**Thank you for your interest in contributing to Redox!**
This document will outline the basics of where to start if you wish to contribute to the project. There are many ways to help us out and and we appreciate all of them. We look forward to **your contribution!**
## Code Of Conduct
We follow the [Rust Code Of Conduct](
In general, your contributions to Redox are governed by the [MIT License]( Each project repository has a `LICENSE` file that provides the license terms for that project.
Please review the LICENSE for the project you are contributing to.
On [this]( page we explain why we use the MIT license.
## Chat
Join us on [Matrix Chat]( to discuss issues or ask questions.
(Before starting to contribute you **must** read the [FAQ]( and the [Redox Book](
You can contribute to the Redox documentation and code on these repositories:
(The order is based on difficulty, easy things first)
- [Website](
- [Book]( - High-level documentation
- [Build System Configuration]( - Our main repository
- [Cookbook]( - Ports system
- [Orbital]( - Display server and window manager
- [Package Manager](
- [relibc]( - Redox C Library
- [Drivers]( - Device daemons
- [Kernel](
- Use and test Redox, fill issues for bugs or needed features (please verify the repository issues before)
- Web development on the website (we don't accept JavaScript code)
- Write unit tests (may require minimal knowledge of Rust)
If you are fluent in Rust, but not operating system Development:
- Improve the Orbital display server and window manager.
- Port programs written in Rust to Redox (in most cases you need to port crates, be aware of missing functions on relibc, porting without these functions will make patches dirty)
- Improve the program compatibility in relibc
- Improve the package manager
- Improve the [Ion]( shell
If you are fluent in Rust, and have experience with operating system development:
- Familiarize yourself with the repository and code
- Grep for `TODO`, `FIXME`, `BUG`, `UNOPTIMIZED`, `REWRITEME`, `DOCME`, and `PRETTYFYME` and fix the code you find
- Improve and optimize code, especially in the kernel
For those who want to contribute to the Redox GUI, our GUI strategy has recently changed.
- We are improving the [Orbital]( display server and window manager, you can read more about it on [this]( tracking issue.
- Redox is in the process of adopting other Rust-written GUI toolkits, such as [Iced]( and [Slint]( Please check out those projects if this is your area of interest.
- OrbTk is in maintenance mode, and its developers have moved to other projects such as the ones below. There is currently no Redox-specific GUI development underway.
We use an index to track the development priorities, you can find them on [this]( page.
You can find the Redox build system organization and commands on [this]( page.
## Developer FAQ
You can see the most common questions and problems on [this]( page.
## Porting Software
You can read how to use the Cookbook recipe system to port applications on [this]( page.
You can read [this]( page to learn about the libraries and APIs used in Redox.
You can find important tips on [this]( section.
## References
We maintain a list of wikis, articles and videos to learn Rust, OS development and computer science on [this]( page.
If you are skilled there's a possibility that they could improve your knowledge in some way.
You can read the best practices and guidelines on [this]( chapter.
## Style Guidelines
Since **Rust** is a relatively small and new language compared to others like C and C++, there's really only one standard. Just follow the official Rust standards for formatting, and maybe run `rustfmt` on your changes, until we setup the CI system to do it automatically.
Please follow our [Git style]( for pull requests.
To know how to create issues on the Redox GitLab, read [this]( page.
Please follow [our process]( for creating proper pull requests.
## Other Ways to Contribute
If you aren't good on coding, but you still want to help keep the project going, you can contribute and support in a variety of ways! We'll try to find a way to use anything you have to offer.
If you're a good designer, whether it's 2D graphics, 3D graphics, interfaces, web design, you can help. We need logos, UI design, UI skins, app icons, desktop backgrounds, etc.
- [Redox backgrounds]( - You can send your wallpapers on this repository.
- [Redox assets]( - You can send your logos, icons and themes on this repository.
If you have questions about the graphic design, ask us on the [Chat](
If you are interested in donating to the Redox OS Nonprofit, you can find instructions [here](