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  • Carl Lerche's avatar
    Reduce unnecessary poll wakeups · 7b73ce83
    Carl Lerche authored
    Based on #280 by luca-barbieri
    Currently run() results in the process waking up every second or every timer
    tick if set lower because a timeout is passed to the OS wait function.
    This changes the code so that run_once() still uses the timeout, but
    run() will instruct the OS to wait forever when there are no timers.
    The notify mechanism already uses a pipe for awakening the event loop,
    so there should be no need to use a timeout for that.
    This saves CPU time and battery, and is generally the correct behavior.
    Miscellaneous notes:
     * We also fix epoll because the maximum timeout supported by the Linux kernel is
       i32::MAX, not isize::MAX.
     * We fix next_tick_ms() being truncated from u64 to usize
     * It requires carllerche/nix-rust#192 to allow specifying no timeout to kevent()
     * The public API of Poll::poll is changed, but that can be avoided if desired.
    Closes #289