Use F2 key to get to a login shell. User `user` can login without password. For `root`, the password is `password` for now. `help` lists builtin commands for your shell (ion). `ls /bin` will show a list of applications you can execute.
Use F3 key to switch to a graphical user interface (orbital). Log in with the same username/password combinations as above.
Use the F1 key to get back to kernel output.
Sodium is Redox's Vi-like editor. In the menu-bar, pick the icon with `Na` on it. This should now open up an editor window.
A short list of the Sodium defaults:
- `hjkl`: Navigation.
- `ia`: Go to insert mode.
- `;`: Go to command-line mode.
- shift-space: Go to normal mode.
For a more extensive list, write `;help`.
Setting a reminder/countdown
To demonstrate the ANSI support, we will play around with fancy reminders.
Open up the terminal emulator. Now, write `rem -s 10 -b`. This will set a 10 sec. countdown with progress bar.
Playing around with Rusthello
Rusthello is an advanced Reversi AI, made by [HenryTheCat]. It is highly concurrent, so this proves Redox's multithreading capabilities. It supports various AIs, such as brute forcing, minimax, local optimizations, and hybrid AIs.
# first we `cd` to the Rusthello directory
$ cd apps/rusthello
# now, run the binary file
$ ./main.bin
Then you will get prompted for various things, such as difficulty, AI setup, and so on. When this is done, Rusthello interactively starts the battle between you and an AI or an AI and an AI.
Click the OrbTK demo app in the menu bar. This will open a graphical user interface that demonstrates the different widgets OrbTK currently supports.