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Fix issue #1102: Infinite Recursion with "ls -lR /" in RedoxOS

Jeremy Soller requested to merge gbutler69:master into master

Created by: gbutler69

Problem: see issue #1102 (closed)

Solution: see solution as described in issue #1102 (closed)

Changes introduced by this pull request:

/usr is no longer a soft-link to /, instead, /usr/bin links to /bin  - see #1102

Drawbacks: Any new top-level files/folders added in the future may need corresponding soft-links created in /usr if it is intended that they be available through /usr (questionable???)

TODOs: nothing that I'm aware of

Fixes: see issue #1102 (closed)

State: READY

Blocking/related: none that I'm aware of

Other: (n/a)

Merge request reports