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Change way to generate initfs for kernel

Jeremy Soller requested to merge kolipka:kernel_standalone into master

Created by: kolipka

this change should be merged along with corresponding PR in kernel (

Problem: [describe the problem you try to solve with this PR.] Decouple kernel from whole redox. It can be compiled on its own. Changing initfs folder location does not require modifications in kernel

Solution: [describe carefully what you change by this PR.] build scripts are changed to send initfs folder as a parameter ( env var: INITFS_FOLDER) to kernel script

Changes introduced by this pull request: As described above

Drawbacks: [if any, describe the drawbacks of this pull request.] has to be merged along with change in kernel repo

TODOs: [what is not done yet.] N/A

Fixes: [what issues this fixes.] N/A

State: [the state of this PR, e.g. WIP, ready, etc.] N/A

Blocking/related: [issues or PRs blocking or being related to this issue.] N/A

Other: [optional: for other relevant information that should be known or cannot be described in the other fields.] N/A

The above template is not necessary for smaller PRs.

Merge request reports