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  • jD91mZM2/redox
  • cameronbraid/redox
  • nanpuyue/redox
  • tijlleenders/redox
  • carrot93/redox
  • xsniu/redox
  • vincent/redox
  • edric-shen/redox
  • StPanning/redox
  • PrinceCEE/redox
  • limotree/redox
  • accessviolation/redox
  • xushaohua/redox
  • mindriot101/redox
  • b4l/redox
  • AnandSMain/redox
  • rxwb/redox
  • redox-os/redox
  • mattmadeofpasta/redox
  • CodeCanna/redox
  • matt-vdv/redox
  • setupminimal/redox
  • ackxolotl/redox
  • andrewdavidmackenzie/redox
  • VitalyAnkh/redox
  • boringcactus/redox
  • retrocoder68/redox
  • scruffystuffs/redox
  • jensliu29/redox
  • mdpatelcsecon/redox
  • mylekiller/redox
  • jcoonrod51/redox
  • willnode/redox
  • Rillian-Grant/redox
  • Forest0923/redox
  • TornaxO7/redox
  • rmorey/redox
  • batzor/redox
  • Galestrike/redox
  • dheater/redox
  • bripeace/redox
  • Goganoid/redox
  • pajamapants3000/redox
  • timolinn/redox
  • Ben-PH/redox
  • anirudhrb/redox
  • rschulman/redox
  • d3v1m/redox
  • hmcmillan/redox
  • montao/redox
  • Thessal/redox
  • alfredoyang/redox
  • colinfruit/redox
  • muizz/redox
  • brunoflores/redox
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  • kblobr/redox
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  • vivaoromance/redox
  • adi-g15/redox
  • nuxs/redox
  • bpisch/redox
  • Skallwar/redox
  • colepoirier/redox
  • DimitarGj/redox
  • vector1dev/redox
  • shanavasm/redox
  • henrykrumb/redox
  • sweetliquid/redox
  • cal-lifornia/redox
  • 0al3x/redox
  • kITerE/redox
  • freewilll/redox
  • bogsi/redox
  • andypython/redox
  • rw_van/redox
  • w62/redox
  • sandmor/redox
  • shibasisp/redox
  • fuchsnj/redox
  • ids1024/redox
  • josh_williams/redox
  • doctor-love/redox
  • matthewcroughan/redox
  • MichaelMcDonnell/redox
  • StaringAtEditor/redox-os-complete
  • jinb-park/redox
  • dahc/redox
  • pirsonxyz/redox
  • YasinLin/redox
  • yerke/redox
  • potatogim/redox
  • NathanHannon/redox
  • enygmator/redox
  • glongo/redox
  • mati865/redox
  • udhems/redox
  • oytis/redox
  • t-nil/redox
  • l-const/redox
  • lumicia/redox
  • wheatfox/redox
  • zhangaz1/redox
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  • cyboerg42/redox
  • paulyc/redox
  • amidamaru/redox
  • A-ee/redox
  • Oyami-Srk/redox
  • maxtnuk/redox
  • tyu1996/redox
  • tfinnegan937/redox
  • raffaeleragni/redox
  • uuuvn/redox
  • leandrosansilva/redox
  • ondono/redox
  • mylxiaoyi/redox
  • bjorn3/redox
  • siavoshkc/redox-sia
  • michael_wzq/redox
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  • sjq/redox
  • jmaine/redox
  • Krahos/redox
  • arthomnix/redox
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  • ginkooo/redox
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  • Ivan/redox
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  • projjal/redox
  • Capucho/redox
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  • noam93k/redox
  • carneeki/redox
  • tml/redox
  • InfRandomness/redox
  • xakon/redox
  • rccavalcante/redox
  • sandmail32/redox
  • Tregoe/redox
  • sheldon-knuth/redox
  • dario/redox
  • jordyd/redox
  • andrey.turkin/redox
  • rgucluer/redox
  • IceTDrinker/redox
  • athei/redox
  • Craft/redox
  • ybalrid/redox
  • gs0510/redox
  • obtuseFox/redox
  • dja/redox
  • AshtonKem/redox
  • GCPBigData/redox
  • davxy/redox
  • hnkz/redox
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  • 4lDO2/redox
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  • andar1an/redox
  • pfr/redox
  • riyadh144/redox
  • Daeraxa/redox
  • Chenlibo/redox
  • cherusk/redox
  • avr1254/redox
  • feliwir/redox
  • Slender1808/redox
  • josh/redox
  • gmacd/redox
  • pprat2000/redox
  • wt/redox
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  • xenkuo/redox
  • peter/redox
  • auwardoctor/redox
  • karlpvoss/redox
  • squidboylan/redox
  • lastonesky/redox
  • ktoks/redox
  • liuyd96/redox
  • thushan/redox
  • develop7/redox
  • efikarl/redox
  • mpajkowski/redox
  • nayabbashasayed/redox
  • xTibor/redox
  • colleenRooney/redox
  • devnexen/redox
  • vinzenz/redox-workfork
  • markh/redox
  • kanghaiyang/redox
  • DDiPuma/redox
  • wuquanyao/redox
  • skilfingr/redox
  • booloose/redox
  • shaojintian/redox
  • jferard/redox
214 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (2330)
Showing with 775 additions and 587 deletions
# Local settings folder for Jetbrains products (RustRover, IntelliJ, CLion)
# Local settings folder for Visual Studio Professional
# Local settings folder for vscode
# Local settings folder for the devcontainer extension that most IDEs support.
# The GitLab Continuous Integration configuration
image: "ubuntu:22.04"
# Disable the wget progress bar
- echo 'show-progress = off' >> ~/.wgetrc
- |
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get update -qq &&
apt-get install -qq \
autopoint \
autoconf \
automake \
bison \
build-essential \
clang \
cmake \
curl \
flex \
fuse \
genisoimage \
fuse3 \
git \
gnupg \
libfuse-dev \
nasm \
pkg-config \
software-properties-common \
syslinux \
texinfo \
wget &&
apt-key adv -q --batch --yes --keyserver --recv-keys AA12E97F0881517F &&
add-apt-repository 'deb ./' &&
apt-get update -qq &&
apt-get purge -qq binutils-doc &&
apt-get install -qq x86-64-unknown-redox-gcc &&
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain none &&
source "$HOME/.cargo/env" &&
cargo install cargo-config xargo
wget \
help2man \
autoconf \
automake \
zstd &&
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain none
- |
[ -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" ] || git clone "$CI_BUILD_REPO" "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" &&
git remote set-url origin "$CI_BUILD_REPO" &&
git fetch origin &&
git checkout "$CI_BUILD_REF" &&
git submodule update --init --recursive &&
source "$HOME/.cargo/env" &&
make ci
curl -L --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash &&
cargo binstall --no-confirm --version 0.1.1 cargo-config &&
cargo binstall --no-confirm --version 1.16.0 just &&
cargo binstall --no-confirm --version 0.27.0 cbindgen &&
cargo build --manifest-path installer/Cargo.toml --release &&
- build/img/
expire_in: 1 week
[submodule "bootloader"]
path = bootloader
url =
[submodule "cookbook"]
path = cookbook
url =
url =
branch = master
[submodule "installer"]
path = installer
url =
[submodule "isolinux"]
path = isolinux
url =
[submodule "kernel"]
path = kernel
url =
url =
branch = master
[submodule "rust"]
path = rust
url =
url =
branch = redox-2025-01-12
update = none
[submodule "redoxfs"]
path = redoxfs
url =
[submodule "bootloader-efi"]
path = bootloader-efi
url =
url =
branch = master
[submodule "relibc"]
path = relibc
url =
branch = master
sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: rust
cache: cargo
- nightly
# OSX has been disabled for the moment
# - os: osx
- os: linux
- |
sudo apt-key adv -q --batch --yes --keyserver --recv-keys AA12E97F0881517F &&
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb ./' &&
sudo apt-get update -qq &&
sudo apt-get purge -qq binutils-doc &&
sudo apt-get install -qq nasm pkg-config fuse libfuse-dev genisoimage syslinux realpath x86-64-unknown-redox-gcc &&
sudo modprobe fuse &&
sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse &&
sudo chown root:$USER /etc/fuse.conf
# - os: osx
# before_install:
# - |
# brew update &&
# brew install nasm pkg-config Caskroom/cask/osxfuse &&
# travis_wait 30 brew install redox-os/gcc_cross_compilers/x86_64-elf-gcc
# before_script runs after before_install
- cd cookbook && ./ && cd ..
- make clean && make travis
provider: releases
secure: 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
file_glob: true
file: build/travis/*
repo: redox-os/redox
tags: true
condition: $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = linux
skip_cleanup: true
email: false
This diff is collapsed.
# Hardware Compatibility
This document tracks the current hardware compatibility of Redox.
- [Why hardware reports are needed?](#why-hardware-reports-are-needed)
- [What if my computer is customized?](#what-if-my-computer-is-customized)
- [Status](#status)
- [General](#general)
- [Template](#template)
- [Recommended](#recommended)
- [Booting](#booting)
- [Broken](#broken)
## Why hardware reports are needed?
Each computer model have different hardware interface/firmware implementations and devices, which can cause the following problems:
- Boot bugs
- Lack of device support
- Performance degradation
These reports helps us to fix the problems above.
## What if my computer is customized?
You can use the "Custom" word on the "Vendor" and "Model" categories, we also recommend to add your `pciutils` log on [this document link]( to help us with probable porting.
## Status
- Broken - The system can't boot.
- Booting - The system boots with some issues.
- Recommended - The system start with all features working.
## General
This section cover things to consider.
- ACPI support is incomplete (some things are hardcoded on the kernel)
- Only USB input devices are supported
- Wi-Fi is not supported
- GPU drivers aren't supported (only VESA and UEFI GOP)
- Automatic operating system discovery on boot loader is not implemented (remember this before installing Redox)
## Template
You will use this template to insert your computer on the table.
| | | | | | | | |
## Recommended
| **Vendor** | **Model** | **Redox Version** | **Image Date** | **Variant** | **CPU Architecture** | **Motherboard Firmware** | **Report** |
| System76 | Galago Pro (galp5) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital |
| System76 | Lemur Pro (lemp9) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital |
| Lenovo | IdeaPad Y510P | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS, UEFI | Boots to Orbital |
## Booting
| **Vendor** | **Model** | **Redox Version** | **Image Date** | **Variant** | **CPU Architecture** | **Motherboard Firmware** | **Report** |
| System76 | Oryx Pro (oryp10) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital, No touchpad support, though it should be working |
| System76 | Pangolin (pang12) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital, No touchpad support, requires I2C HID |
| Dell | XPS 13 (9350) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS, UEFI | Boots to Orbital, NVMe driver livelocks |
| Dell | XPS 13 (9350) | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | i686 | BIOS | Boots to Orbital, NVMe driver livelocks |
| HP | Dev One | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital, No touchpad support, requires I2C HID |
| ASUS | X554L | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS | Boots to Orbital, No audio, HDA driver cannot find output pins |
| ASUS | ROG g55vw | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2023 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS | Boots to Orbital, UEFI panic in SETUP |
| ASUS | PRIME B350M-E (custom) | 0.9.0 | 20-09-2024 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Partial support for the PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse is broken |
| ASUS | Eee PC 900 | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | i686 | BIOS | Boots to Orbital, No ethernet driver, Correct video mode not offered (firmware issue) |
| Toshiba | Satellite L500 | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS | Boots to Orbital, No ethernet driver, Correct video mode not offered (firmware issue) |
| Raspberry Pi | 3 Model B+ | 0.8.0 | Unknown | server | ARM64 | U-Boot | Boots to UART serial console (pl011) |
| Lenovo | ThinkPad Yoga 260 Laptop - Type 20FE | 0.9.0 | 07-09-2024 | demo | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital, No audio |
| Lenovo | Yoga S730-13IWL | 0.9.0 | 09-11-2024 | desktop | x86-64 | UEFI | Boots to Orbital, No trackpad or USB mouse input support |
## Broken
| **Vendor** | **Model** | **Redox Version** | **Image Date** | **Variant** | **CPU Architecture** | **Motherboard Firmware** | **Report** |
| HP | EliteBook 2570p | 0.8.0 | 23-11-2022 | demo | x86-64 | BIOS (CSM mode?) | Gets to resolution selection, Fails assert in `src/os/bios/` after selecting resolution |
| BEELINK | U59 | 0.8.0 | 30-05-2024 | server | x86-64 | Unknown | Aborts after panic in xhcid |
| ASUS | PN41 | 0.8.0 | 30-05-2024 | server | x86-64 | Unknown | Aborts after panic in xhcid |
| Lenovo | G570 | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | x86-64 | BIOS | Bootloader panics in `alloc_zeroed_page_aligned`, Correct video mode not offered (firmware issue) |
| Lenovo | IdeaPad Y510P | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | i686 | BIOS | Panics on `phys_to_virt overflow`, probably having invalid mappings for 32-bit |
| Framework | Laptop 16 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) | 0.9.0 | 07-09-2024 | server, demo | x86-64 | UEFI | Black screen and unresponsive after the bootloader and resolution selection |
| Toshiba | Satellite L500 | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | i686 | BIOS | Correct video mode not offered (firmware issue), Panics on `phys_to_virt overflow`, probably having invalid mappings for 32-bit |
| Panasonic | Toughbook CF-18 | 0.8.0 | 11-11-2022 | desktop | i686 | BIOS | Hangs after PIT initialization |
| XMG (Schenker) | Apex 17 (M21) | 0.9.0 | 30-09-2024 | demo, server | x86-64 | UEFI | After selecting resolution, (release) repeats `...::interrupt::irq::ERROR -- Local apic internal error: ESR=0x40` a few times before it freezes; (daily) really slowly prints statements from `...::rmm::INFO` before it abruptly aborts |
| HP | Compaq nc6120 | 0.9.0 | 2024-11-08 | desktop, server | i686 | BIOS | Unloads into memory at a rate slower than 1MB/s after selecting resolution. When unloading is complete the logger initializes and crashes after kernel::acpi, some information about APIC is printed. Boot logs do not progress after this point. |
# Configuration and variables
# This file contains the build system commands configuration
# and environment variables
include mk/
all: build/harddrive.bin
# Build system dependencies
include mk/
live: build/livedisk.bin
all: $(BUILD)/harddrive.img
iso: build/livedisk.iso
-$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ || true
-$(FUMOUNT) /tmp/redox_installer/ || true
rm -f $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
$(MAKE) $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
popsicle: $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
popsicle-gtk $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
-$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ || true
-$(FUMOUNT) /tmp/redox_installer/ || true
rm -f $(BUILD)/harddrive.img $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
$(MAKE) all
-$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ || true
-$(FUMOUNT) /tmp/redox_installer/ || true
rm -rf $(BUILD)/repo.tag $(BUILD)/harddrive.img $(BUILD)/livedisk.iso
$(MAKE) all
ifeq ($(PODMAN_BUILD),1)
cd cookbook && ./
cargo clean --manifest-path cookbook/pkgutils/Cargo.toml
-rm -rf cookbook/repo
cargo clean --manifest-path installer/Cargo.toml
cargo clean --manifest-path kernel/Cargo.toml
cargo clean --manifest-path kernel/syscall/Cargo.toml
cargo clean --manifest-path redoxfs/Cargo.toml
-$(FUMOUNT) build/filesystem/ || true
rm -rf build
make clean
cargo clean --manifest-path relibc/Cargo.toml
-$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ || true
-$(FUMOUNT) /tmp/redox_installer/ || true
rm -rf $(BUILD)
distclean: $(CONTAINER_TAG)
ifeq ($(PODMAN_BUILD),1)
$(MAKE) clean
cd cookbook && ./
git pull --recurse-submodules
git pull
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --recursive --init
cd cookbook && ./ \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../initfs.toml)" \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../filesystem.toml)"
cargo update --manifest-path cookbook/pkgutils/Cargo.toml
cargo update --manifest-path installer/Cargo.toml
cargo update --manifest-path kernel/Cargo.toml
cargo update --manifest-path redoxfs/Cargo.toml
cd cookbook && ./ \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../initfs.toml)" \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../filesystem.toml)"
cd cookbook && ./ \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../ci.toml)"
cd cookbook && ./ \
"$$(cargo run --manifest-path ../installer/Cargo.toml -- --list-packages -c ../ci.toml)"
fetch: $(BUILD)/fetch.tag
# Emulation recipes
include mk/
include mk/
include mk/
repo: $(BUILD)/repo.tag
# Kernel recipes
include mk/
# Podman build recipes and vars
include mk/
# Filesystem recipes
include mk/
include mk/
# Disk Imaging and Cookbook tools
include mk/
# Cross compiler recipes
include mk/
# Repository maintenance
include mk/
# Disk images
include mk/
# Travis target
travis: FORCE
make INSTALLER_FLAGS= build/harddrive.bin.gz build/livedisk.iso
rm -rf build/travis
mkdir build/travis
mv build/harddrive.bin.gz build/travis/redox_$(TRAVIS_TAG).bin.gz
mv build/livedisk.iso build/travis/redox_$(TRAVIS_TAG).iso
cd build/travis && sha256sum -b redox_$(TRAVIS_TAG).bin.gz redox_$(TRAVIS_TAG).iso > SHA256SUM
# Emulation recipes
include mk/
include mk/
# CI
include mk/
env: prefix FORCE $(CONTAINER_TAG)
ifeq ($(PODMAN_BUILD),1)
export PATH="$(PREFIX_PATH):$$PATH" && \
export RUST_GDB=gdb-multiarch # Necessary when debugging for another architecture than the host
gdb: FORCE
rust-gdb $(GDB_KERNEL_FILE) --eval-command="target remote :1234"
# This target allows debugging a userspace application without requiring gdbserver running inside
# the VM. Because gdb doesn't know when the userspace application is scheduled by the kernel and as
# it stops the entire VM rather than just the userspace application that the user wants to debug,
# connecting to a gdbserver running inside the VM is highly encouraged when possible. This target
# should only be used when the application to debug runs early during boot before the network stack
# has started or you need to debug the interaction between the application and the kernel.
gdb-userspace: FORCE
rust-gdb $(GDB_APP_FILE) --eval-command="add-symbol-file $(GDB_KERNEL_FILE) 0x$(shell readelf -S $(GDB_KERNEL_FILE) | grep .text | cut -c43-58)" --eval-command="target remote :1234"
# An empty target
# A method of creating a listing for any binary
%.list: %
objdump -C -M intel -D $< > $@
# Wireshark
wireshark: FORCE
wireshark build/network.pcap
wireshark $(BUILD)/network.pcap
<p align="center">
<img alt="Redox" width="346" src="">
<img alt="Redox" width="346" src="">
**Redox** is an operating system written in Rust, a language with focus on safety and high performance. Redox, following the microkernel design, aims to be secure, usable, and free. Redox is inspired by previous kernels and operating systems, such as SeL4, MINIX, Plan 9, and BSD.
This repository is the **Build System** for Redox OS.
Redox _is not_ just a kernel, it's a **full-featured Operating System**, providing packages (memory allocator, file system, display manager, core utilities, etc.) that together make up a functional and convenient operating system. You can loosely think of it as the GNU or BSD ecosystem, but in a memory safe language and with modern technology. See [this list](#ecosystem) for overview of the ecosystem.
Redox is under active development by a vibrant community, you can see the key links below:
The website can be found at
- [The **main website** for Redox OS](
- [The Redox Book]( and [Build Instructions](
- [Redox Chat and Support](
- [Patreon](, [Donate]( and [Merch](
- Scroll down for a list of key Redox components and their repositories.
Please make sure you use the **latest nightly** of `rustc` before building (for more troubleshooting, see ["Help! Redox won't compile!"](#compile-help)).
[Redox]( is an open-source operating system written in Rust, a language with focus on safety, efficiency and high performance. Redox uses a microkernel architecture, and aims to be reliable, secure, usable, correct, and free. Redox is inspired by previous operating systems, such as seL4, MINIX, Plan 9, Linux and BSD.
[![Travis Build Status](](
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)
![Rust Version](
## Contents
* [What it looks like](#screenshots)
* [Ecosystem](#ecosystem)
* [Help! Redox won't compile](#compile-help)
* [Contributing to Redox](#contributing)
* [Cloning, Building and running](#cloning-building-running)
* [Quick Setup](#quick-setup)
* [Manual Setup](#manual-setup)
* [Setup Using Docker](#setup-using-docker)
## <a name="screenshots"> What it looks like </a>
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src=" running.jpeg">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
## <a name="ecosystem"> Ecosystem </a>
The ecosystem and software Redox OS provides is listed below.
| Name (lexicographic order) | Maintainer
| [acid (kernel integration tests)]( | [**@jackpot51**]( (co.: [**@ticki**](, [**@nilset](
| [binutils]( | [**@ticki**](
| [bots (custom Mattermost bots)]( | [**@ticki**](
| [cookbook]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [coreutils]( | [**@ticki**]( (co.: [**@stratact**](
| [extrautils]( | [**@ticki**](
| [games]( | [**@ticki**](
| [Ion (shell)]( | [**@skylerberg**]( & [**@jackpot51**](
| [kernel]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [libextra]( | [**@ticki**](
| [libpager]( | [**@ticki**](
| [netutils]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [orbclient (Orbital client)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [orbdata]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [orbgame (Orbital 2D game engine)]( | [**@FloVanGH**](
| [Orbital (windowing and compositing system)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [orbtk (Orbital toolkit)]( | [**@stratact**](
| [orbutils (Orbital utilities)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [pkgutils (current package manager)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [playbot (internal REPL bot)]( | [**@ticki**](
| [ralloc]( | [**@ticki**](
| [RANSID (Rust ANSI driver)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [redoxfs (old filesystem)]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [syscall]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [Sodium (Vim-inspired text editor)]( | [**@ticki**](
| [TFS (ticki filesystem)]( | [**@ticki**](
| [The Redox book]( | [**@ticki**](
| [userutils]( | [**@jackpot51**](
| [libstd]( | **abandoned, Rust's official libstd is now used**
| The old kernel | **abandoned**
| [ZFS]( | **abandoned, superseded by [TFS](**
## <a name="compile-help"> Help! Redox won't compile! </a>
Sometimes things go wrong when compiling. Try the following before opening an issue:
1. Make sure you have a Redox toolchain (`x86_64-unknown-redox-gcc`).
* You can install from .deb packages (``) or build [redox-os/libc]( manually.
1. Run `rustup update`
1. Run `make clean pull`.
1. Make sure you have **the latest version of Rust nightly!** ([]( is recommended for managing Rust versions. If you already have it, run `rustup`).
1. Update **GNU Make**, **NASM** and **QEMU/VirtualBox**.
1. Pull the upstream master branch (`git remote add upstream; git pull upstream master`).
1. Update submodules (`git submodule update --recursive --init`).
and then rebuild!
## <a name="contributing"> Contributing to Redox </a>
If you're interested in this project, and you'd like to help us out, [here]( is a list of ways you can do just that.
## <a name="cloning-building-running"> Cloning, Building and Running </a>
Redox is big, even compressed. Downloading the full history may take a lot of bandwidth, and can even be costly on some data plans. Clone at your own risk!
### <a name="quick-setup" /> Quick Setup </a>
$ cd path/to/your/projects/folder/
# Run bootstrap setup
$ curl -sf -o && bash -e
# Change to project directory
$ cd redox
Redox _is not_ just a kernel, it's a **full-featured operating system**, providing components (file system, display server, core utilities, etc.) that together make up a functional and convenient operating system. Redox uses the COSMIC desktop apps, and provides source code compatibility with many Rust, Linux and BSD programs.
# Build Redox
$ make all
# Launch using QEMU
$ make qemu
# Launch using QEMU without using KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine). Try if QEMU gives an error.
$ make qemu kvm=no
#### QEMU with KVM
To use QEMU with KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), which is faster than without KVM, you need a CPU with Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) or AMD Virtualization™ (AMD-V™) support. Most systems have this disabled by default, so you may need to reboot, go into the BIOS, and enable it.
### <a name="manual-setup"> Manual Setup </a>
To manually clone, build and run Redox using a Unix-based host, run the following commands (with exceptions, be sure to read the comments):
$ cd path/to/your/projects/folder/
$ git clone --origin upstream --recursive
$ git clone --origin upstream --recursive
$ cd redox/
# Install/update dependencies
$ ./ -d
# Install
$ curl -sSf | sh
$ source $HOME/.cargo/env
# Install the sysroot manager Xargo
$ cargo install xargo
# For successive builds start here. If this is your first build, just continue
# Update git submodules
$ git submodule update --recursive --init
# Build Redox
$ make all
# Launch using QEMU
$ make qemu
# Launch using QEMU without using KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine). Try if QEMU gives an error.
$ make qemu kvm=no
# Launch using QEMU without using KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) nor Graphics
make qemu kvm=no vga=no
### <a name="setup-using-docker"> Setup using Docker </a>
We also provide docker image. After cloning this repository, please follow README under the `docker` directory.
### Updating the codebase using the Makefile
To update the codebase run:
make pull; make fetch
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)
`make pull` pulls and updates the submodules, and `make fetch` updates the sources for cookbook recipes.
## More Links
- [Book](
- [Contribute](
- [Hardware Compatibility](
- Run Redox in a [Virtual Machine]( or on [Real Hardware](
- [Trying Out Redox](
- [Building Redox](
- [Build System Documentation](
- [Developer FAQ](
- [Chat/Discussions/Help](
## Ecosystem
Some of the key repositories on the Redox GitLab:
| Essential Repos | Maintainer
| [Kernel]( | **@jackpot51**
| [RedoxFS (default filesystem)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [Drivers]( | **@jackpot51**
| [Orbital (display server and window manager)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [pkgutils (current package manager)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [relibc (C POSIX library written in Rust)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [netstack (network stack)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [Ion (defauilt shell)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [Termion (terminal library)]( | **@jackpot51**
| This repo - the root of the Build System | **@jackpot51**
| [cookbook (Build system for system components and programs)]( | **@jackpot51** **@hatred_45**
| [Redoxer (Tool for Redox development testing)]( | **@jackpot51**
| [The Redox Book]( | **@hatred_45**
## What it looks like
See [Redox in Action]( for photos and videos.
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
<img alt="Redox" height="150" src="">
ata0-master: type=disk, path="build/harddrive.bin", mode=flat
boot: disk
com1: enabled=1, mode=file, dev=build/serial.log
megs: 1024
magic_break: enabled=1
display_library: x, options="gui_debug"
log: -
debug: action=ignore
info: action=report
error: action=report
panic: action=ask
debugger_log: -
Subproject commit 615d9e136512a21cc5fb22b5ab74389e078d3fb7
Subproject commit de305ff651b811f2640ea685bbd9f2b12b974f15
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Alternative script for the build system Makefiles
# #
# Build the system, with a specified processor type and filesystem config #
# #
echo " Invoke make for a particular architecture and configuration."
echo "Usage:"
echo "./ [-X | -A | -6 | -a ARCH] [-c CONFIG] [-f FILESYSTEM_CONFIG] TARGET..."
echo " -X Equivalent to -a x86_64."
echo " -A Equivalent to -a aarch64."
echo " -6 Equivalent to -a i686."
echo " -a ARCH: Processor Architecture. Normally one of x86_64, aarch64 or"
echo " i686. ARCH is not checked, so you can add a new architecture."
echo " Defaults to the directory containing the FILESYSTEM_CONFIG file,"
echo " or x86_64 if no FILESYSTEM_CONFIG is specified."
echo " -c CONFIG: The name of the config, e.g. desktop, server or demo."
echo " Determines the name of the image, build/ARCH/CONFIG/harddrive.img"
echo " e.g. build/x86_64/desktop/harddrive.img"
echo " Determines the name of FILESYSTEM_CONFIG if none is specified."
echo " Defaults to the basename of FILESYSTEM_CONFIG, or 'desktop'"
echo " if FILESYSTEM_CONFIG is not specified."
echo " The config file to use. It can be in any location."
echo " However, if the file is not in a directory named x86_64, aarch64"
echo " or i686, you must specify the architecture."
echo " If -f is not specified, FILESYSTEM_CONFIG is set to"
echo " config/ARCH/CONFIG.toml"
echo " If you specify both CONFIG and FILESYSTEM_CONFIG, it is not"
echo " necessary that they match, but it is recommended."
echo " Examples: ./ -c demo live - make build/x86_64/demo/livedisk.iso"
echo " ./ -6 qemu - make build/i686/desktop/harddrive.img and"
echo " and run it in qemu"
echo " NOTE: If you do not change ARCH or CONFIG very often, edit mk/"
echo " and set ARCH and FILESYSTEM_CONFIG. You only need to use this"
echo " script when you want to override them."
if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then
while getopts ":c:f:a:dhXA6" opt
case "$opt" in
X) ARCH="x86_64";;
A) ARCH="aarch64";;
6) ARCH="i686";;
h) usage;;
\?) echo "Unknown option -$OPTARG, try -h for help"; exit;;
:) echo "-$OPTARG requires a value"; exit;;
shift $((OPTIND -1))
if [ -z "$ARCH" ] && [ -n "$FILESYSTEM_CONFIG" ]; then
dirname=`dirname "$FILESYSTEM_CONFIG"`
ARCH=`basename $dirname`
case "$ARCH" in
x86_64) : ;;
aarch64) : ;;
i686) : ;;
\?) ARCH=""; echo "Unknown Architecture, please specify x86_64, aarch64 or i686";;
if [ -z "$config_name" ] && [ -n "$FILESYSTEM_CONFIG" ]; then
if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then
if [ -z "$CONFIG_NAME" ]; then
if [ -z "$FILESYSTEM_CONFIG" ]; then
make $@
# This is the CI configuration file
prompt = false
acid = {}
autoconf = {}
automake = {}
bash = {}
binutils = {}
ca-certificates = {}
#cargo = {}
cleye = {}
#cmatrix = {}
contain = {}
coreutils = {}
curl = {}
dash = {}
diffutils = {}
dosbox = {}
drivers = {}
#drivers-041 = {}
duktape = {}
expat = {}
extrautils = {}
#fd = {}
ffmpeg = {}
findutils = {}
freedoom = {}
freetype = {}
game-2048 = {}
games = {}
gawk = {}
gcc = {}
generaluser-gs = {}
#gigalomania = {}
git = {}
gnu-binutils = {}
gnu-grep = {}
gnu-make = {}
init = {}
installer = {}
ion = {}
ipcd = {}
jansson = {}
keyboard-sfx = {}
lci = {}
libjpeg = {}
liborbital = {}
libpng = {}
#libsodium = {}
logd = {}
lua = {}
mdp = {}
nasm = {}
ncdu = {}
ncurses = {}
ncursesw = {}
netdb = {}
netstack = {}
netsurf = {}
netutils = {}
newlib = {}
newlibtest = {}
nulld = {}
openssl = {}
openttd = {}
openttd-opengfx = {}
openttd-openmsx = {}
orbdata = {}
orbital = {}
orbterm = {}
orbutils = {}
pastel = {}
patch = {}
periodictable = {}
#perl = {}
pixelcannon = {}
pkgutils = {}
#powerline = {}
prboom = {}
ptyd = {}
python = {}
randd = {}
readline = {}
redoxfs = {}
#redox-ssh = {}
relibc = {}
rs-nes = {}
#rust = {}
rust64 = {}
rustual-boy = {}
sdl = {}
sdl_image = {}
sdl_mixer = {}
sed = {}
shellstorm = {}
smith = {}
sodium = {}
#ssh = {}
terminfo = {}
termplay = {}
timidity = {}
ttf-hack = {}
userutils = {}
uutils = {}
vim = {}
vttest = {}
xz = {}
zerod = {}
zlib = {}
# Configuration to run the "acid" tests
include = ["../acid.toml"]
# The Redox build server configuration
# General settings
# Do not prompt if settings are not defined
prompt = false
# Package settings
acid = {}
atk = {}
audiod = {}
autoconf = {}
automake = {}
bash = {}
binutils = {}
bootloader = {}
bootstrap = {}
ca-certificates = {}
cairo = {}
cairodemo = {}
#calculator = {}
cargo = {}
cleye = {}
#cmatrix = {} # needs ncursesw now
contain = {}
coreutils = {}
cosmic-edit = {}
cosmic-icons = {}
cosmic-text = {}
cpal = {}
curl = {}
dash = {}
diffutils = {}
dosbox = {}
drivers = {}
drivers-initfs = {}
duktape = {}
eduke32 = {}
escalated = {}
exampled = {}
expat = {}
extrautils = {}
#fd = {} # ctrlc-3.1.1
#ffmpeg6 = {} # undefined references
findutils = {}
fontconfig = {}
#freeciv = {}
freedoom = {}
#freeglut = {}
freepats = {}
freetype2 = {}
#friar = {} # mio patch
fribidi = {}
#game-2048 = {} # rustc-serialize
#gawk = {} # langinfo.h
gcc13 = {}
gdbserver = {}
#gdk-pixbuf = {} # shared-mime-info
gears = {}
generaluser-gs = {}
gettext = {}
gigalomania = {}
git = {}
glib = {}
glutin = {}
gnu-binutils = {}
gnu-grep = {}
gnu-make = {}
#gstreamer = {} # conflict with thread local errno
harfbuzz = {}
#hematite = {} # needs crate patches for redox-unix
hicolor-icon-theme = {}
initfs = {}
installer = {}
installer-gui = {}
intel-one-mono = {}
ion = {}
jansson = {}
kernel = {}
lci = {}
libc-bench = {}
libffi = {}
libgmp = {}
libiconv = {}
libjpeg = {}
libogg = {}
liborbital = {}
libpng = {}
libsodium = {}
libvorbis = {}
libxml2 = {}
llvm18 = {}
lua54 = {}
#mdp = {} # ncursesw
mesa = {}
mesa-glu = {}
mgba = {}
#miniserve = {} # actix
nano = {}
nasm = {}
#ncdu = {} # fails to link with ncurses
ncurses = {}
#ncursesw = {} # mkstemp configure hang
netdb = {}
netstack = {}
netsurf = {}
netutils = {}
neverball = {}
#newlib = {} # obsolete
#newlibtest = {} # obsolete
nghttp2 = {}
openjazz = {}
openssl1 = {}
openttd = {}
openttd-opengfx = {}
openttd-openmsx = {}
openttd-opensfx = {}
orbclient = {}
orbdata = {}
orbital = {}
orbterm = {}
orbutils = {}
#orbutils-background = {} # needs recipe update
#orbutils-launcher = {} # needs recipe update
#orbutils-orblogin = {} # needs recipe update
osdemo = {}
#pango = {} # undefined references to std::__throw_system_error(int)
#pastel = {} # needs crate patches for redox-unix
patch = {}
#pathfinder = {} # servo-fontconfig
#pciids = {}
pcre = {}
perg = {}
periodictable = {}
#perl = {} # ctermid, tempnam, ttyname
pixelcannon = {}
pixman = {}
#pkgar = {} # uses virtual Cargo.toml, needs recipe update
pkg-config = {}
pkgutils = {}
pop-icon-theme = {}
#powerline = {} # dirs
prboom = {}
procedural-wallpapers-rs = {}
#python = {} # getaddrinfo
#qemu = {}
readline = {}
redoxerd = {}
redox-fatfs = {}
redoxfs = {}
redox-games = {}
redox-ssh = {}
relibc = {}
#relibc-tests = {} # madvise link error
resist = {}
#retroarch = {} # OS_TLSIndex not declared
ripgrep = {}
rodioplay = {}
rs-nes = {}
rust = {}
rust64 = {}
rust-cairo = {}
rust-cairo-demo = {}
rustual-boy = {}
schismtracker = {}
scummvm = {}
sdl-gfx = {}
#sdl-player = {} # wctype_t
sdl1 = {}
sdl1-image = {}
sdl1-mixer = {}
sdl1-ttf = {}
sdl2 = {}
sdl2-gears = {}
sdl2-image = {}
sdl2-mixer = {}
sdl2-ttf = {}
sed = {}
#servo = {} # some more crates to port
#shared-mime-info = {} # intltool-update out of date
shellharden = {}
shellstorm = {}
smith = {}
sodium = {}
sopwith = {}
#ssh = {}
strace = {}
syobonaction = {}
terminfo = {}
#termplay = {} # backtrace cannot find link.h
timidity = {}
ttf-hack = {}
userutils = {}
uutils = {}
vice = {}
vim = {}
vttest = {}
vvvvvv = {}
#webrender = {} # unwind
#wesnoth = {}
#winit = {} # tzset
xz = {}
zlib = {}
# Configuration for demonstration
include = ["desktop.toml"]
# Minimal desktop configuration
include = ["../desktop-minimal.toml"]
# Override the default settings here
# General settings
# Filesystem size in MiB
# filesystem_size = 1024
# Package settings
# example = {}
\ No newline at end of file
# Default build system configuration
include = ["../minimal.toml"]
# General settings
# Filesystem size in MiB
filesystem_size = 256
# Package settings
audiod = {}
cosmic-edit = {}
cosmic-icons = {}
cosmic-files = {}
cosmic-term = {}
orbdata = {}
orbital = {}
orbutils = {}
pop-icon-theme = {}
shared-mime-info = {}
path = "/usr/lib/init.d/20_orbital"
data = """
export VT 3
orbital orblogin launcher
unset VT