use core::mem;
const WORD_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<usize>();
/// Memcpy
/// Copy N bytes of memory from one location to another.
/// This faster implementation works by copying bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memcpy(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, len: usize) -> *mut u8 {
// TODO: Alignment? Some sources claim that even on relatively modern µ-arches, unaligned
// accesses spanning two pages, can take dozens of cycles. That means chunk-based memcpy can
// even be slower for small lengths if alignment is not taken into account.
// TODO: Optimize out smaller loops by first checking if len < WORD_SIZE, and possibly if
// dest + WORD_SIZE spans two pages, then doing one unaligned copy, then aligning up, and then
// doing one last unaligned copy?
// TODO: While we use the -fno-builtin equivalent, can we guarantee LLVM won't insert memcpy
// call inside here? Maybe write it in assembly?
let mut i = 0_usize;
// First we copy len / WORD_SIZE chunks...
let chunks = len / WORD_SIZE;
while i < chunks * WORD_SIZE {
// .. then we copy len % WORD_SIZE bytes
while i < len {
i += 1;
/// Memmove
/// Copy N bytes of memory from src to dest. The memory areas may overlap.
/// This faster implementation works by copying bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memmove(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, len: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let chunks = len / WORD_SIZE;
// TODO: also require dest - src < len before choosing to copy backwards?
// We have to copy backwards if copying upwards.
let mut i = len;
while i != chunks * WORD_SIZE {
i -= 1;
while i > 0 {
// We have to copy forward if copying downwards.
let mut i = 0_usize;
while i < chunks * WORD_SIZE {
while i < len {
i += 1;
/// Memset
/// Fill a block of memory with a specified value.
/// This faster implementation works by setting bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memset(dest: *mut u8, byte: i32, len: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let byte = byte as u8;
let mut i = 0;
let broadcasted = usize::from_ne_bytes([byte; WORD_SIZE]);
let chunks = len / WORD_SIZE;
while i < chunks * WORD_SIZE {
while i < len {
i += 1;
/// Memcmp
/// Compare two blocks of memory.
/// This faster implementation works by comparing bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memcmp(s1: *const u8, s2: *const u8, len: usize) -> i32 {
let mut i = 0_usize;
// First compare WORD_SIZE chunks...
let chunks = len / WORD_SIZE;
while i < chunks * WORD_SIZE {
let a = s1.add(i).cast::<usize>().read_unaligned();
let b = s2.add(i).cast::<usize>().read_unaligned();
// x86 has had bswap since the 80486, and the compiler will likely use the faster
// movbe. AArch64 has the REV instruction, which I think is universally available.
let diff = usize::from_be(a).wrapping_sub(usize::from_be(b)) as isize;
// TODO: If chunk size == 32 bits, diff can be returned directly.
return diff.signum() as i32;
// ... and then compare bytes.
while i < len {
let a = s1.add(i).read();
let b = s2.add(i).read();
return i32::from(a) - i32::from(b);
i += 1;