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  • Alex Crichton's avatar
    Preliminary Windows TCP/UDP support · c45b0282
    Alex Crichton authored
    These commits add preliminary support for the TCP/UDP API of mio, built on top
    of IOCP using some raw Rust bindings plus some networking extensions as the
    foundational support. This support is definitely still experimental as there are
    likely to be a number of bugs and kinks to work out.
    I haven't yet done much benchmarking as there are still a number of places I
    would like to improve the implementation in terms of performance. I've also been
    focusing on getting "hello world" and the in-tree tests working ASAP to start
    getting some broader usage and feedback. High level docs are available in the
    src/sys/windows/ file and the TCP/UDP implementations are quite similar in
    terms of how they're implemented.
    Not many new tests were added, but all tests (other than those using unix
    sockets) are passing on Windows and an appveyor.yml file was also added to
    enable AppVeyor CI support to ensure this doesn't regress.
    cc #155