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Tom Almeida requested to merge Tommoa/ralloc:master into master

Ralloc used to use the alloc::allocator API, which is now deprecated in nightly builds. It also used to use NonZero, which has been replaced by NonNull. The first commit in this merge request fixes this, so everything compiles on the latest nightly compiler.

I've also fixed two broken (when using cargo test) tests.

  • manual: the bookkeeper sometimes fails to count total number of allocated bytes correctly, causing a crash when in debug mode.
  • partial_realloc: our allocator would crash (again, only in debug) because the internal Vec of the bookkeeper wouldn't have enough space for all the reallocs.
    • This was fixed by upping the number of slots in the Vec, but we should actually fix this later by allowing the Vec to resize once it gets too big.

I've also included a GitLab CI script. This will currently fail because downloading nightlies is broken at the moment.

Merge request reports