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601 filename completion

Michael Aaron Murphy requested to merge emturner:601_filename_completion into master

Created by: emturner

Problem: Filename completion is only implemented on the final directory/file in the path - it would save time (and typing) to have the completion operate on all the directories in the path concurrently.

Solution: An extra completion step, using glob::glob is inserted before being given to Liner::Completion (necessary to preserve prior completion behaviour)

Changes introduced by this pull request:

  • The path is reformatted to insert an asterisk before every '/' [except where the path begins with '/'] and run through the glob completion

Drawbacks: There are now two completion steps, so there may occassionally be a slight slowdown in completion time. This doesn't seem to be noticeable, unless a path such as '////x/y' is given.

TODO: When using the '...//...' pattern, hidden directories are ignored. It could be possible to make this an option?

Fixes: fixes #601 (closed)

State: Ready

Merge request reports