Redox OS Microkernel
Running [qemu] with the `-s` flag will set up [qemu] to listen on port 1234 for
a [gdb] client to connect to it. To debug the redox kernel run.
This will start a VM with and listen on port 1234 for a [gdb] or [lldb] client.
## [gdb]
If you are going to use [gdb], run the following to load debug symbols and connect
to your running kernel.
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
## [lldb]
If you are going to use [lldb], run the following to start debugging.
(lldb) target create -s build/kernel.sym build/kernel
(lldb) gdb-remote localhost:1234
## Debugging
After connecting to your kernel you can set some interesting breakpoints and `continue`
the process. See your debuggers man page for more information on useful commands to run.