Liam Naddell authoredLiam Naddell authored
node.rs 5.08 KiB
use std::{fmt, mem, ops, slice, str};
use super::Extent;
use syscall;
/// A file/folder node
pub struct Node {
pub mode: u16,
pub uid: u32,
pub gid: u32,
pub ctime: u64,
pub ctime_nsec: u32,
pub mtime: u64,
pub mtime_nsec: u32,
pub name: [u8; 222],
pub parent: u64,
pub next: u64,
pub extents: [Extent; (BLOCK_SIZE as usize - 272)/16],
impl Node {
pub const MODE_TYPE: u16 = 0xF000;
pub const MODE_FILE: u16 = 0x8000;
pub const MODE_DIR: u16 = 0x4000;
pub const MODE_SYMLINK: u16 = 0xA000;
pub const MODE_PERM: u16 = 0x0FFF;
pub const MODE_EXEC: u16 = 0o1;
pub const MODE_WRITE: u16 = 0o2;
pub const MODE_READ: u16 = 0o4;
pub fn default() -> Node {
Node {
mode: 0,
uid: 0,
gid: 0,
ctime: 0,
ctime_nsec: 0,
mtime: 0,
mtime_nsec: 0,
name: [0; 222],
parent: 0,
next: 0,
extents: [Extent::default(); (BLOCK_SIZE as usize - 272)/16],
pub fn new(mode: u16, name: &str, parent: u64, ctime: u64, ctime_nsec: u32) -> syscall::Result<Node> {
let mut bytes = [0; 222];
if name.len() > bytes.len() {
return Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::ENAMETOOLONG));
for (b, c) in bytes.iter_mut().zip(name.bytes()) {
*b = c;
Ok(Node {
mode: mode,
uid: 0,
gid: 0,
ctime: ctime,
ctime_nsec: ctime_nsec,
mtime: ctime,
mtime_nsec: ctime_nsec,
name: bytes,
parent: parent,
next: 0,
extents: [Extent::default(); (BLOCK_SIZE as usize - 272)/16],
pub fn name(&self) -> Result<&str, str::Utf8Error> {
let mut len = 0;
for &b in self.name.iter() {
if b == 0 {
len += 1;
pub fn set_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> syscall::Result<()> {
let mut bytes = [0; 222];
if name.len() > bytes.len() {
return Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::ENAMETOOLONG));
for (b, c) in bytes.iter_mut().zip(name.bytes()) {
*b = c;
self.name = bytes;
pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
self.mode & Node::MODE_TYPE == Node::MODE_DIR
pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool {
self.mode & Node::MODE_TYPE == Node::MODE_FILE
pub fn is_symlink(&self) -> bool {
self.mode & Node::MODE_TYPE == Node::MODE_SYMLINK
/// Tests if UID is the owner of that file, only true when uid=0 or when the UID stored in metadata is equal to the UID you supply
pub fn owner(&self, uid: u32) -> bool {
uid == 0 || self.uid == uid
/// Tests if the current user has enough permissions to view the file, op is the operation,
/// like read and write, these modes are MODE_EXEC, MODE_READ, and MODE_WRITE
pub fn permission(&self, uid: u32, gid: u32, op: u16) -> bool {
let mut perm = self.mode & 0o7;
if self.uid == uid {
// If self.mode is 101100110, >> 6 would be 000000101
// 0o7 is octal for 111, or, when expanded to 9 digits is 000000111
perm |= (self.mode >> 6) & 0o7;
// Since we erased the GID and OTHER bits when >>6'ing, |= will keep those bits in place.
if self.gid == gid || gid == 0 {
perm |= (self.mode >> 3) & 0o7;
if uid == 0 {
//set the `other` bits to 111
perm |= 0o7;
perm & op == op
pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
self.extents.iter().fold(0, |size, extent| size + extent.length)
impl fmt::Debug for Node {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let extents: Vec<&Extent> = self.extents.iter().filter(|extent| -> bool { extent.length > 0 }).collect();
unsafe {
.field("mode", &self.mode)
.field("uid", &self.uid)
.field("gid", &self.gid)
.field("ctime", &self.ctime)
.field("ctime_nsec", &self.ctime_nsec)
.field("mtime", &self.mtime)
.field("mtime_nsec", &self.mtime_nsec)
.field("name", &self.name())
.field("next", &self.next)
.field("extents", &extents)
impl ops::Deref for Node {
type Target = [u8];
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe {
slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const Node as *const u8, mem::size_of::<Node>()) as &[u8]
impl ops::DerefMut for Node {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self as *mut Node as *mut u8, mem::size_of::<Node>()) as &mut [u8]
fn node_size_test() {
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Node>(), BLOCK_SIZE as usize);