@@ -8,16 +8,30 @@ In addition to the kernel, we are developing several side projects, including:
- Ion: The Redox shell.
- Orbital: The display server of Redox.
- OrbTK: A widget toolkit.
-Oxide: Redox's package manager.
-Magnet: Redox's package manager.
- Sodium: A Vi-like editor.
- libmalloc: A memory allocator.
- libextra: Supplement for libstd, used throughout the Redox code base.
- games-for-redox: A collection of mini-games for Redox (alike BSD-games).
We also have three utility distributions, which are collections of small, useful command-line programs:
- Coreutils: A minimal set of utilities essential for a usable system.
- Extrautils: Extra utilities such as reminders, calendars, spellcheck, and so on.
- Binutils: Utilities for working with binary files.
We chose to implement these programs ourselves because we feel that there is room for innovation in many core operating system tools.
By creating our own implementations we can ensure that they work on Redox as both the kernel and the tools evolve.
Furthermore, since all of these programs are written in Rust we get all of the benefits discussed in [Why Rust].
What tools for fitting in the Redox distribution?
Some of these tools will in the future be moved out of the default distribution, into seperate optional magnet packages. Example of these are Orbital, OrbTK, Sodium, and so on.
The listed tools fall into three categories:
1. Tools, which are needed for a full functioning and usable system.
2. Tools, which are "nice" to have and are inherently simple.
3. Tools, which are there for establishing consistency within the ecosystem.
The first category should be obvious: an OS without certain core tools is an useless OS. The second category contains the tools which are likely to be non-default in the future, but nonetheless are in the official distribution right now, for the charm. The third category is there for convenience: namely for making sure that the Redox infrastructure is consistent and integrated (e.g., Magnet, OrbTK, and libextra).
It is important to note we seek to avoid non-Rust tools, for safety and consistency (see [Why Rust]).