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Fix missing glyph errors in gpu_cache and add benchmarks

Jeremy Soller requested to merge alexheretic:master into master

Created by: alexheretic


  • Fixes for missing gpu cache glyphs
  • Updated dependencies & example code
  • gpu cache benchmarks & tests, run rustup run nightly cargo bench --features bench

Most of the details explained in #53 apply to this, including the performance. In addition to that PR I've:

  • switched from support/* collections to rust std collections.
  • fixed oldest_in_use_row unsound logic in cache_queued, this also caused missing glyphs.
  • optimised cache_queued by using an unstable sort.

The benchmark figures have changed now a new font has been adopted. In fact a more complex font would probably be better to benchmark against and track regressions.

Fixes #52 (closed)

Merge request reports