use core::mem;
const WORD_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<usize>();
/// Memcpy
/// Copy N bytes of memory from one location to another.
/// This faster implementation works by copying bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern fn memcpy(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8,
n: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let n_usize: usize = n/WORD_SIZE; // Number of word sized groups
// Copy `WORD_SIZE` bytes at a time
let n_fast = n_usize*WORD_SIZE;
while i < n_fast {
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut usize) =
*((src as usize + i) as *const usize);
while i < n {
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut u8) = *((src as usize + i) as *const u8);
i += 1;
/// Memmove
/// Copy N bytes of memory from src to dest. The memory areas may overlap.
/// This faster implementation works by copying bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern fn memmove(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8,
n: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if src < dest as *const u8 {
let n_usize: usize = n/WORD_SIZE; // Number of word sized groups
let mut i: usize = n_usize*WORD_SIZE;
// Copy `WORD_SIZE` bytes at a time
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut usize) =
*((src as usize + i) as *const usize);
let mut i: usize = n;
// Copy 1 byte at a time
while i != n_usize*WORD_SIZE {
i -= 1;
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut u8) =
*((src as usize + i) as *const u8);
} else {
let n_usize: usize = n/WORD_SIZE; // Number of word sized groups
// Copy `WORD_SIZE` bytes at a time
let n_fast = n_usize*WORD_SIZE;
while i < n_fast {
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut usize) =
*((src as usize + i) as *const usize);
// Copy 1 byte at a time
while i < n {
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut u8) =
*((src as usize + i) as *const u8);
i += 1;
/// Memset
/// Fill a block of memory with a specified value.
/// This faster implementation works by setting bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern fn memset(dest: *mut u8, c: i32, n: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let c: usize = mem::transmute([c as u8; WORD_SIZE]);
let n_usize: usize = n/WORD_SIZE;
// Set `WORD_SIZE` bytes at a time
let n_fast = n_usize*WORD_SIZE;
while i < n_fast {
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut usize) = c;
let c = c as u8;
// Set 1 byte at a time
*((dest as usize + i) as *mut u8) = c;
i += 1;
/// Memcmp
/// Compare two blocks of memory.
/// This faster implementation works by comparing bytes not one-by-one, but in
/// groups of 8 bytes (or 4 bytes in the case of 32-bit architectures).
pub unsafe extern fn memcmp(s1: *const u8, s2: *const u8, n: usize) -> i32 {
let n_usize: usize = n/WORD_SIZE;
let n_fast = n_usize*WORD_SIZE;
while i < n_fast {
let a = *((s1 as usize + i) as *const usize);
let b = *((s2 as usize + i) as *const usize);
let n: usize = i + WORD_SIZE;
// Find the one byte that is not equal
while i < n {
let a = *((s1 as usize + i) as *const u8);
let b = *((s2 as usize + i) as *const u8);
if a != b {
return a as i32 - b as i32;
i += 1;
while i < n {
let a = *((s1 as usize + i) as *const u8);
let b = *((s2 as usize + i) as *const u8);
if a != b {
i += 1;