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Get most of orbutil apps to build and run on linux, with CI

Andrew Mackenzie requested to merge andrewdavidmackenzie/orbutils:add_ci into master

This MR fixes compiling and running of all but three of the orbutils on linux, and adds CI to make sure they stay that way. I plan to follow-up with getting them running on macos also.

Fixes #36 (closed) Fixes #46 (closed) Fixes #50 (closed)

The following apps I have deemed "don't make sense on other platforms" and haven't even tried to make them compile

  • launcher
  • background
  • orblogin

I haven't been able to get calculator to run on linux yet and hence it is not tested in CI either. It fails with the following error:

error: The platform you're compiling for is not supported by winit
  --> /home/andrew/.cargo/registry/src/
67 | compile_error!("The platform you're compiling for is not supported by winit");

If anyone can help me fix that, we can then add it to CI on linux also.

Edited by Andrew Mackenzie

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