Preparing the build.
Woah! You made it so far, all the way to here. Congrats! Now we gotta build Redox.
_If you're lazy, and on an Linux computer. Well, you're today's winner! Just run the bootstrapping script, which does the build preparation for you:_
$ curl -sf -o && bash -e
Oh, you're not lazy? Well, then the next section is for you!
Cloning the repository
$ git clone && cd redox && git submodule update --init
Give it a while. Redox is big.
Installing the build dependencies manually
I assume you have a package manager, which you know how to use (if not, you have to install the build dependencies manually). We need the following deps: `make` (probably already installed), `nasm` (the assembler, we use in the build process), `qemu` (the hardware emulator, we will use. If you want to run Redox on real hardware, you should read the `fun` chapter):)
While the following step is not _required_, it is recommended. If you already have a functioning Rust nightly installation, you can skip this step:
$ curl -sf | sh
Now, we have to configure our multirust installation to default to `nightly`: