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Verified Commit 1476cdeb authored by Jacob Lorentzon's avatar Jacob Lorentzon
Browse files

Split fexec_impl into crate, used by escalated.

parent df8e2ded
No related branches found
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1 merge request!343Userspace fexec
......@@ -298,6 +298,15 @@ version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "9c33a3c44ca05fa6f1807d8e6743f3824e8509beca625669633be0acbdf509dc"
name = "redox-exec"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"redox_syscall 0.2.13",
name = "redox_syscall"
version = "0.1.57"
......@@ -337,6 +346,7 @@ dependencies = [
"redox_syscall 0.2.13",
"spin 0.9.4",
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ name = "relibc"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
members = ["src/crt0", "src/crti", "src/crtn", "src/ld_so"]
members = ["src/crt0", "src/crti", "src/crtn", "src/ld_so", "src/platform/redox/redox-exec"]
exclude = ["core_io", "ralloc", "tests"]
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ sc = "0.2.3"
#redox_syscall = "0.2.15"
redox_syscall = { git = "", branch = "userspace_fexec" }
spin = "0.9.0"
redox-exec = { path = "src/platform/redox/redox-exec" }
default = []
......@@ -168,22 +168,6 @@ impl Tcb {
Self::os_arch_activate(self.tcb_ptr as usize);
/// Deactive TLS, used before exec() on Redox to not trick target executable into thinking TLS
/// is already initialized as if it was a thread.
#[cfg(all(target_os = "redox", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
pub unsafe fn deactivate() {
let mut env = syscall::EnvRegisters::default();
let file = syscall::open("thisproc:current/regs/env", syscall::O_CLOEXEC | syscall::O_WRONLY)
.expect_notls("failed to open handle for process registers");
env.fsbase = 0;
env.gsbase = 0;
let _ = syscall::write(file, &mut env)
.expect_notls("failed to read fsbase");
/// Mapping with correct flags for TCB and TLS
unsafe fn map(size: usize) -> Result<&'static mut [u8]> {
let ptr = sys_mman::mmap(
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use super::extra::{create_set_addr_space_buf, FdGuard};
use alloc::{
collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap},
use syscall::{
use crate::fs::File;
fn read_all(fd: usize, offset: Option<u64>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(offset) = offset {
syscall::lseek(fd, offset as isize, SEEK_SET)?;
let mut total_bytes_read = 0;
while total_bytes_read < buf.len() {
total_bytes_read += match syscall::read(fd, &mut buf[total_bytes_read..])? {
0 => return Err(Error::new(ENOEXEC)),
bytes_read => bytes_read,
fn write_all(fd: usize, offset: Option<u64>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(offset) = offset {
syscall::lseek(fd, offset as isize, SEEK_SET)?;
let mut total_bytes_written = 0;
while total_bytes_written < buf.len() {
total_bytes_written += match syscall::write(fd, &buf[total_bytes_written..])? {
0 => return Err(Error::new(EIO)),
bytes_written => bytes_written,
fn find_free_target_addr(tree: &BTreeMap<usize, usize>, size: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let mut iterator = tree.iter().peekable();
// Ignore the space between zero and the first region, to avoid null pointers.
while let Some((cur_address, entry_size)) = {
let end = *cur_address + entry_size;
if let Some((next_address, _)) = iterator.peek() {
if **next_address - end > size {
return Some(end);
// No need to check last entry, since the stack will always be put at the highest
// possible address.
use syscall::error::Result;
use redox_exec::FdGuard;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub fn fexec_impl(file: File, path: &[u8], args: &[&[u8]], envs: &[&[u8]], args_envs_size_without_nul: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let fd = *file;
let image_file = FdGuard::new(fd as usize);
const FD_ANONYMOUS: usize = !0;
let open_via_dup = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:current/open_via_dup", 0)?);
pub fn fexec_impl(file: File, path: &[u8], args: &[&[u8]], envs: &[&[u8]], args_envs_size_without_nul: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let addrspace_selection_fd = fexec_impl_inner(file, path, args, envs, args_envs_size_without_nul)?;
let total_args_envs_size = args_envs_size_without_nul + args.len() + envs.len();
let addrspace_selection_fd = redox_exec::fexec_impl(image_file, open_via_dup, path, args.iter().rev(), envs.iter().rev(), total_args_envs_size)?;
// Dropping this FD will cause the address space switch.
fn fexec_impl_inner(file: File, path: &[u8], args: &[&[u8]], envs: &[&[u8]], args_envs_size_without_nul: usize) -> Result<FdGuard> {
use goblin::elf64::{header::Header, program_header::program_header64::{ProgramHeader, PT_LOAD, PF_W, PF_X}};
let fd = *file as usize;
let total_args_envs_size = args_envs_size_without_nul + args.len() + envs.len();
// Here, we do the minimum part of loading an application, which is what the kernel used to do.
// We load the executable into memory (albeit at different offsets in this executable), fix
// some misalignments, and then execute the SYS_EXEC syscall to replace the program memory
// entirely.
let mut header_bytes = [0_u8; core::mem::size_of::<Header>()];
read_all(fd, Some(0), &mut header_bytes)?;
let header = Header::from_bytes(&header_bytes);
let grants_fd = {
let current_addrspace_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:current/addrspace", 0)?);
FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*current_addrspace_fd, b"empty")?)
let memory_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*grants_fd, b"mem")?);
let instruction_ptr = usize::try_from(header.e_entry).map_err(|_| Error::new(ENOEXEC))?;
// Never allow more than 1 MiB of program headers. TODO: Capabilities again?
const MAX_PH_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
let phentsize = u64::from(header.e_phentsize) as usize;
let phnum = u64::from(header.e_phnum) as usize;
let pheaders_size = phentsize.saturating_mul(phnum);
if pheaders_size > MAX_PH_SIZE {
return Err(Error::new(E2BIG));
let mut phs = vec! [0_u8; pheaders_size];
let mut tree = BTreeMap::new();
tree.insert(0, PAGE_SIZE);
const BUFSZ: usize = 16384;
let mut buf = vec! [0_u8; BUFSZ];
read_all(*file as usize, Some(header.e_phoff), &mut phs).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
for ph_idx in 0..phnum {
let ph_bytes = &phs[ph_idx * phentsize..(ph_idx + 1) * phentsize];
let segment: &ProgramHeader = plain::from_bytes(ph_bytes).map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
let mut flags = syscall::PROT_READ;
// W ^ X. If it is executable, do not allow it to be writable, even if requested
if segment.p_flags & PF_X == PF_X {
flags |= syscall::PROT_EXEC;
} else if segment.p_flags & PF_W == PF_W {
flags |= syscall::PROT_WRITE;
let voff = segment.p_vaddr as usize % PAGE_SIZE;
let vaddr = segment.p_vaddr as usize - voff;
let size =
(segment.p_memsz as usize + voff + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE;
if segment.p_filesz > segment.p_memsz {
return Err(Error::new(ENOEXEC));
if segment.p_type == PT_LOAD {
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, vaddr, size, flags)?;
syscall::lseek(*file as usize, segment.p_offset as isize, SEEK_SET).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
syscall::lseek(*memory_fd, segment.p_vaddr as isize, SEEK_SET).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
for size in core::iter::repeat(BUFSZ).take((segment.p_filesz as usize) / BUFSZ).chain(Some((segment.p_filesz as usize) % BUFSZ)) {
read_all(*file as usize, None, &mut buf[..size]).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
let _ = syscall::write(*memory_fd, &buf[..size]).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
if !tree.range(..=vaddr).next_back().filter(|(start, size)| **start + **size > vaddr).is_some() {
tree.insert(vaddr, size);
// Setup a stack starting from the very end of the address space, and then growing downwards.
const STACK_TOP: usize = 1 << 47;
const STACK_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, STACK_TOP - STACK_SIZE, STACK_SIZE, MapFlags::PROT_READ | MapFlags::PROT_WRITE)?;
let mut sp = STACK_TOP - 256;
let mut push = |word: usize| {
sp -= core::mem::size_of::<usize>();
write_all(*memory_fd, Some(sp as u64), &usize::to_ne_bytes(word))
let pheaders_size_aligned = (pheaders_size+PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE;
let pheaders = find_free_target_addr(&tree, pheaders_size_aligned).ok_or(Error::new(ENOMEM))?;
tree.insert(pheaders, pheaders_size_aligned);
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, pheaders, pheaders_size_aligned, MapFlags::PROT_READ)?;
write_all(*memory_fd, Some(pheaders as u64), &phs)?;
push(header.e_entry as usize)?;
push(header.e_phnum as usize)?;
push(header.e_phentsize as usize)?;
let args_envs_size_aligned = (total_args_envs_size+PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE;
let target_args_env_address = find_free_target_addr(&tree, args_envs_size_aligned).ok_or(Error::new(ENOMEM))?;
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, target_args_env_address, args_envs_size_aligned, MapFlags::PROT_READ | MapFlags::PROT_WRITE)?;
tree.insert(target_args_env_address, args_envs_size_aligned);
let mut offset = 0;
let mut argc = 0;
for (collection, is_args) in [(envs, false), (args, true)] {
for source_slice in collection.iter().rev() {
if is_args { argc += 1; }
push(target_args_env_address + offset)?;
write_all(*memory_fd, Some((target_args_env_address + offset) as u64), source_slice)?;
offset += source_slice.len() + 1;
unsafe { crate::ld_so::tcb::Tcb::deactivate(); }
// TODO: Restore old name if exec failed?
if let Ok(name_fd) = syscall::open("thisproc:current/name", O_WRONLY).map(FdGuard::new) {
let _ = syscall::write(*name_fd, path);
let addrspace_selection_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:current/current-addrspace", O_WRONLY)?);
let _ = syscall::write(*addrspace_selection_fd, &create_set_addr_space_buf(*grants_fd, header.e_entry as usize, sp));
fn mprotect_remote(socket: usize, addr: usize, len: usize, flags: MapFlags) -> Result<()> {
let mut grants_buf = [0_u8; 24];
syscall::write(socket, &grants_buf)?;
......@@ -48,41 +48,4 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn redox_physunmap(virtual_address: *mut c_void) -> c_int
e(syscall::physunmap(virtual_address as usize)) as c_int
pub struct FdGuard {
fd: usize,
taken: bool,
impl FdGuard {
pub fn new(fd: usize) -> Self {
Self {
fd, taken: false,
pub fn take(&mut self) -> usize {
self.taken = true;
impl core::ops::Deref for FdGuard {
type Target = usize;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Drop for FdGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.taken {
let _ = syscall::close(self.fd);
pub fn create_set_addr_space_buf(space: usize, ip: usize, sp: usize) -> [u8; size_of::<usize>() * 3] {
let mut buf = [0_u8; 3 * size_of::<usize>()];
let mut chunks = buf.array_chunks_mut::<{size_of::<usize>()}>();
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(space);
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(sp);
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(ip);
pub use redox_exec::{create_set_addr_space_buf, FdGuard};
name = "redox-exec"
authors = ["4lDO2 <>"]
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
# See more keys and their definitions at
#redox_syscall = "0.2"
redox_syscall = { git = "", branch = "userspace_fexec" }
# TODO: Update
goblin = { version = "0.0.21", default-features = false, features = ["elf32", "elf64", "endian_fd"] }
plain = "0.2"
extern crate alloc;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use core::mem::size_of;
use alloc::{
collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap},
use syscall::{
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub fn fexec_impl<A, E>(image_file: FdGuard, open_via_dup: FdGuard, path: &[u8], args: A, envs: E, total_args_envs_size: usize) -> Result<FdGuard>
A: IntoIterator,
E: IntoIterator,
A::Item: AsRef<[u8]>,
E::Item: AsRef<[u8]>,
use goblin::elf64::{header::Header, program_header::program_header64::{ProgramHeader, PT_LOAD, PF_W, PF_X}};
// Here, we do the minimum part of loading an application, which is what the kernel used to do.
// We load the executable into memory (albeit at different offsets in this executable), fix
// some misalignments, and then execute the SYS_EXEC syscall to replace the program memory
// entirely.
let mut header_bytes = [0_u8; size_of::<Header>()];
read_all(*image_file, Some(0), &mut header_bytes)?;
let header = Header::from_bytes(&header_bytes);
let grants_fd = {
let current_addrspace_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*open_via_dup, b"addrspace")?);
FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*current_addrspace_fd, b"empty")?)
let memory_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*grants_fd, b"mem")?);
let instruction_ptr = usize::try_from(header.e_entry).map_err(|_| Error::new(ENOEXEC))?;
// Never allow more than 1 MiB of program headers. TODO: Capabilities again?
const MAX_PH_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
let phentsize = u64::from(header.e_phentsize) as usize;
let phnum = u64::from(header.e_phnum) as usize;
let pheaders_size = phentsize.saturating_mul(phnum);
if pheaders_size > MAX_PH_SIZE {
return Err(Error::new(E2BIG));
let mut phs = vec! [0_u8; pheaders_size];
let mut tree = BTreeMap::new();
tree.insert(0, PAGE_SIZE);
const BUFSZ: usize = 16384;
let mut buf = vec! [0_u8; BUFSZ];
read_all(*image_file as usize, Some(header.e_phoff), &mut phs).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
for ph_idx in 0..phnum {
let ph_bytes = &phs[ph_idx * phentsize..(ph_idx + 1) * phentsize];
let segment: &ProgramHeader = plain::from_bytes(ph_bytes).map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
let mut flags = syscall::PROT_READ;
// W ^ X. If it is executable, do not allow it to be writable, even if requested
if segment.p_flags & PF_X == PF_X {
flags |= syscall::PROT_EXEC;
} else if segment.p_flags & PF_W == PF_W {
flags |= syscall::PROT_WRITE;
let voff = segment.p_vaddr as usize % PAGE_SIZE;
let vaddr = segment.p_vaddr as usize - voff;
let size =
(segment.p_memsz as usize + voff + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE;
if segment.p_filesz > segment.p_memsz {
return Err(Error::new(ENOEXEC));
if segment.p_type == PT_LOAD {
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, vaddr, size, flags)?;
syscall::lseek(*image_file as usize, segment.p_offset as isize, SEEK_SET).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
syscall::lseek(*memory_fd, segment.p_vaddr as isize, SEEK_SET).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
for size in core::iter::repeat(BUFSZ).take((segment.p_filesz as usize) / BUFSZ).chain(Some((segment.p_filesz as usize) % BUFSZ)) {
read_all(*image_file as usize, None, &mut buf[..size]).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
let _ = syscall::write(*memory_fd, &buf[..size]).map_err(|_| Error::new(EIO))?;
if !tree.range(..=vaddr).next_back().filter(|(start, size)| **start + **size > vaddr).is_some() {
tree.insert(vaddr, size);
// Setup a stack starting from the very end of the address space, and then growing downwards.
const STACK_TOP: usize = 1 << 47;
const STACK_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, STACK_TOP - STACK_SIZE, STACK_SIZE, MapFlags::PROT_READ | MapFlags::PROT_WRITE)?;
let mut sp = STACK_TOP - 256;
let mut push = |word: usize| {
sp -= size_of::<usize>();
write_all(*memory_fd, Some(sp as u64), &usize::to_ne_bytes(word))
let pheaders_size_aligned = (pheaders_size+PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE;
let pheaders = find_free_target_addr(&tree, pheaders_size_aligned).ok_or(Error::new(ENOMEM))?;
tree.insert(pheaders, pheaders_size_aligned);
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, pheaders, pheaders_size_aligned, MapFlags::PROT_READ)?;
write_all(*memory_fd, Some(pheaders as u64), &phs)?;
push(header.e_entry as usize)?;
push(header.e_phnum as usize)?;
push(header.e_phentsize as usize)?;
let args_envs_size_aligned = (total_args_envs_size+PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE*PAGE_SIZE;
let target_args_env_address = find_free_target_addr(&tree, args_envs_size_aligned).ok_or(Error::new(ENOMEM))?;
mprotect_remote(*grants_fd, target_args_env_address, args_envs_size_aligned, MapFlags::PROT_READ | MapFlags::PROT_WRITE)?;
tree.insert(target_args_env_address, args_envs_size_aligned);
let mut offset = 0;
let mut argc = 0;
let mut append = |source_slice: &[u8]| {
let address = target_args_env_address + offset;
write_all(*memory_fd, Some(address as u64), source_slice)?;
offset += source_slice.len() + 1;
for env in envs {
for arg in args {
argc += 1;
unsafe { deactivate_tcb(*open_via_dup)?; }
// TODO: Restore old name if exec failed?
if let Ok(name_fd) = syscall::dup(*open_via_dup, b"name").map(FdGuard::new) {
let _ = syscall::write(*name_fd, path);
let addrspace_selection_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*open_via_dup, b"current-addrspace")?);
let _ = syscall::write(*addrspace_selection_fd, &create_set_addr_space_buf(*grants_fd, header.e_entry as usize, sp));
fn mprotect_remote(socket: usize, addr: usize, len: usize, flags: MapFlags) -> Result<()> {
let mut grants_buf = [0_u8; 24];
syscall::write(socket, &grants_buf)?;
fn read_all(fd: usize, offset: Option<u64>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(offset) = offset {
syscall::lseek(fd, offset as isize, SEEK_SET)?;
let mut total_bytes_read = 0;
while total_bytes_read < buf.len() {
total_bytes_read += match syscall::read(fd, &mut buf[total_bytes_read..])? {
0 => return Err(Error::new(ENOEXEC)),
bytes_read => bytes_read,
fn write_all(fd: usize, offset: Option<u64>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(offset) = offset {
syscall::lseek(fd, offset as isize, SEEK_SET)?;
let mut total_bytes_written = 0;
while total_bytes_written < buf.len() {
total_bytes_written += match syscall::write(fd, &buf[total_bytes_written..])? {
0 => return Err(Error::new(EIO)),
bytes_written => bytes_written,
fn find_free_target_addr(tree: &BTreeMap<usize, usize>, size: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let mut iterator = tree.iter().peekable();
// Ignore the space between zero and the first region, to avoid null pointers.
while let Some((cur_address, entry_size)) = {
let end = *cur_address + entry_size;
if let Some((next_address, _)) = iterator.peek() {
if **next_address - end > size {
return Some(end);
// No need to check last entry, since the stack will always be put at the highest
// possible address.
/// Deactive TLS, used before exec() on Redox to not trick target executable into thinking TLS
/// is already initialized as if it was a thread.
#[cfg(all(target_os = "redox", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
pub unsafe fn deactivate_tcb(open_via_dup: usize) -> Result<()> {
let mut env = syscall::EnvRegisters::default();
let file = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(open_via_dup, b"regs/env")?);
env.fsbase = 0;
env.gsbase = 0;
let _ = syscall::write(*file, &mut env)?;
pub struct FdGuard {
fd: usize,
taken: bool,
impl FdGuard {
pub fn new(fd: usize) -> Self {
Self {
fd, taken: false,
pub fn take(&mut self) -> usize {
self.taken = true;
impl core::ops::Deref for FdGuard {
type Target = usize;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Drop for FdGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.taken {
let _ = syscall::close(self.fd);
pub fn create_set_addr_space_buf(space: usize, ip: usize, sp: usize) -> [u8; size_of::<usize>() * 3] {
let mut buf = [0_u8; 3 * size_of::<usize>()];
let mut chunks = buf.array_chunks_mut::<{size_of::<usize>()}>();
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(space);
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(sp);
* = usize::to_ne_bytes(ip);
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