacyjny typu Unix?](#Co-to-jest-system-operacyjny-typu-Unix)
+- [Jak Redox inspiruje siÄ™ innymi systemami?](#Jak-Redox-inspiruje-siÄ™-innymi-systemami)
+    - [Plan 9](#plan-9)
+    - [Minix](#minix)
+    - [seL4](#sel4)
+    - [BSD](#bsd)
+    - [Linux](#linux)
+- [Co to jest microkernel?](#Co-to-jest-microkernel)
+- [Jakie programy może uruchomić Redox?](#Jakie-programy-może-uruchomić-Redox)
+- [Jak zainstalować programy na Redox?](#Jak-zainstalować-programy-na-Redox)
+- [Jakie sÄ… warianty Redox?](#Jakie-sÄ…-warianty-Redox)
+- [Które urządzenia obsługuje Redox?](#Które-urządzenia-obsługuje-Redox)
+- [Mam komputer z niższej półki, czy Redox będzie na nim działał?](#Mam-komputer-z-niższej-półki-czy-Redox-będzie-na-nim-działał)
+- [Z jakimi maszynami wirtualnymi Redox ma integracjÄ™?](#Z-jakimi-maszynami-wirtualnymi-Redox-ma-integracjÄ™)
+- [Jak skompilować Redox OS?](#Jak-skompilować-Redox-OS)
+    - [Jak uruchomić QEMU bez GUI](#Jak-uruchomić-QEMU-bez-GUI)
+    - [Jak rozwiązywać problemy z kompilacją w przypadku błędów](#Jak-rozwiązywać-problemy-z-kompilacją-w-przypadku-błędów)
+    - [Jak zgłaszać błędy w Redox](#Jak-zgłaszać-błędy-w-Redox)
+- [Jak mogę przyczynić się do rozwoju projektu Redox?](#Jak-mogę-przyczynić-się-do-rozwoju-projektu-Redox)
+- [Mam problem/pytanie do zespołu Redox](#Mam-problempytanie-do-zespołu-Redox)
+## Co to jest Redox?
+Redox to system operacyjny oparty na mikrojądrze, kompletny, w pełni funkcjonalny system operacyjny ogólnego przeznaczenia, skupiający się na bezpieczeństwie, wolności, niezawodności, poprawności i pragmatyzmie.
+Tam, gdzie to możliwe, komponenty systemu są pisane w języku Rust i uruchamiane w przestrzeni użytkownika.
+### Aktualny stan
+Redox to oprogramowanie o jakości alfa/beta, ponieważ wdrażamy nowe funkcje i naprawiamy błędy.
+Dlatego nie jest jeszcze gotowy do codziennego użytku, możesz przetestować system do jego dojrzałości i **nie przechowuj wrażliwych danych bez odpowiedniej kopii zapasowej.**
+Wersja 1.0 zostanie wydana, gdy wszystkie API systemu zostanÄ… uznane za stabilne.
+## Co znaczy Redox?
+[Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) ito reakcja chemiczna (redukcja-utlenianie), w wyniku której powstaje rdza, ponieważ Redox jest systemem operacyjnym napisanym w języku Rust, ma to sens.
+To też brzmi jak Minix/Linux.
+## Jakie funkcje ma Redox?
+### Microkernel benefits
+#### Prawdziwa modułowość
+Możesz modyfikować/zmieniać wiele komponentów systemu bez ponownego uruchamiania systemu.[livepatching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kpatch).
+#### Izolacja błędów
+Większość komponentów systemu działa w przestrzeni użytkownika w systemie mikrojądra, błąd w komponencie innym niż jądro nie spowoduje awarii systemu/jądra. Wiecej infromacji: [crash the system/kernel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic).
+#### No-reboot design
+W dobrze zaprojektowanych i napisanych Microkernelach naprawianie błędów wystepuje bardzo rzadko, więc nie będziesz musiał zbyt często restartować systemu, aby go zaktualizować.
+Ponieważ większość komponentów systemu znajduje się w przestrzeni użytkownika, można je wymieniać na bieżąco (co skraca czas przestoju administratorów serwerów).
+#### Łatwy w rozwoju i debugowaniu
+Większość komponentów systemu działa w przestrzeni użytkownika, co upraszcza testowanie/debugowanie.
+### Rust benefits
+#### Mniej prawdopodobne, że będą zawierały błędy
+Restrykcyjna składnia jezyka Rust i sugestie kompilatora znacznie zmniejszają prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia błędów.
+#### Nie ma potrzeby stosowania zabezpieczeń przed exploitami C/C++
+Konstrukcja mikrojądra napisana w Rust chroni przed defektami pamięci C/C++.
+IzolujÄ…c komponenty systemu od jÄ…dra, [powierzchnia ataku](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_surface) jest bardzo ograniczona.
+#### Większe bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność bez znaczącego wpływu na wydajność
+Ponieważ jądro jest małe, zużywa mniej pamięci do wykonywania swojej pracy, a ograniczony rozmiar kodu jądra pomaga utrzymać status prawie wolny od błędów ([Zasada KISS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle)).
+Bezpieczny i szybki projekt języka Rusta, w połączeniu z małym rozmiarem kodu jądra, pomaga zapewnić niezawodny, wydajny i łatwy w utrzymaniu rdzeń systemu.
+#### Bezpieczeństwo wątków
+Obsługa bezpieczeństwa wątków w języku C/C++ jest dość delikatna i bardzo łatwo jest napisać program, który wygląda na bezpieczny do działania w wielu wątkach, ale który wprowadza subtelne błędy lub luki w zabezpieczeniach. Jeśli jeden wątek uzyskuje dostęp do fragmentu stanu w tym samym czasie, gdy inny wątek go zmienia, w całym programie mogą pojawić się naprawdę mylące i dziwaczne błędy.
+Ale w Rust tego rodzaju błędów można łatwo uniknąć, ten sam system typów, który powstrzymuje nas przed zapisywaniem zagrożeń w pamięci, uniemożliwia nam zapisywanie niebezpiecznych wzorców współbieżnego dostępu
+#### Sterowniki pisane w Rust
+Sterowniki pisane w Rust zawieraja mniej błedów ze względu na rygorystyczne sprawdzanie typów i wycieków pamięci juz w trakcie kompilacji co zwieksza prawdopodobieństwo mniejszej ilości możliwych błedów w samym kodzie i dlatego są bezpieczniejsze w użytkowaniu.
+- [Lista aktualnie obsługiwanych urządzeń](#which-devices-does-redox-support)
+#### System plików inspirowany ZFS
+Redox używa RedoxFS jako domyślnego systemu plików, obsługuje podobne funkcje jak [ZFS](https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/) z implementacją napisaną w Rust.
+Oczekuj wysokiej wydajności i bezpieczeństwa danych jak (kopiowanie przy zapisie, integralność danych, woluminy, migawki, zabezpieczenie przed utratą danych itd.).
+## Jaki jest cel Redox?
+Głównym celem Redox jest bycie systemem operacyjnym ogólnego przeznaczenia, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa, niezawodności i poprawności.
+Redox ma być alternatywą dla istniejących systemów uniksowych (Linux/BSD), z możliwością uruchamiania większości programów uniksowych jedynie po rekompilacji lub minimalnych modyfikacjach.
+- [Nasze cele](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch01-01-our-goals.html)
+## Co mogę zrobić z Redox?
+Jako system operacyjny ogólnego przeznaczenia będziesz w stanie wykonać prawie każde zadanie na większości urządzeń przy wysokiej wydajności/bezpieczeństwie.
+Redox jest wciąż w fazie rozwoju, więc lista obsługiwanych aplikacji jest obecnie ograniczona, ale stale dodajemy nowe aplikacje i ich lista stale rośnie. 
+- [Przypadki użycia](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch01-04-redox-use-cases.html)
+## Co to jest system operacyjny typu Unix?
+Dowolny system operacyjny zgodny ze [Single Unix Specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification) i [POSIX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX), oczekuj [shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell), "[koncepcja wszytsko jest plikiem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_is_a_file)" , wielozadaniowość i wielu użytkowników.
+[Unix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix) był bardzo wpływowym systemem wielozadaniowym i miał wpływ na wybory projektowe większości nowoczesnych systemów.    
+- [Artykuł na Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix-like)
+## Jak Redox inspiruje siÄ™ innymi systemami?
+### [Plan 9](http://9p.io/plan9/index.html)
+Ten system operacyjny Bell Labs przenosi koncepcję „wszystko jest plikiem” na najwyższy poziom, realizując całą komunikację systemową z systemu plików.
+- [Drew DeVault wyjaśnia Plan 9](https://drewdevault.com/2022/11/12/In-praise-of-Plan-9.html)
+- [Wpływ Planu 9 na Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch05-00-urls-schemes-resources.html)
+### [Minix](https://minix3.org/)
+Najbardziej wpływowy system uniksowy z mikrojądrem, posiadający zaawansowane funkcje, takie jak modułowość systemu, [kernel panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic) rodporność, reinkarnacja sterowników, ochrona przed złymi sterownikami i bezpieczeństwo interfejsy do [komunikacji procesowej](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication).
+Redox jest w dużej mierze inspirowany Minixem, ma podobną architekturę i zestaw funkcji napisany w Rust.
+- [Jak Minix wpłynął na projekt Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html)
+### [seL4](https://sel4.systems/)
+Najszybszy i najprostszy mikrokernel na świecie, ma na celu wydajność i prostotę.
+Redox kieruje się tą samą zasadą, starając się maksymalnie zmniejszyć przestrzeń jądra (przenosząc komponenty do przestrzeni użytkownika i zmniejszając liczbę wywołań systemowych, przekazując złożoność do przestrzeni użytkownika) i utrzymując dobrą wydajność.
+### [BSD](https://www.bsd.org/)
+Ta [rodzina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_Unix) Uniksa zawierała kilka ulepszeń systemów uniksowych, a warianty BSD o otwartym kodzie źródłowym, które dodały wiele ulepszeń do oryginalnego systemu (podobnie jak Linux).
+[FreeBSD](https://www.freebsd.org/) jest najbardziej godnym uwagi przykładem, z którego Redox czerpał inspirację [Capsicum](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?capsicum(4)) (system oparty na możliwościach) i [jails](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freebsd_jail) (technologia sandbox) do implementacji przestrzeni nazw.
+### [Linux](https://www.kernel.org/)
+Najbardziej zaawansowane monolityczne jądro i największy na świecie projekt open source, wprowadziło kilka ulepszeń i optymalizacji do świata Uniksa.
+Redox próbuje wdrożyć ulepszenia wydajności Linuksa w projekcie mikrojądra.
+## Co to jest microkernel?
+Mikrojądro to niemal minimalna ilość oprogramowania, która może zapewnić mechanizmy potrzebne do wdrożenia systemu operacyjnego działającego na najwyższych uprawnieniach procesora.
+Takie podejście do projektowania systemu operacyjnego zapewnia większą stabilność i bezpieczeństwo przy niewielkim koszcie wydajności.
+- [Wiecej informacji w ksiażce Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html)
+## Jakie programy może uruchomić Redox?
+Redox został zaprojektowany tak, aby był kompatybilny ze źródłami z większości aplikacji zgodnych z Unixem, Linuxem i POSIX, wymagając jedynie kompilacji.
+Obecnie większość aplikacji GUI wymaga przeniesienia, ponieważ nie obsługujemy jeszcze X11 ani Wayland.
+Niektóre ważne oprogramowanie obsługiwane przez Redox:
+- [Bash](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/bash)
+- [ffmpeg](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/ffmpeg)
+- [GCC](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/gcc)
+- [Git](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/git)
+- [LLVM](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/llvm)
+- [Mesa3D](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/mesa)
+- [OpenSSL](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/openssl)
+- [SDL2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/sdl2)
+Możesz zobaczyć wszystkie przeniesione programy/komponenty do Redox [tutaj](https://static.redox-os.org/pkg/x86_64-unknown-redox/).
+## Jak zainstalować programy na Redox?
+Redox ma menedżera pakietów podobnego do `apt` (Debian) i `pkg` (FreeBSD), możesz zobaczyć, jak go używać na tej stronie:
+- [Redox manager pakietów](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-08-pkg.html)
+## Jakie sÄ… warianty Redox?
+Redox OS ma kilka wariantów dla różnych zastosowań, pełna lista zastosowań i wersji poniżej:
+- `server-minimal` - Najbardziej minimalny wariant z podstawowym systemem, przeznaczony dla urządzeń wbudowanych, bardzo starych komputerów i programistów.
+- `desktop-minimal` - Najbardziej minimalny wariant z dołączonym środowiskiem graficznym Orbital, przeznaczony dla urządzeń wbudowanych, bardzo starych komputerów i programistów.
+- `server` - Wariant serwerowy z kompletnym systemem i narzędziami sieciowymi, przeznaczony dla administratorów serwerów, urządzeń wbudowanych, komputerów z niższej półki i programistów.
+- `desktop` - Wariant standardowy z kompletnym systemem, środowiskiem graficznym Orbital i przydatnymi narzędziami, przeznaczony do codziennego użytku, producentów, programistów i graczy.
+- `dev` - Wariant deweloperski z kompletnym systemem i narzędziami programistycznymi, przeznaczony dla programistów.
+- `demo` - Wariant demo z kompletnym systemem, narzędziami, grami, przeznaczony dla testerów, graczy i programistów.
+## Które urządzenia obsługuje Redox?
+Na świecie istnieją miliardy urządzeń z setkami modeli/architektur, staramy się pisać sterowniki dla najczęściej używanych urządzeń, aby obsługiwać więcej osób, niektóre sterowniki są specyficzne dla urządzenia, a inne są specyficzne dla architektury.
+Zajrzyj do [HARDWARE.md](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/blob/master/HARDWARE.md) aby zobaczyć wszystkie przetestowane komputery.
+### CPU
+- Intel - 64-bit (x86_64) and 32-bit (i686) z rodziny Pentium II i nowszych z ograniczeniami.
+- AMD - 64-bit (AMD64) i 32-bit.
+- ARM - 64-bit (Aarch64) z ograniczeniami.
+### Hardware Interfaces
+- [ACPI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/acpid)
+- [PCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcid)
+(USB wkrótce)
+### Video
+- [VGA](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vesad) - (BIOS)
+- [LLVMpipe](https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/llvmpipe.html) - Software Rendering
+(Intel/AMD oraz inne wkrótce)
+### Dzwięk
+- [Intel chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ihdad)
+- [Realtek chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ac97d)
+- [PC speaker](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcspkrd)
+([Sound Blaster](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/sb16d) wkrótce)
+### Storage
+- [IDE](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ided) - (PATA)
+- [AHCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ahcid) - (SATA)
+- [NVMe](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/nvmed)
+(USB wkrótce)
+### Wejście
+- [PS/2 keyboards](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
+- [PS/2 mouse](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
+- [PS/2 touchpad](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
+(USB wkrótce)
+### Internet
+- [Intel Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/e1000d)
+- [Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ixgbed)
+- [Realtek ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/rtl8168d)
+(Wi-Fi/[Atheros ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/alxd) wkrótce)
+## Mam komputer z niższej półki czy Redox będzie na nim działał?
+Procesor komputera to najbardziej złożona maszyna na świecie, nawet najstarsze procesory są w stanie wykonać niektóre zawansowana obliczenia ale zależy to też od konkretnego zadania.
+Głównym problemem starych komputerów jest ilość dostępnej pamięci RAM (sprzedawane były w czasach, gdy kości RAM były drogie) i brak rozszerzeń SSE/AVX (programy wykorzystują je do przyspieszania algorytmów), przez co niektóre nowoczesne programy mogą nie działać lub wymagają dużej ilości pamięci RAM do wykonywania złożonych zadań.
+Redox będzie działał normalnie (jeśli system obsługuje architekturę procesora), ale konieczne będzie przetestowanie każdego programu.
+## Z jakimi maszynami wirtualnymi Redox ma integracjÄ™?
+- [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/)
+- [VirtualBox](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vboxd)
+W przyszłości mikrokernel mógłby pełnić funkcję hypervisora, podobnie jak [Xen](https://xenproject.org/).
+A [hypervisor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervisor) to oprogramowanie umożliwiające jednoczesne uruchomienie wielu izolowanych instancji systemu operacyjnego.
+## Jak skompilować Redox OS?
+Obecnie Redox posiada skrypt startowy dla Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE i FreeBSD z nieutrzymywaną obsługą innych dystrybucji.
+Oferujemy również Podman jako naszą uniwersalną metodę kompilacji. Jest to zalecany proces kompilacji dla systemów innych niż Debian, ponieważ pozwala uniknąć problemów środowiskowych w procesie kompilacji.
+- [Redox przewodnik](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html) - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
+- [Redox Podman przewodnk](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-06-podman-build.html)
+### Jak uruchomić QEMU bez GUI
+- `make qemu vga=no`
+### Jak rozwiązywać problemy z kompilacją w przypadku błędów
+Przeczytaj [tą](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch08-05-troubleshooting.html) stronę lub dołącz do nas na [Redox Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
+### Jak zgłaszać błędy w Redox
+Najpierw sprawdź Problemy na GitLabie, aby sprawdzić, czy Twój problem jest już znany.
+- [Redox przewodnik jak zgłaszać błedy](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-03-creating-proper-bug-reports.html)
+## Jak mogę przyczynić się do rozwoju projektu Redox?
+Możesz przyczynić się na wiele sposobów do rozwoju Redox OS, wiecej informacji [CONTRIBUTING](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+## Mam problem/pytanie do zespołu Redox
+- Spójrz na stronę [Dokumentacja](/docs/), aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów na temat elementów wewnętrznych Redox.
+- Spójrz na [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) aby sprawdzić, czy odpowiada na Twoje pytania/rozwiązuje problem.
+- Jeśli książka nie zawiera odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie, zadaj pytanie/przedstaw swój problem na stronie [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
diff --git a/content/faq.pt.md b/content/faq.pt.md
index b33320ea5c1df32eaf7031f9f9622106a87de457..1da27ef2faa1cc3124afc9ebea9ee2853323aa45 100644
--- a/content/faq.pt.md
+++ b/content/faq.pt.md
@@ -9,32 +9,27 @@ Essa página contém perguntas/respostas para iniciantes e usuários comuns.
 - [Quais funções o Redox possui?](#quais-fun%C3%A7%C3%B5es-o-redox-possui)
     - [Benefícios do Microkernel](#benefícios-do-microkernel)
     - [Benefícios da Rust](#benefícios-da-rust)
+    - [Comparação com outros sistemas operacionais](#comparação-com-outros-sistemas-operacionais)
 - [Qual o propósito do Redox?](#qual-o-prop%C3%B3sito-do-redox)
 - [O que posso fazer com o Redox?](#o-que-posso-fazer-com-o-redox)
 - [O que é um sistema Unix-like?](#o-que-%C3%A9-um-sistema-unix-like)
 - [Como o Redox é inspirado em outros sistemas?](#como-o-redox-%C3%A9-inspirado-em-outros-sistemas)
-    - [Plan 9](#plan-9)
-    - [Minix](#minix)
-    - [seL4](#sel4)
-    - [BSD](#bsd)
-    - [Linux](#linux)
 - [O que é um microkernel?](#o-que-%C3%A9-um-microkernel)
 - [Quais programas o Redox executa?](#quais-programas-o-redox-executa)
 - [Como instalar programas no Redox?](#como-instalar-programas-no-redox)
 - [Quais são as variantes do Redox?](#quais-são-as-variantes-do-redox)
 - [Quais dispositivos o Redox suporta?](#quais-dispositivos-o-redox-suporta)
-- [Tenho um computador fraco, o Redox irá funcionar?]
+- [Tenho um computador fraco, o Redox irá funcionar?](#tenho-um-computador-fraco-o-redox-irá-funcionar)
 - [Quais máquinas virtuais o Redox possui integração?](#quais-m%C3%A1quinas-virtuais-o-redox-possui-integra%C3%A7%C3%A3o)
 - [Como compilar o Redox?](#como-compilar-o-redox)
- - [Como abrir o QEMU sem interface gráfica](#como-abrir-o-qemu-sem-interface-gr%C3%A1fica)
- - [Como diagnosticar seu Redox em caso de erros](#como-diagnosticar-seu-redox-em-caso-de-erros)
- - [Como reportar bugs para o Redox](#como-reportar-bugs-para-o-redox)
+- [Como diagnosticar seu Redox em caso de erros](#como-diagnosticar-seu-redox-em-caso-de-erros)
+- [Como reportar bugs para o Redox](#como-reportar-bugs-para-o-redox)
 - [Como contribuir para o Redox?](#como-contribuir-para-o-redox)
 - [Eu tenho um problema/pergunta para a equipe do Redox](#eu-tenho-um-problemapergunta-para-a-equipe-do-redox)
 ## O que é o Redox?
-Redox é um sistema operacional baseado em microkernel, completo, funcional, para uso geral com foco em segurança, liberdade, confiabilidade, correção e pragmatismo.
+Redox é um sistema operacional baseado em microkernel, completo, funcional, para uso geral criado em 2015, com foco em segurança, liberdade, confiabilidade, correção e pragmatismo.
 Onde for possível, os componentes do sistema serão escritos em Rust e executam no espaço do usuário.
@@ -48,65 +43,71 @@ A versão 1.0 será lançada quando todas as APIs do sistema forem consideradas
 ## O que Redox significa?
-[Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) é a reação química (redução-oxidação) que cria a ferrugem, já que o Redox é um sistema operacional escrito em Rust, faz sentido.
+[Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) é a reação química (redução-oxidação) que cria a ferrugem, sendo o Redox um sistema operacional escrito em Rust, faz sentido.
-Ele soa similar com Minix/Linux também.
+Ele soa similar com Minix e Linux também.
 ## Quais funções o Redox possui?
 ### Benefícios do Microkernel
-#### Modularidade real
+- **Modularidade real**
 Você pode modificar/trocar a maioria dos componentes do sistema sem reiniciar o sistema, similar ao [livepatching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kpatch) porém mais seguro).
-#### Isolamento de bugs
+- **Isolamento de bugs**
 A maioria dos componentes do sistema executam no espaço do usuário em um sistema com microkernel, um bug em componentes do sistema fora do kernel não pode [quebrar o kernel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_panic).
-#### Design de não-reinicialização
+- **Design de não-reinicialização**
 O kernel é pequeno e muda muito pouco (correção de bugs), portanto você não precisa reiniciar seu sistema com frequência para atualizar, já que a maioria dos serviços do sistema estão no espaço do usuário, eles podem ser trocados/atualizados durante a execução (reduzindo o tempo offline de servidores).
+- **Fácil de desenvolver e depurar**
+A maioria dos componentes do sistema estão no espaço do usuário, simplificando a depuração.
 ### Benefícios da Rust
-#### Menos suscetível a bugs
+- **Menos suscetível a bugs**
 A síntaxe restritiva e as sugestões do compilador reduz muito a probabilidade de bugs.
-#### Sem necessidade para mitigações de exploit das linguagens C e C++
+- **Menos vulnerável a corrupção de dados**
+O compilador da Rust ajuda o programador a evitar erros de memória e bugs difíceis de examinar, o que reduz a probabilidade dos bugs de corrupção de dados.
+- **Sem necessidade para mitigações de exploit das linguagens C e C++**
 O design de um microkernel escrito em Rust protege contra as falhas de memória das linguagens C e C++, isolando o sistema do kernel a superfície de ataque é muito limitada.
-#### Sistema de arquivos inspirado no ZFS
+- **Sistema de arquivos inspirado no ZFS**
 O Redox utiliza o RedoxFS como sistema de arquivos padrão, ele suporta funções parecidas com as do [ZFS](https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/) com uma implementação escrita em Rust.
 Espere alto desempenho e segurança dos dados (copy-on-write, integridade de arquivos, volumes, snapshots, endurecido contra a perda de arquivos).
-#### Melhorias de segurança/confiabilidade sem impacto significante no desempenho
+- **Melhorias de segurança/confiabilidade sem impacto significante no desempenho**
 Como o kernel é pequeno, ele usa menos memória para fazer suas funções e o código limitado no kernel torna ele quase livre de bugs (objetivo do príncipio [KISS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle)).
 O design seguro e veloz da linguagem Rust, combinado com a pequena quantidade de código no kernel, ajudam a garantir um núcleo fácil, confiável e veloz de manter.
-#### Segurança no Thread
+- **Segurança de Concurrência**
-O suporte para segurança de thread nas linguagens de programmação C/C++ é frágil e muito fácil de escrever um programa que parece seguro para executar em vários threads, mas introduz bugs útis e buracos de segurança.
+O suporte para segurança de concurrência nas linguagens de programmação C/C++ é frágil e muito fácil de escrever um programa que parece seguro para executar em vários threads, mas introduz bugs útis e buracos de segurança.
 Se um thread acessa um pedaço do estado ao mesmo tempo que outro thread está modificando, o programa todo pode exibir bugs confusos e bizarros.
 Mas na Rust esse tipo de bug é fácil de evitar, o mesmo sistema de escrita que nos previne de escrever de forma insegura também nos previne de escrever padrões perigosos de acesso simultâneo.
-#### Drivers escritos em Rust
+- **Drivers escritos em Rust**
 Drivers escritos em Rust possuem incentivos para ter menos bugs e portanto melhor segurança.
-- [Dispositivos suportados atualmente](#quais-dispositivos-o-redox-suporta)
-#### Fácil de desenvolver e depurar
+### Comparação com outros sistemas operacionais
-A maioria dos componentes do sistema estão no espaço do usuário, simplificando a depuração.
+Você pode ver como o Redox é em comparação com o Linux, FreeBSD e Plan 9 [nesta](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-11-features.html) página.
 ## Qual o propósito do Redox?
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ O Redox tenta implementar as melhorias de desempenho do Linux em um design de mi
 Um microkernel é um modelo para núcleo de sistema operacional com uma pequena quantidade de código executando no maior privilégio do processador, este modelo melhora a estabilidade e segurança, com um pequeno custo de desempenho.
-- [Explicação do livro Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html)
+Você pode ler mais sobre [aqui](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html).
 ## Quais programas o Redox executa?
@@ -183,22 +184,20 @@ Atualmente, a maioria das aplicações com interface gráfica requer um port, j
 Softwares importantes que o Redox suporta:
-- [Bash](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/bash)
-- [ffmpeg](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/ffmpeg)
-- [GCC](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/gcc)
-- [Git](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/git)
-- [LLVM](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/llvm)
-- [Mesa3D](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/mesa)
-- [OpenSSL](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/openssl)
-- [SDL2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/cookbook/-/tree/master/recipes/sdl2)
+- GNU Bash
+- Git
+- SDL2
+- OpenSSL
+- Mesa3D
+- GCC
-Você pode ver todos os componentes do Redox/programas portados [aqui](https://static.redox-os.org/pkg/x86_64-unknown-redox/)
+Você pode ver todos os componentes do Redox e programas portados [aqui](https://static.redox-os.org/pkg/x86_64-unknown-redox/)
 ## Como instalar programs no Redox?
-O Redox tem um gerenciador de pacotes similar ao `apt` (Debian) e `pkg` (FreeBSD), você pode ler como utiliza-lo nesta página:
-- [Gerenciador de Pacotes do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-08-pkg.html)
+O Redox tem um gerenciador de pacotes similar ao `apt` (Debian) e `pkg` (FreeBSD), você pode aprender a como utiliza-lo [aqui](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-08-pkg.html).
 ## Quais são as variantes do Redox?
@@ -230,50 +229,48 @@ Leia o [HARDWARE.md](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/blob/master/HA
 ### Interfaces do Hardware
-- [ACPI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/acpid)
-- [PCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcid)
+- PCI
-(USB breve)
+(USB em breve)
 ### Vídeo
-- [VGA](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vesad) - (BIOS)
+- VGA - (BIOS)
-- [LLVMpipe](https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/llvmpipe.html) - Renderização de Software
+- [LLVMpipe](https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/llvmpipe.html) (Emulação da OpenGL na CPU)
 (Intel/AMD e outros no futuro)
 ### Som
-- [Intel chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ihdad)
-- [Realtek chipsets](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ac97d)
-- [PC speaker](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/pcspkrd)
+- Chipsets Intel
+- Chipsets Realtek
+- Alto-falante de PC
-([Sound Blaster](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/sb16d) em breve)
+(Sound Blaster em breve)
 ### Armazenamento
-- [IDE](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ided) - (PATA)
-- [AHCI](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ahcid) - (SATA)
-- [NVMe](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/nvmed)
+- NVMe
 (USB em breve)
 ### Periféricos
-- [Teclados PS/2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
-- [Mouse PS/2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
-- [Touchpad PS/2](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ps2d)
+- Teclados, mouse e touchpad PS/2
 (USB em breve)
 ### Internet
-- [Intel Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/e1000d)
-- [Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/ixgbed)
-- [Realtek ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/rtl8168d)
+- Intel Gigabit ethernet
+- Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet
+- Realtek ethernet
-(Wi-Fi/[Atheros ethernet](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/alxd) em breve)
+(Wi-Fi e Atheros ethernet em breve)
 ## Tenho um computador fraco, o Redox irá funcionar?
@@ -285,8 +282,8 @@ O Redox irá funcionar normalmente (se a arquitetura do processador for suportad
 ## Quais máquinas virtuais o Redox possui integração?
-- [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/)
-- [VirtualBox](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/drivers/-/tree/master/vboxd)
+- VirtualBox
 No futuro o microkernel poderia agir como um supervisor, similar ao [Xen](https://xenproject.org/).
@@ -301,22 +298,13 @@ Nós também oferecemos o Podman como método de compilação universal, esse é
 - [Guia no Livro do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html) - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
 - [Guia do Podman no Livro do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-06-podman-build.html)
-### Como abrir o QEMU sem interface gráfica
-- `make qemu vga=no`
-### Como diagnosticar seu Redox em caso de erros
+## Como diagnosticar seu Redox em caso de erros
 Leia [essa](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch08-05-troubleshooting.html) página ou nos explique no [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
-### Como reportar bugs para o Redox?
-Verifique as Issues no GitLab primeiro para ver se seu problema é conhecido.
+## Como reportar bugs para o Redox?
-- [Guia para Relatório de Bug no Livro do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-03-creating-proper-bug-reports.html)
-- [CONTRIBUTING](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
+Leia [essa](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch12-03-creating-proper-bug-reports.html) página e verifique as Issues no GitLab para ver se seu problema foi reportado por alguém.
 ## Como contribuir para o Redox?
@@ -324,6 +312,6 @@ Você pode contribuir para o Redox de diversas formas, veja elas em [CONTRIBUTIN
 ## Eu tenho um pergunta/problema para a equipe do Redox
-- Leia a [Documentação](/docs/).
-- Leia todo o [livro do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) para ver se isso responde sua pergunta/corrige seu problema.
-- Se a documentação/livro não resolver, diga sua pergunta/problema no [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
+- Leia a [Documentação](/docs/) para saber mais sobre partes internas do Redox.
+- Leia todo o [livro do Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/) para ver se responde sua pergunta ou conserta seu problema.
+- Se a documentação e o livro não resolver, faça sua pergunta ou diga seu problema no [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html).
diff --git a/content/home.en.md b/content/home.en.md
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--- a/content/home.en.md
+++ b/content/home.en.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ url = "home"
 <div class="row install-row">
   <div class="col-md-8">
     <p class="pitch">
-      <b>Redox</b> is a Unix-like Operating System written in <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://www.rust-lang.org/"><b>Rust</b></a>,
+      <b>Redox</b> is a <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix-like"><b>Unix-like</b></a> Operating System written in <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://www.rust-lang.org/"><b>Rust</b></a>,
       aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel and full set of applications.
@@ -18,20 +18,21 @@ url = "home"
 <div class="row features">
   <div class="col-md-6">
     <ul class="laundry-list" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
-      <li>Inspired by Plan 9, Minix, seL4, BSD and Linux</li>
-      <li>Implemented in Rust</li>
-      <li>Microkernel Design</li>
-      <li>Includes optional GUI - Orbital</li>
-      <li>Supports Rust Standard Library</li>
+      <li>Inspired by <a href="http://9p.io/plan9/index.html">Plan 9</a>, <a href="http://www.minix3.org/">Minix</a>, <a href="https://sel4.systems/">seL4</a>, <a href="http://www.bsd.org/">BSD</a> and <a href="https://www.kernel.org/">Linux</a></li>
+      <li>Implemented in <a href="https://www.rust-lang.org/">Rust</a></li>
+      <li><a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html">Microkernel</a> Design</li>
+      <li>Includes optional GUI - <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-09-graphics-windowing.html#orbital">Orbital</a></li>
+      <li>Supports <a href="https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/">Rust Standard Library</a></li>
   <div class="col-md-6">
     <ul class="laundry-list">
-      <li>MIT Licensed</li>
-      <li>Drivers run in Userspace</li>
-      <li>Includes common Unix commands</li>
-      <li>Partial POSIX compatibility</li>
-      <li>Custom C library written in Rust (relibc)</li>
+      <li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License">MIT</a> Licensed</li>
+      <li><a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-07-drivers.html">Drivers</a> run in Userspace</li>
+      <li>Includes common Unix/Linux <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch06-04-system-tools.html">tools</a></li>
+      <li><a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch06-00-programs-libraries.html">Source compatibility</a> with Linux/BSD programs</li>
+      <li>Partial <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX">POSIX</a> compatibility</li>
+      <li>Custom <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_standard_library">C library</a> written in Rust (<a href="https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/relibc/">relibc</a>)</li>
       <li>See <a href="/screens/">Redox in Action</a></li>
diff --git a/content/home.pl.md b/content/home.pl.md
index ff4abe628c8fcc2ef0e34e8614b1f97fd08262be..42b62fe75f5712989ecf8b818a6eaea42fcb034e 100644
--- a/content/home.pl.md
+++ b/content/home.pl.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ url = "home"
   <div class="col-md-4 install-box">
+    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/pl/quickstart/">Szybki start</a>
     <a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/releases">Zobacz Wydania</a>
     <a class="btn btn-default" href="https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/">Pobierz z GitLaba</a>
diff --git a/content/home.pt.md b/content/home.pt.md
index 90ec0b503a35a31e8d6b6b1d8e2856067f5eaadd..631159ce28c30580cf7c68ac9e74816fae125167 100644
--- a/content/home.pt.md
+++ b/content/home.pt.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ url = "home"
 <div class="row install-row">
   <div class="col-md-8">
     <p class="pitch">
-      O <b>Redox</b> é um sistema operacional Unix-like escrito em <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://www.rust-lang.org/"><b>Rust</b></a>,
+      O <b>Redox</b> é um sistema operacional <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix-like"><b>Unix-like</b></a> escrito em <a style="color: inherit;" href="https://www.rust-lang.org/"><b>Rust</b></a>,
       que busca trazer as inovações desta linguagem de programação para um microkernel moderno e um conjunto completo de aplicações.
@@ -18,20 +18,21 @@ url = "home"
 <div class="row features">
   <div class="col-md-6">
     <ul class="laundry-list" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
-      <li>Inspirado pelo Plan 9, Minix, seL4, BSD e Linux</li>
-      <li>Implementado em Rust</li>
-      <li>Design de Microkernel</li>
-      <li>Inclui uma GUI opcional - Orbital</li>
-      <li>Suporta a biblioteca padrão da Rust</li>
+      <li>Inspirado pelo <a href="http://9p.io/plan9/index.html">Plan 9</a>, <a href="http://www.minix3.org/">Minix</a>, <a href="https://sel4.systems/">seL4</a>, <a href="http://www.bsd.org/">BSD</a> e <a href="https://www.kernel.org/">Linux</a></li>
+      <li>Implementado em <a href="https://www.rust-lang.org/">Rust</a></li>
+      <li>Design de <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-01-microkernels.html">Microkernel</a></li>
+      <li>Inclui uma GUI opcional - <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-09-graphics-windowing.html#orbital">Orbital</a></li>
+      <li>Suporta a <a href="https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/">biblioteca padrão da Rust</a></li>
   <div class="col-md-6">
     <ul class="laundry-list">
-      <li>Licença MIT</li>
-      <li>Os drivers são executados no espaço do usuário</li>
-      <li>Inclui os comandos Unix mais comuns</li>
-      <li>Compatibilidade parcial com a POSIX</li>
-      <li>Biblioteca C customizada e escrita em Rust (relibc)</li>
+      <li>Licença <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License">MIT</a></li>
+      <li>Os <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-07-drivers.html">Drivers</a> são executados no espaço do usuário</li>
+      <li>Inclui as <a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch06-04-system-tools.html">ferramentas</a> Unix/Linux mais comuns</li>
+      <li><a href="https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch06-00-programs-libraries.html">Compatibilidade de código-fonte</a> com programas do Linux/BSD</li>
+      <li>Compatibilidade parcial com a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX">POSIX</a></li>
+      <li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_standard_library">Biblioteca C</a> customizada e escrita em Rust (<a href="https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/relibc/">relibc</a>)</li>
       <li>Veja <a href="/pt/screens/">Redox em Ação</a></li>
diff --git a/content/news/board-meeting-2023-06-21.md b/content/news/board-meeting-2023-06-21.md
index 7eb7491b284bf8545dd00b38d8eed01a6f07a043..0b0aa4c6973b8a5e3bed0d8cd5e7c4c7bd090423 100644
--- a/content/news/board-meeting-2023-06-21.md
+++ b/content/news/board-meeting-2023-06-21.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Jeremy created the Redox OS project in 2015, and is the Redox [BDFL](https://en.
 <a href="/img/board/alberto-souza.jpg"><img width=256 height=256 src="/img/board/alberto-souza.jpg"/></a>
-Alberto has been an open-source activist and systems researcher since 2016. He has used dozens of Unix-like systems, from mainstream to underground, and has a passion for kernel models. He has been in love with BSDs due to their maturity and simplicity, and has been following Redox OS development over the years, feeling confident to start contributing in 2023. Since starting, he has made vast improvements to the Redox OS documentation and worked on porting numerous programs.
+Alberto has been an open-source activist and amateur systems researcher since 2017. He has used dozens of Unix-like systems and thousands of free and open-source programs, from mainstream to underground. He has been following Redox OS development over the years, feeling confident to start contributing in 2023. Since starting, he has made vast improvements to the Redox OS management, documentation and worked on porting numerous programs.
diff --git a/content/news/t-shirts-fundraising.md b/content/news/t-shirts-fundraising.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b163c103178e4c84656b59c429809d5fe292e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/news/t-shirts-fundraising.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+title = "Redox Merch, New T-Shirt Colors and Other Fundraising News"
+author = "Ron Williams"
+date = "2024-01-17"
+Shop Redox Merch! New T-Shirt Colors! Limited Editions! and more fundraising news!
+Redox Summer of Code (RSoC) is our annual program to fund students and other contributors for summer projects that help move Redox forward.
+In 2023, we funded three projects.
+We are hoping to have a similar-sized program this year, but in order to do that, we need a little help.
+## T-Shirts! New Colors!
+For those of you that were not aware, Redox has a [merch store](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/)! And this month, we have added some great new T-Shirt colors! Approximately $14 per T-Shirt goes towards Redox development (a little less for European orders).
+After a poll of our community, Midnight Navy and Cardinal we chosen as our new T-Shirt colors. They are available now. Plus our fantastic [black](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-dark-tee?product=46&variation=2742&size=423), [gray](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-light-tee?product=46&variation=2753&size=423) and  [white](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-light-tee?product=46&variation=2739&size=423) shirts are available as always.
+Click the images below to go directly to the color you want. Be sure to check the size guide.
+<a href="https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-dark-tee?product=46&variation=2745&size=423"><img class="img" src="/img/tshirts/midnight-navy.png" alt="Midnight Navy" style="width: 40%; height: auto;"/></a>
+<a href="https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-dark-tee?product=46&variation=2756&size=423"><img class="img" src="/img/tshirts/cardinal.png" alt="Cardinal" style="width: 40%; height: auto;"/></a>
+We also have Tahiti Blue and Dark Chocolate as a "limited edition", available until February 29.
+<a href="https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-light-tee?product=46&variation=2748&size=423"><img class="img" src="/img/tshirts/tahiti-blue.png" alt="Tahiti Blue" style="width: 40%; height: auto;"/></a>
+<a href="https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/listing/redox-os-dark-tee?product=46&variation=2754&size=423"><img class="img" src="/img/tshirts/dark-chocolate.png" alt="Dark Chocolate" style="width: 40%; height: auto;"/></a>
+If there is some merch product that you would like to see us add, please let us know on Matrix!
+## Donating to Redox
+Redox appreciates your donations, and we direct all donations to development and operations.
+With a community of hundreds, and more than a dozen developers contributing in 2023, we are a vibrant community, funded entirely like donors just like you.
+You can donate through [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/redox_os) and [Donorbox](https://donorbox.org/redox-os). More donation options are on our [Donate](/donate) page.
+## Funding for Individuals
+For those of you who are actively contributing to Redox or other FOSS projects, there are some great programs to help you get paid.
+[Google Summer of Code](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2024) helps fund developers directly. We plan to apply as a Mentor Organization this year. We will provide more information if we are accepted as a Mentor.
+[Github Accelerator](https://accelerator.github.com/) provides a large grant to selected developers who are looking to make FOSS their career. They will be opening up for applications in the near future.
+## Other Opportunities
+Redox is looking into funding from many sources, some large and some small.
+The process is slow, but the landscape for FOSS funding is better than ever, with more awareness that interesting and useful FOSS projects need financial support.
+There are some "Sovereign" Funds, which are government-funded organizations whose sole purpose is to donate to FOSS projects.
+They mostly give to software that is in active use, but there are a few "under development" projects that are receiving funds.
+There are also some foundations funded by corporate donors, and they are very active in supporting FOSS and helping make projects successful.
+We will be pursuing donations from both of these types of organizations over the coming months.
+At the same time, we will be looking for corporate partners who are interested in Redox and have interests that mesh well with our goals.
+If you have any suggestions for a corporate partner, please contact me (rw_van) or Ribbon on Matrix.
+We will keep you up to date if we have any big news to share.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/news/this-month-240131.md
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+title = "This Month in Redox - January 2024"
+author = "Ron Williams"
+date = "2024-01-31"
+This is the first in hopefully a regular series of posts about the progress we have made on Redox this month.
+We have been remiss in keeping you up to date on our progress, but this is an attempt to improve the situation.
+Since the [last news post](/news/rsoc-2023-wrapup) on our progress, there have several major accomplishments and many smaller ones.
+Forgive us if a few are left out.
+## Request for Donations
+With all the exciting accomplishments of our contributors,
+it's hard to believe that Redox is getting by on only a few hundred dollars per month in donations.
+Our goal for this summer is to find funding for 3 or 4 Redox Summer of Code projects,
+which will require as much as $22,000 in new donations.
+If you are able to help us out, you can donate on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/redox_os) and [Donorbox](https://donorbox.org/redox-os).
+Or for more donation options, please contact us at [donate@redox-os.org](mailto:donate@redox-os.org).
+## New Board Member
+The Redox OS Board of Directors is elected annually, and this month we had our 2024 elections.
+We would like to welcome our newest board member, Jacob Schneider.
+<a href="/img/board/jacob-schneider.jpg"><img style="width:256px;height:auto" src="/img/board/jacob-schneider.jpg"/></a>
+*"Jacob (JCake)'s portfolio stretches back over a Decade. Having begun with Windows Batch of all things, his fascination only grew. In this time, the desire to get to the absolute lowest levels of our modern tech stack has only grown stronger.*
+*Jake found his feet in the world of Linux and other OSes a while back, and as his curious nature would have it, drove him to explore even more. Eventually stumbling on Redox, utter fascination to explore every crevice of it entirely took over. Jake now finds himself neck-deep in the most exciting project in the world."*
+Bios for the rest of the board are in our [summer announcement](/news/board-meeting-2023-06-21).
+## Logo and T-Shirts
+We recently refined our logo, which you can see in the screenshot below
+and on [our T-Shirts](https://redox-os.creator-spring.com/).
+The logo shows up a little pixelated on the Teespring website, but it looks great on the actual shirts.
+We also have [new T-Shirt colors](/news/t-shirts-fundraising) this month.
+Every purchase contributes approximately $14 towards Redox development and operations.
+Your contributions are appreciated.
+We will continue updating our website and other graphics to use the new logo over the coming weeks.
+<img src="/img/screenshot/redox-logo.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Redox Logo">
+## Technical Accomplishments
+## Redox Path Format
+Redox has a microkernel core, with drivers and other resource providers running as tasks and providing "schemes".
+A scheme is the name of a resource provider, and until now,
+resources have been accessed using [URI/URL format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier#Syntax).
+For example, files would be accessed as `file:path/to/my_file`, and a TCP connection would be accessed as `tcp:`.
+This format, while forward-looking, has not been very backwards-compatible.
+In order to simplify our efforts to port Linux software to Redox, we have decided to change our resource path format to the Linux-compatible
+Paths that do not begin with `/scheme` will be assumed to refer to the `file` scheme,
+so `/path/to/my_file` is treated by the system as `/scheme/file/path/to/my_file`,
+but the application will only see the `/path/to/my_file` portion.
+Using this format, normal paths now look just like Linux paths,
+while drivers and other resources can still be addressed without breaking software.
+The implementation of this change has started, and the kernel and our `relibc` implementation of libc can translate between
+formats quite transparently.
+Applications and schemes are being updated as we get to them, so you may notice a few warts,
+but the essential part of the change has been completed and the system is performing well.
+## Raspberry Pi
+Redox runs on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+! Thanks to Ivan Tan, Redox can run our `server-minimal` configuration on the RP3B+.
+Ivan has also helped us revamp our build system so it can handle multiple RP models, each with their own hardware configuration.
+## Kernel and Driver Improvements
+I want to particularly highlight the contributions of Bjorn3.
+He has been zipping around fixing stuff like Spock at the end of TOS S3.E11.
+Major items include rework of the PCI driver, several fixes and some clean-up in the kernel, and improvements to the build system.
+## Relibc
+A shoutout to Darley as well, he has has been making major progress on our libc alternative, `relibc`.
+He has completed the upgrade of our `malloc` code to a port of `dlmalloc-rs`.
+Our previous `malloc` code was written in C, and has now been completely removed.
+Darley has also been working hard on Rust implementations of `libm` and `libcrypt`, and has implemented several new `libc` functions,
+including some wide-char string functions and some pseudo-terminal handling functions.
+## Stable ABI
+As we work towards a stable ABI, 4lDO2 continues removing code that directly uses the `redox_syscall` crate.
+The new stable interface is `libredox` for Redox-specific Rust code and `relibc` for everyone else.
+This allows us to change the implementation of our current system calls, for example, moving functionality into user space,
+without changing the API.
+Once we have a stable API, we can focus on the next step, which is a stable ABI provided through dynamic linking
+against `relibc` and a `libredox` library.
+Dynamic linking on Redox is not ready for prime time, but it should only be a matter of finding the time to get it done.
+## /dev/tty
+With a little bit of `relibc` trickery, we have made it so `/dev/tty` refers to the process's terminal.
+That may not sound like a big deal, but since most TUI libraries rely on `/dev/tty` to get the terminal's properties,
+it has greatly improved our compatibility with libraries like `crossterm`.
+In fact, we are now able to discard our `crossterm` fork and use the upstream version directly.
+## Porting
+Our ongoing efforts to port Linux software to Redox are starting to pay dividends.
+Ribbon has been identifying good candidates to port to Redox, and creating recipes for those apps.
+And more and more of them are starting to "just work".
+Here are a few of the programs that now run on Redox.
+The editors [nano](https://www.nano-editor.org/) and [Helix](https://helix-editor.com/) are now working,
+although we have yet to port any of the programming language integrations for Helix.
+- [kibi](https://github.com/ilai-deutel/kibi) is a minimalist editor.
+- [mdbook](https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook) `build` is working. `serve` is not yet working.
+- [presenterm](https://github.com/mfontanini/presenterm) is a TUI slideshow app.
+- [chess-tui](https://github.com/thomas-mauran/chess-tui) is a human-vs-human chess game.
+- [hexyl](https://github.com/sharkdp/hexyl) is a hex file viewer.
+And many more.
+## Cosmic
+Jeremy's day job at [System76](https://system76.com/) includes working on various aspects of the [Cosmic Desktop](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch).
+And when he has time, he is porting some of that work to Redox.
+We currently have `cosmic-edit` and `cosmic-files` running on our Orbital Windowing System.
+More pieces will be added as Jeremy's time permits.
+Special thanks to [winit](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/) for its Redox support.
+### Cosmic Files
+<img src="/img/redox-cosmic/cosmic-files.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Cosmic Files">
+### Cosmic Edit
+<img src="/img/redox-cosmic/cosmic-edit.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Cosmic Edit">
+## Contain
+Contain is our sandboxing driver.
+In December, a Contain rewrite was completed, giving us much more fine-grained control over what files a user has access to.
+Contain allows us to run applications in a modified namespace, where only specific files and directories are accessible.
+It currently can only run as root, as namespace modifications require root permission right now.
+But it can be used with login to create a restricted user shell,
+and we hope to use it with our web server when we have one ready.
+## Build System
+We've added several new features to the build system, including:
+- speeding up cloning Redox
+- making it easier to produce either "debug" or "release" versions of Cargo programs
+- optionally making errors non-fatal when building large numbers of packages
+- making RUST_BACKTRACE more useful
+## Documentation
+Ribbon continues to add to and improve the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/), including a [Developer FAQ](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch09-07-developer-faq.html) to help guide new contributors,
+and a [comparison of Redox features](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch04-11-features.html) vs other Unixen.
+## Looking Forward
+There's still lots to do, but every week Redox feels more like a real system.
+We are rounding out areas of work for our summer projects, assuming we can find the funding.
+Some key areas of interest for the summer are:
+- Redox as a web server
+- USB/HID support
+- performance profiling and improvement
+- more and better automated testing
+- more porting of Linux apps and building out relibc and kernel compatibility features
+We are super appreciative for all our contributors and the hard work they are putting in.
+Consider joining in the fun on our [Matrix Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html)!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/quickstart.en.md b/content/quickstart.en.md
index 84b53cac16577879bcbfd0e51bbec9389aa0af7c..562d579568f3292284c197b67fd683bc69b653b6 100644
--- a/content/quickstart.en.md
+++ b/content/quickstart.en.md
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ title = "Quickstart"
 - [Redox Images](https://static.redox-os.org/img/)
 - [Releases](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/releases)
+## Trying out Redox OS
+- Trying out Redox is very easy: just follow the instructions in the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-04-trying-out-redox.html). Running Redox on real machines is possible, but your milage may vary. Please check out [the supported machines](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/blob/master/HARDWARE.md) for more information.
 ## Building Redox
 - Building Redox from source code is supported on Linux, and may work on some other platforms, but is not currently supported on Windows. To build Redox, please follow the instructions in the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-06-podman-build.html). If you are on Pop!_OS, Ubuntu or Debian, you can follow [these instructions](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html).
diff --git a/content/quickstart.pl.md b/content/quickstart.pl.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14a0688b0f9be1c4445d0f29499e203ab6901337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/quickstart.pl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+title = "Szybki start"
+- [Najnowsze wydanie](https://www.redox-os.org/news/release-0.8.0/)
+- [Pierwsze kroki (książka Redox)](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-00-getting-started.html)
+- [Redox Images](https://static.redox-os.org/img/)
+- [Wydania](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox/-/releases)
+## Building Redox
+- Tworzenie Redox z kodu źródłowego jest obsługiwane w systemie Linux i może działać na niektórych innych platformach, ale obecnie nie jest obsługiwane w systemie Windows. Aby zbudować Redox, postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami zawartymi w [Książce Redox](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-06-podman-build.html). Jeśli korzystasz z Pop!_OS, Ubuntu lub Debiana, możesz postępować zgodnie z [tymi instrukcjami](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch02-05-building-redox.html).
diff --git a/content/rsoc-project-suggestions.md b/content/rsoc-project-suggestions.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c72838a00c80ece50ad3aee34201d52fe395e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/rsoc-project-suggestions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+title = "Summer of Code Project Suggestions"
+Our plans for Summer of Code for 2024 have not yet been announced, and applications are not yet open.
+Watch for news on our 
+room on Matrix.
+Redox supports students, recent graduates and other open source contributors through our Summer of Code programs,
+including our own **Redox Summer of Code** (RSoC) and programs sponsored by other organizations.
+Please read the [RSoC](/rsoc) announcement and the [RSoC Proposal Guide](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) and follow our instructions there.
+These are some of our priorities, but if you have your own ideas, join us on Chat and let us know what you are thinking.
+Projects in the **Rust-heavy** category require you to have demonstrated strong Rust expertise on real-world projects.
+Projects in the **good Rust knowledge** category require you to have completed several projects in Rust and/or to have contributed to an open source written-in-Rust project, where we can review your work.
+Choose a project you are confident you can complete successfully.
+All of these projects provide substantial value to Redox,
+don't feel like you need to pick the hardest one.
+The scalable projects can be adjusted to fit a part-time or full-time 12-week schedule, but you must let us know how much time you plan to contribute as part of your proposal.
+The large projects require full-time participation, and you must indicate your commitment to that level of effort.
+## Medium-to-Large Scalable Projects, good Rust knowledge
+- Port a written-in-Rust web server to Redox. Get Redox to run in a VM (e.g. QEMU) on a cloud server, and enable Redox's website to be self-hosted. Improve the end-to-end performance of the server.
+- Improve Redox's automated testing suite and continuous integration testing processes.
+- Port a variety of Linux applications to Redox. This involves implementing functions in our libc alternative, "relibc" and possibly porting some GUI functionality. It may require working with Makefiles and C/C++ code as well.
+- Create a System Health profiling library, a GUI and a command-line interface to display activity levels for Redox's daemons and drivers.
+- Perform a "survivability analysis" of Redox - What tasks can be killed and restarted, and still have Redox able to function? What will the effect on running applications be? What additional work needs to be done to improve survivability? Implement the proposed functionality and tooling.
+## Large Projects, Rust-heavy
+- Improve Redox's USB/HID support.
+- Help improve Redox's performance by developing end-to-end profiling tools and libraries, analyzing bottlenecks and implementing optimizations.
+- Implement "io_uring" for Redox's filesystem, RamFS and NVMe driver.
+- Implement a user-space process manager that can safely modify process context information shared with the kernel. Implement the Session/Process Group/Process/Thread hierarchy.
+- Begin a port of WASM Rustix to Redox's written-in-Rust libc alternative, "relibc". Refactor relibc where needed to support both libc and Rustix interfaces. Implement additional functionality where feasible.
diff --git a/content/rsoc-proposal-how-to.md b/content/rsoc-proposal-how-to.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdba25f07e3e947418a26ae78f8bd95c0107ea7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/rsoc-proposal-how-to.md
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+title = "How to Write a Summer of Code Project Proposal"
+Our plans for Summer of Code for 2024 have not yet been announced, and applications are not yet open.
+Watch for news on our 
+room on Matrix.
+Please check our [Summer of Code](/rsoc) announcements page for information about this year's program.
+If you are interested in participating in Redox Summer of Code (RSoC), you must be a current or past Redox contributor,
+or be contributing to another well-known written-in-Rust Operating System project.
+If you are a regular contributor, our application process is quite informal, but if you are newer to Redox, we may require a proposal as described below.
+When we are able to participate in other programs, such as Google's Summer of Code, we will follow their rules and processes.
+Any information below that discusses those programs is not meant to imply that we are currently participating in those programs.
+If you are working on a university project and want to maximize your chances of having your work become a part of Redox,
+we also recommend a proposal of this type, although you might not be considered for our Summer of Code program.
+We are very selective in who we choose to sponsor or mentor,
+so even if you are fully qualified, we may not be able to accept your proposal.
+Regular Redox contributors always take priority when they are eligible.
+## Before you Begin
+Before starting your proposal, join us on [Matrix Chat](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-join:matrix.org).
+Consider contributing to Redox (see below).
+And watch for a Summer of Code
+announcement in our [Announcements](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-announcements:matrix.org)
+room on Matrix.
+Then in our [Summer of Code](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-soc:matrix.org) room,
+tell us what type of project you want to participate in (GSoC, RSoC or university project) and what sort of work you hope to do.
+Participating in our Chat and becoming part of our community is an important part of having your proposal accepted.
+Read the [Redox Book](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/), then build and run Redox on QEMU to get to know what Redox is.
+Writing a sample application and getting it to run on Redox will also help you get know the tools you will be working with.
+Then read through our [Summer of Code Project Suggestions](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
+## Contribute to Redox
+People who are already contributing to Redox or related open source projects
+are given preference over people whose first contribution will be their proposed project.
+If you are not already part of the Redox community,
+join us and see if contributing to Redox is for you.
+Showing us what you are capable of,
+and showing us you are excited to contribute to Redox,
+will go a long way toward convincing us you are the right person for us.
+## The Proposal
+A proposal may or may not be required.
+Please ask on the [Summer of Code](https://matrix.to/#/#redox-soc:matrix.org) Matrix room if you should do one.
+### Project Goals
+When writing a proposal, start with a clear, concise description of what you plan to do and why you think it helps Redox.
+Try to keep it short, but make sure to demonstrate your understanding of the problem and a potential solution.
+Your ability to communicate your thoughts is the main way that we evaluate your technical understanding.
+Pick a project that you are confident you can do successfully - being overly ambitious won't help you or us.
+### About You
+What makes you the right person for this project?
+Tell us about your other projects, especially your contributions to open source and your relevant work experience.
+Convince us that you have the ability to learn quickly and the confidence to become an independent contributor.
+Are you a student, recent graduate or other open source contributor? Why are you participating in the Summer of Code?
+You need to have some Rust experience, but the amount of Rust knowledge required varies from "some" to "expert",
+depending on the project.
+Make sure you are honest about your knowledge of Rust, you will fail if you don't have the necessary skill for the project you choose.
+### About Us
+Why are you interested in contributing to Redox?
+What are you hoping to get out of it?
+How did you hear about us?
+### Milestones and Timeline
+The final draft of the project proposal should include weekly goals
+and three or four major milestones, with deliverables and completion criteria.
+You are expected to provide working software that your mentor can run,
+plus a set of tests.
+The timeline should be developed with your intended mentor.
+### Your CV
+If you are new to Redox,
+you may be asked to provide a resume/CV.
+Don't provide it until it's requested,
+and only via private communication.
+Here is the information we will be looking for.
+- What level of education have you achieved? What major, minor, specialty?
+- What projects have you done? Tell us about the technologies and programming languages you have used.
+- What open source contributions have you made?
+- What work experience do you have?
+- What are some other fun or interesting things about you?
+## Other Considerations
+### Code of Conduct
+We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.
+We follow the [Rust Code of Conduct](https://www.rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct). A violation of the Code of Conduct may result in your project being rejected or failed, and/or any stipend or payment being withheld.
+### Language Considerations
+All mentoring and other communication will be in English.
+### Internet Connectivity
+Redox projects require high-speed internet connectivity for downloading and uploading large volumes of software,
+and for participating in Chat and/or voice communications.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/rsoc.fr.md b/content/rsoc.fr.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f13c2fc64c659ec8e77de60a9531c08bdf60376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/content/rsoc.fr.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-title = "Redox OS Summer of Code"
-Le Redox OS Summer of Code est la principale utilisation des dons du projet Redox OS.
-Les étudiants sélectionnés ont déjà montré un désir et une capacité de contribuer à RedoxOS.
-Si vous êtes intéressés, vous devez rejoindre le Chat et contribuer aux projets de Redox OS.
-## Contributions précédentes
-- [Porting tokio to Redox - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-porting-tokio-1/)
-- [Porting tokio to Redox - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-porting-tokio-2/)
-- [Porting tokio to Redox - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-porting-tokio-3/)
-- [Porting tokio to Redox - part 4](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-porting-tokio-4/)
-- [Implementing the FAT32 filesystem - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-fat32-1/)
-- [Implementing the FAT32 filesystem - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-fat32-2/)
-- [Implementing the FAT32 filesystem - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-fat32-3/)
-- [Porting Redox to ARM64 - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-arm64-0x01/)
-- [Relibc](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-relibc/)
-- [Relibc - Wrap Up](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-relibc-final/)
-- [Ion as a library - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-lib-0/)
-- [Ion as a library - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-lib-1/)
-- [Ion as a library - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-lib-2/)
-- [Ion as a library - part 4](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-lib-3/)
-- [Ion as a library - part 5](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-lib-4/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-0/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-1/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-2/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 4](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-3/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 5](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-4/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 6](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-5/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 7](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-6/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 8](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-7/)
-- [Implementing ptrace - part 9](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ptrace-8/)
-- [Improving Ion UX - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-ux-1/)
-- [Improving Ion UX - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-ux-2/)
-- [Improving Ion UX - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-ux-3/)
-- [Improving Ion UX - part 4](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-ion-ux-4-5/)
-- [Porting GDB to Redox - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-gdb-0/)
-- [Porting GDB to Redox - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-gdb-1/)
-- [Porting GDB to Redox - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/public-announcement-gdb/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-0/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-1/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 3](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-2/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 4](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-3/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 5](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-4/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 6](https://www.redox-os.org/news/io_uring-5/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 7](https://www.redox-os.org/news/drivers-and-kernel-6/)
-- [Improving drivers and kernel - part 8](https://www.redox-os.org/news/drivers-and-kernel-7/)
-- [QEMU on Redox - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-2021-qemu-1/)
-- [QEMU on Redox - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/bochs-qemu-2/)
-- [Revirt - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/revirt-1/)
-- [Revirt - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-2022-revirt-u-1/)
diff --git a/content/rsoc.en.md b/content/rsoc.md
similarity index 76%
rename from content/rsoc.en.md
rename to content/rsoc.md
index 3b6870a628c8993dfcf18f47017fdfcb16f34326..b4783c10aecba146a4f143671f4ad1a720e4175d 100644
--- a/content/rsoc.en.md
+++ b/content/rsoc.md
@@ -2,12 +2,22 @@
 title = "Redox OS Summer of Code"
-(This page was dropped because we are deciding how we will hire devs in the future, you don't need to translate it or add on config.toml)
+Our plans for Summer of Code for 2024 have not yet been announced, and applications are not yet open.
+Watch for news on our 
+room on Matrix.
-The Redox OS Summer of Code is the primary use of donations to the Redox OS
-project. Students are selected who have already demonstrated a desire and
+The Redox OS Summer of Code program is the primary use of donations to the Redox OS
+To be eligible, you must be a student or recent graduate who has already demonstrated a desire and
 ability to contribute to Redox OS. If you are interested, you must join the
-Redox OS chat and contribute to Redox OS projects.
+Redox OS Chat and contribute to Redox OS projects.
+We also participate in other Summer of Code type programs, when available,
+which may have their own rules and critera.
+Have a look at our [Proposal Guidelines](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) and [Project Suggestions](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
 ## Previous contributions
@@ -54,3 +64,9 @@ Redox OS chat and contribute to Redox OS projects.
 - [QEMU on Redox - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/bochs-qemu-2/)
 - [Revirt - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/revirt-1/)
 - [Revirt - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-2022-revirt-u-1/)
+- [Summer of Code Wrap-up 2023](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-2023-wrapup/)
+- [VirtIO - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-virtio-1)
+- [VirtIO - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-virtio-2)
+- [Revirt-U](https://www.redox-os.org/news/rsoc-2023-eny-1)
+- [Memory Management - part 1](https://www.redox-os.org/news/kernel-8)
+- [Memory Management - part 2](https://www.redox-os.org/news/kernel-9)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/screens.en.md b/content/screens.en.md
index 63307e47f36fbfbcb328faeba0474916224d724b..1933415c75b6d61feb959586dff13c59d1be5fb4 100644
--- a/content/screens.en.md
+++ b/content/screens.en.md
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
 title = "Redox in Action"
-## Redox OS running Doom II
- <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/-wwwYIqfQik" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
 ## Redox OS playing Stargate SG-1 Season 10 intro
  <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/3cPekY4c9Hc" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
 ## Redox OS running Mesa3D Gears with LLVMpipe
  <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/ADSvEA_YY7E" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
+## Redox OS running COSMIC Editor
+<img class="img-responsive" src="/img/screenshot/cosmic-edit-redox.png"/>
 ## System76 Galago Pro (galp3-c)
 <img class="img-responsive" src="/img/hardware/system76-galp3-c.jpg"/>
diff --git a/content/screens.pt.md b/content/screens.pt.md
index d3a620255d71589561c49685f55abb6ff9ab020e..275e3fd71cea0acc00b2e62ccb6eb46c989ca83b 100644
--- a/content/screens.pt.md
+++ b/content/screens.pt.md
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
 title = "Redox em Ação"
-## Redox OS executando Doom II
- <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/-wwwYIqfQik" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
 ## Redox OS reproduzindo a intro da temporada 10 de Stargate SG-1
  <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/3cPekY4c9Hc" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
 ## Redox OS executando Mesa3D Gears com LLVMpipe
  <iframe src="https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/ADSvEA_YY7E" style="border:none;height:601px;width:796px;" title="Invidious video player"></iframe> 
+## Redox OS executando COSMIC Editor
+<img class="img-responsive" src="/img/screenshot/cosmic-edit-redox.png"/>
 ## System76 Galago Pro (galp3-c)
 <img class="img-responsive" src="/img/hardware/system76-galp3-c.jpg"/>
diff --git a/hugo.sh b/hugo.sh
index f8de391dbf355cf2dec6f99456a4079e2eade79f..91173218d7c37cb1629b9576cc4c34bf4b8c5901 100755
--- a/hugo.sh
+++ b/hugo.sh
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ for language in $(grep '^\[languages\..*\]$' config.toml | cut -d '.' -f2 | cut
     cp -v "content/rsoc.md" "build/content/rsoc.$language.md"
     cp -v "content/talks.md" "build/content/talks.$language.md"
+    cp -v "content/rsoc-project-suggestions.md" "build/content/rsoc-project-suggestions.$language.md"
+    cp -v "content/rsoc-proposal-how-to.md" "build/content/rsoc-proposal-how-to.$language.md"
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@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
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+        color: #ffffff;
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+    a {
+        color: #5fafff;
+    }
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     font-display: swap;
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