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Feature/new shared history

@mmstick @AdminXVII Allow the liner shared and de-duplicated history to be used (added options to the history command). Also fixed a couple of things I ran into:

  • I added a flush to stdout/err before each prompt. Sometimes (maybe when then last line did not end in \n?) some output would not display. The flush seemed to fix it but maybe there is a better place to handle this.
  • Tab complete for commands when PATH items did not end in '/' would not work.
  • When tab completing commands do not use then full path.
  • Also complete on commands after a |, & or ; character, note this needs a space after the special character currently. It really should not need the space but I did not want to tackle that issue right now, not overwriting the previous input after selection is a problem. I will probably look into this though.

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