@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Open up the terminal emulator. Now, write `rem -s 10 -b`. This will set a 10 sec
Playing around with Rusthello
Rusthello is an advanced Reversi AI, made by [Enrico]. It is highly concurrent, so this proves Redox's multithreading capabilities. It supports various AIs, such as brute forcing, minimax, local optimizations, and hybrid AIs.
Rusthello is an advanced Reversi AI, made by [HenryTheCat]. It is highly concurrent, so this proves Redox's multithreading capabilities. It supports various AIs, such as brute forcing, minimax, local optimizations, and hybrid AIs.
Oh, let's try it out!
@@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ Exploring OrbTK
Click the OrbTK demo app in the menu bar. This will open a graphical user interface that demonstrates the different widgets OrbTK currently supports.