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Change the default mac to a valid value.

Jeremy Soller requested to merge batonius:default-mac into master

Created by: batonius

Problem: Since NIC MAC addresses can't be used in ethernetd at the time, Redox uses the address from /etc/net/mac, which is all zero. It works with qemu's user network, but doesn't work with qemu's bridged network, because the Linux network stack on the other end doesn't consider all-zero MAC addresses valid.

Solution: Change the default MAC address to some reasonable value.

Changes introduced by this pull request:

  • The default value of /etc/net/mac has been changed to 54-52-00-ab-cd-ef.

State: Redox runs in bridged network mode and is able to interact with the host machine directly via network.

Other: The 54:52:00 prefix is reserved for Linux KVM use: .

Merge request reports