ion 1.0.0-alpha
The fast, safe, modern rust shell. Ion is a commandline shell created to be a faster and easier to use alternative to

Nathaniel Allred
the currently available shells. It is not POSIX compliant.
ion [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [args]...
-f, --fake-interactive Use a fake interactive mode, where errors don't exit the shell
-h, --help Prints help information
-i, --interactive Force interactive mode
-n, --no-execute Do not execute any commands, perform only syntax checking
-x Print commands before execution
-v, --version Print the version, platform and revision of Ion then exit
-c <command> Evaluate given commands instead of reading from the commandline
-o <key-bindings> Shortcut layout. Valid options: "vi", "emacs"
<args>... Script arguments (@args). If the -c option is not specified, the first parameter is taken as a
filename to execute