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  • Tiago's avatar
    platform/redox: Support AF_UNIX in socket. · 12f6ffd1
    Tiago authored
    To add support for UNIX sockets (AF_UNIX), of SOCK_STREAM type, the
    "chan:" scheme is used, which will be supportedby the ipcd running in
    Later commits add similar AF_UNIX support for the rest of the methods in
    impl PalSocket.
    platform/redox: Support AF_UNIX in socket.
    Tiago authored
    To add support for UNIX sockets (AF_UNIX), of SOCK_STREAM type, the
    "chan:" scheme is used, which will be supportedby the ipcd running in
    Later commits add similar AF_UNIX support for the rest of the methods in
    impl PalSocket. 9.97 KiB
use core::{mem, ptr, slice};
use syscall::{self, flag::*, Result};

use super::{
    super::{errno, types::*, Pal, PalSocket},
    e, Sys,
use crate::header::{
    netinet_in::{in_port_t, sockaddr_in},
    sys_socket::{constants::*, sockaddr, socklen_t},

macro_rules! bind_or_connect {
    (bind $path:expr) => {
        concat!("/", $path)
    (connect $path:expr) => {
    ($mode:ident into, $socket:expr, $address:expr, $address_len:expr) => {{
        let fd = bind_or_connect!($mode copy, $socket, $address, $address_len);

        let result = syscall::dup2(fd, $socket as usize, &[]);
        let _ = syscall::close(fd);
        if (e(result) as c_int) < 0 {
            return -1;
    ($mode:ident copy, $socket:expr, $address:expr, $address_len:expr) => {{
        if (*$address).sa_family as c_int != AF_INET {
            errno = syscall::EAFNOSUPPORT;
            return -1;
        if ($address_len as usize) < mem::size_of::<sockaddr>() {
            errno = syscall::EINVAL;
            return -1;
        let data = &*($address as *const sockaddr_in);
        let addr = slice::from_raw_parts(
            &data.sin_addr.s_addr as *const _ as *const u8,
        let port = in_port_t::from_be(data.sin_port);
        let path = format!(
            bind_or_connect!($mode "{}.{}.{}.{}:{}"),

        // Duplicate the socket, and then duplicate the copy back to the original fd
        let fd = e(syscall::dup($socket as usize, path.as_bytes()));
        if (fd as c_int) < 0 {
            return -1;

unsafe fn inner_get_name(
    local: bool,
    socket: c_int,
    address: *mut sockaddr,
    address_len: *mut socklen_t,
) -> Result<usize> {
    // 32 should probably be large enough.
    // Format: tcp:remote/local
    // and since we only yet support IPv4 (I think)...
    let mut buf = [0; 32];
    let len = syscall::fpath(socket as usize, &mut buf)?;
    let buf = &buf[..len];
    assert!(&buf[..4] == b"tcp:" || &buf[..4] == b"udp:");
    let buf = &buf[4..];

    let mut parts = buf.split(|c| *c == b'/');
    if local {
        // Skip the remote part;
    let part ="Invalid reply from netstack");

    trace!("path: {}", ::core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&part));

    (*address).sa_family = AF_INET as c_ushort;

    let data = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
        &mut (*address).sa_data as *mut _ as *mut u8,

    let len = data.len().min(part.len());

    *address_len = len as socklen_t;

impl PalSocket for Sys {
    unsafe fn accept(socket: c_int, address: *mut sockaddr, address_len: *mut socklen_t) -> c_int {
        let stream = e(syscall::dup(socket as usize, b"listen")) as c_int;
        if stream < 0 {
            return -1;
        if address != ptr::null_mut()
            && address_len != ptr::null_mut()
            && Self::getpeername(stream, address, address_len) < 0
            return -1;

    unsafe fn bind(socket: c_int, address: *const sockaddr, address_len: socklen_t) -> c_int {
        bind_or_connect!(bind into, socket, address, address_len)

    unsafe fn connect(socket: c_int, address: *const sockaddr, address_len: socklen_t) -> c_int {
        bind_or_connect!(connect into, socket, address, address_len)

    unsafe fn getpeername(
        socket: c_int,
        address: *mut sockaddr,
        address_len: *mut socklen_t,
    ) -> c_int {
        e(inner_get_name(false, socket, address, address_len)) as c_int

    unsafe fn getsockname(
        socket: c_int,
        address: *mut sockaddr,
        address_len: *mut socklen_t,
    ) -> c_int {
        e(inner_get_name(true, socket, address, address_len)) as c_int
    fn getsockopt(
        socket: c_int,
        level: c_int,
        option_name: c_int,
        option_value: *mut c_void,
        option_len: *mut socklen_t,
    ) -> c_int {
        match level {
            SOL_SOCKET => match option_name {
                SO_ERROR => {
                    if option_value.is_null() {
                        return e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::EFAULT))) as c_int;

                    if (option_len as usize) < mem::size_of::<c_int>() {
                        return e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::EINVAL))) as c_int;

                    let error = unsafe { &mut *(option_value as *mut c_int) };
                    //TODO: Socket nonblock connection error
                    *error = 0;

                    return 0;
                _ => (),
            _ => (),

            "getsockopt({}, {}, {}, {:p}, {:p})",
            socket, level, option_name, option_value, option_len
        e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::ENOSYS))) as c_int

    fn listen(socket: c_int, backlog: c_int) -> c_int {
        // Redox has no need to listen

    unsafe fn recvfrom(
        socket: c_int,
        buf: *mut c_void,
        len: size_t,
        flags: c_int,
        address: *mut sockaddr,
        address_len: *mut socklen_t,
    ) -> ssize_t {
        if flags != 0 {
            errno = syscall::EOPNOTSUPP;
            return -1;
        if address == ptr::null_mut() || address_len == ptr::null_mut() {
            Self::read(socket, slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf as *mut u8, len))
        } else {
            let fd = e(syscall::dup(socket as usize, b"listen"));
            if fd == !0 {
                return -1;
            if Self::getpeername(fd as c_int, address, address_len) < 0 {
                let _ = syscall::close(fd);
                return -1;

            let ret = Self::read(fd as c_int, slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf as *mut u8, len));
            let _ = syscall::close(fd);

    unsafe fn sendto(
        socket: c_int,
        buf: *const c_void,
        len: size_t,
        flags: c_int,
        dest_addr: *const sockaddr,
        dest_len: socklen_t,
    ) -> ssize_t {
        if flags != 0 {
            errno = syscall::EOPNOTSUPP;
            return -1;
        if dest_addr == ptr::null() || dest_len == 0 {
            Self::write(socket, slice::from_raw_parts(buf as *const u8, len))
        } else {
            let fd = bind_or_connect!(connect copy, socket, dest_addr, dest_len);
            let ret = Self::write(fd as c_int, slice::from_raw_parts(buf as *const u8, len));
            let _ = syscall::close(fd);

    fn setsockopt(
        socket: c_int,
        level: c_int,
        option_name: c_int,
        option_value: *const c_void,
        option_len: socklen_t,
    ) -> c_int {
        let set_timeout = |timeout_name: &[u8]| -> c_int {
            if option_value.is_null() {
                return e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::EFAULT))) as c_int;

            if (option_len as usize) < mem::size_of::<timeval>() {
                return e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::EINVAL))) as c_int;

            let timeval = unsafe { &*(option_value as *const timeval) };

            let fd = e(syscall::dup(socket as usize, timeout_name));
            if fd == !0 {
                return -1;

            let timespec = syscall::TimeSpec {
                tv_sec: timeval.tv_sec,
                tv_nsec: timeval.tv_usec * 1000,

            let ret = Self::write(fd as c_int, &timespec);

            let _ = syscall::close(fd);

            if ret >= 0 {
            } else {

        match level {
            SOL_SOCKET => match option_name {
                SO_RCVTIMEO => return set_timeout(b"read_timeout"),
                SO_SNDTIMEO => return set_timeout(b"write_timeout"),
                _ => (),
            _ => (),

            "setsockopt({}, {}, {}, {:p}, {})",
            socket, level, option_name, option_value, option_len
        e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::ENOSYS))) as c_int

    fn shutdown(socket: c_int, how: c_int) -> c_int {
        eprintln!("shutdown({}, {})", socket, how);
        e(Err(syscall::Error::new(syscall::ENOSYS))) as c_int

    unsafe fn socket(domain: c_int, mut kind: c_int, protocol: c_int) -> c_int {
        if domain != AF_INET && domain != AF_UNIX {
            errno = syscall::EAFNOSUPPORT;
            return -1;
        // if protocol != 0 {
        //     errno = syscall::EPROTONOSUPPORT;
        //     return -1;
        // }

        let mut flags = O_RDWR;
        if kind & SOCK_NONBLOCK == SOCK_NONBLOCK {
            kind &= !SOCK_NONBLOCK;
            flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
        if kind & SOCK_CLOEXEC == SOCK_CLOEXEC {
            kind &= !SOCK_CLOEXEC;
            flags |= O_CLOEXEC;

        // The tcp: and udp: schemes allow using no path,
        // and later specifying one using `dup`.
        match (domain, kind) {
            (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) => e(syscall::open("tcp:", flags)) as c_int,
            (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) => e(syscall::open("udp:", flags)) as c_int,
            (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM) => e(syscall::open("chan:", flags | O_CREAT)) as c_int,
            _ => {
                errno = syscall::EPROTONOSUPPORT;

    fn socketpair(domain: c_int, kind: c_int, protocol: c_int, sv: &mut [c_int; 2]) -> c_int {
            "socketpair({}, {}, {}, {:p})",
        unsafe { errno = syscall::ENOSYS };
        return -1;