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Showing with 364 additions and 228 deletions
# website
# Website
To build this site, you must install [Hugo]( and run the `` file.
To preview the site, run `./ serve` and then open [http://localhost:1313](http://localhost:1313)
## Install Hugo
> `./` is a script that enables content written for the English language webpage (in the `content/` directory) to be visible in pages of other languages.
> But this results in a quirk where _hugo_ does not watch for changes in the `content/` directory when you use `./ serve` command.
> So, you can use the `hugo serve` command instead, which makes sure that `content/` directory is also watched (just for when you're writing the pages).
- Download the executable for your CPU architecture on [this]( link
- Move the extracted `hugo` file to the `~/.local/bin` directory on your user folder
- Verify if the `~/.local/bin` is present on your `PATH` (run `echo $PATH` to verify)
- If the `~/.local/bin` directory is not present on your `PATH` environment variable, you must add it on the configuration file of your terminal shell
### Bash PATH
To add the `~/.local/bin` directory on the `PATH` of your GNU Bash, add the following text on the end of the `.bashrc` file at your user folder:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
## Preview
To preview the site, run the following command, wait it to finish and open the link http://localhost:1313
./ serve
The `` is a script that enables content written for the English language webpage (in the `content/` directory) to be visible in pages of other languages.
But this results in a quirk where _hugo_ does not watch for changes in the `content/` directory when you use `./ serve` command.
So, you can use the `hugo serve` command instead, which makes sure that `content/` directory is also watched (just for when you're writing the pages).
## Verify Broken Links
Use the [lychee]( tool to verify broken links, it's very advanced and fast.
Read [this]( page to install the tool.
### Usage
Run the following command inside the repository folder:
lychee content
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ languageName = "English"
languageCode = "en-us"
weight = 1
name = "Documentation"
name = "Docs"
url = "/docs/"
weight = 2
......@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ title = "Community"
This page attempts to explain how the Redox OS community is organised and helps you navigate it.
The headings are clickable to help you get to where you need to go.
We follow the [Rust Code Of Conduct]( for rules in all community/chat channels.
## [Announncements](
## [Announcements](
We do our announcements on this Matrix room, it's public and you don't need to login on Matrix to read it.
We do our announcements on the [Announcements]( room, it's public and you don't need to login on Matrix to read it.
- (Use this Matrix room address if you don't want to use the external Matrix link)
......@@ -18,22 +19,38 @@ Matrix is the official way to talk with Redox OS team and community (these rooms
Matrix has several different clients. [Element]( is a commonly used choice, it works on web browsers, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android and iOS.
If you have problems with Element, try [nheko](
If you have problems with Element, try [Fractal](
- Join [this]( room and don't forget to request an invite to the Redox Matrix space.
- Join the [Join Requests]( room and send a message requesting for an invite to the Redox Matrix space (the purpose of this is to avoid spam and bots).
- (Use this Matrix room address if you don't want to use the external Matrix link)
(We recommend that you leave the "Join Requests" room after your entry on Redox space)
If you want to have a big discussion in our rooms, you should use a Element thread, it's more organized and easy to keep track if more discussions happen on the same room.
You cand find more information on [this]( page.
You cand find more information on the [Chat]( page.
## [Discord](
We have a Discord server as an alternative for Matrix, open the #join-requests channel and send a message requesting to be a member (the purpose of this is to avoid spam and bots)
(The Matrix messages are sent to Discord and the Discord messages are sent to Matrix, using a bot)
## [Summer of Code](/rsoc)
The **Redox Summer of Code** (RSoC) program runs annually when funding permits, and we may participate in other Summer of Code type programs.
An overview of our Summer of Code programs and our plans for this year can be found on the [RSoC](/rsoc) page.
Check out our [RSoC Proposal Guide](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) and [Project Suggestions](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
## [GitLab](
A slightly more formal way of communication with fellow Redox devs, but a little less quick and convenient like the chat. Submit an issue when you run into problems compiling or testing. Issues can also be used if you would like to discuss a certain topic: be it features, code style, code inconsistencies, minor changes and fixes, etc.
If you want to create an account, read this [page](
If you want to create an account, read the [Signing in to GitLab]( page.
Once you create an issue don't forget to post the link on the Dev or Support rooms of the chat, because the GitLab email notifications have distractions (service messages or spam) and most developers don't left their GitLab pages open to receive desktop notifications from the web browser (which require a custom setting to receive issue notifications).
By doing this you help us to pay attention to your issues and avoid them to be accidentally forgotten.
If you have ready MRs (merge requests) you must send the links in the [MRs]( room. To join this room, you will need to request an invite in the [Join Requests]( room.
......@@ -6,27 +6,46 @@ Cette page tente d'expliquer comment la communauté Redox OS est organisée et v
Nous suivons le [Code de conduite de Rust]( pour les règles dans tous les salons de chat/de la communauté.
## [Annonces](
Nous faisons nos annonces sur [ce salon]( Matrix, il est publique et vous n'avez pas besoin de vous connecter à Matrix pour le lire.
- (Utilisez cette adresse de salon Matrix si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser le lien Matrix externe)
## [Chat](
Matrix est la plateforme officielle pour communiquer avec l'équipe et la communautée de Redox OS. Ces salons sont uniquement en anglais, nous n'acceptons pas d'autres langues car nous ne les comprenons pas.
Matrix est la plateforme officielle pour communiquer avec l'équipe et la communautée de Redox OS (ces salons sont uniquement en anglais, nous n'acceptons pas d'autres langues car nous ne les comprenons pas).
Matrix possède de multiples clients. [Element]( est le choix le plus courant, il fonctionne sur les navigateurs Web, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android et iOS.
Matrix possède de multiples clients. [Element]( est le choix le plus courant.
Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec Element, essayez [nheko](
- Rejoignez ce salon et n'oubliez pas de demander une invitation à l'espace Redox.
- Rejoignez [ce salon]( et n'oubliez pas de demander une invitation à l'espace Redox.
- (Utilisez cette adresse de salon Matrix si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser le lien Matrix externe)
(Nous vous recommandons de quitter le salon "Join Requests" après votre entrée sur l'espace Redox)
Si vous souhaitez avoir une grande discussion dans nos salons, vous devez utiliser un fil de discussion Element, il est plus organisé et plus facile à suivre si d'autres discussions ont lieu dans le même salon.
Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur [cette page](
## [Summer of Code](/rsoc)
Le programme **Redox Summer of Code** (RSoC) se déroule chaque année lorsque le financement le permet, et nous pouvons participer à d'autres évènements similaires.
Un aperçu de nos programmes Summer of Code et de nos projets pour cette année sont [ici](/rsoc).
Consultez notre [Guide de proposition RSoC](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) et nos [Suggestions de projet](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
## [GitLab](
Un moyen de communication un peu plus formel avec les autres développeurs de Redox, mais un peu moins rapide et pratique que le chat. Soumettez une Issue lorsque vous rencontrez des problèmes de compilation ou de tests. Une Issue peut aussi être ouverte si vous souhaitez simplement discuter d'un sujet en particulier, qu'il s'agisse de fonctionnalités, de style de code, d'incohérences de code, de modifications et de correctifs mineurs, etc.
Si vous souhaitez créer un compte, lisez cette [page](
Si vous souhaitez créer un compte, lisez cette [page](
Si vous avez des MRs prêts (merge requests), vous devez envoyer les liens sur le salon [MRs]( Pour rejoindre ce salon, une vous aurez besoin de demander un invitation dans le salon [Join Requests](
De cette façon, votre MR ne sera pas oublié et n’accumulera pas de conflits.
De cette façon, en envoyant un message dans le salon, votre MR ne sera pas oublié et n’accumulera pas de conflits.
## [Lemmy](
......@@ -59,6 +78,6 @@ Ceci est l'archive de notre forum avec des questions anciennes/classiques, il es
Conférences de Redox réalisées à différents événements.
## Note
## Faites passer le message
Développer la communauté est un élément important du succès de Redox. Si davantage de personnes connaissent Redox, davantage de contributeurs sont susceptibles d'intervenir et tout le monde peut bénéficier de leur expertise supplémentaire. Vous pouvez faire la différence en écrivant des articles, en discutant avec d'autres passionnés de système d'exploitation ou en recherchant des communautés qui souhaiteraient en savoir plus sur Redox.
......@@ -20,16 +20,30 @@ A rede Matrix tem diferentes clientes, sendo o [Element]( o
O Element funciona em navegadores web, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android e iOS.
Caso tenha problemas com o Element, teste o [nheko](
Caso tenha problemas com o Element, teste o [Fractal](
- Entre [nesta]( sala e não esqueça de solicitar um convite para o espaço do Redox.
- Entre na sala [Join Requests]( e envie uma mensagem solicitando um convite para o espaço do Redox (o propósito disso é para evitar spam e bots).
- (Use esse endereço de sala do Matrix caso não queira utilizar o link externo do Matrix)
(Nós recomendamos que você saia da sala "Join Requests" depois de entrar no espaço do Redox)
Caso você tenha uma grande discussão nas nossas salas, você deve usar um thread do Element, pois é mais organizado e fácil de acompanhar caso mais discussões ocorram na mesma sala.
Você pode encontrar mais informações [nesta]( página.
Você pode encontrar mais informações na página [Chat](
## [Discord](
Nós temos um servidor no Discord como alternativa ao Matrix, abra o canal #join-requests e envie uma mensagem pedindo para ser um membro (o propósito disso é para evitar spam e bots)
(As mensagens do Matrix são enviadas para o Discord e as mensagens do Discord são enviadas para o Matrix, utilizando um bot)
## [Summer of Code](/rsoc)
O programa **Redox Summer of Code** (RSoC) é relizado anualmente quando as doações permitem e nós podemos participar de outros programas do mesmo tipo.
Um resumo dos nossos programas Summer of Code e nossos planos para esse ano estão na página [RSoC](/rsoc).
Veja nosso [guia de proposta RSoC](/rsoc-proposal-how-to) e [sugestões de projeto](/rsoc-project-suggestions).
## [GitLab](
......@@ -37,7 +51,11 @@ Uma forma mais formal de comunicação com os desenvolvedores do Redox, porém m
Envie uma Issue se você tiver problemas compilando/testando ou apenas queira discutir algum assunto, seja funções, estilo de código, inconsistências de código, pequenas mudanças ou correções.
Se você quiser criar uma conta, leia essa [página](
Se você quiser criar uma conta, leia a página [Signing in to GitLab](
Assim que você criar uma issue não se esqueça de postar o link nas salas "Dev" ou "Support" do chat, por que as notificações de email do GitLab possuem distrações (mensagens de serviço e spam) e a maioria dos programadores não deixam suas páginas do GitLab abertas no navegador web (que requer uma configuração customizada para receber notificações de issues).
Fazendo isso você nos ajuda a prestar atenção nas suas issues e evita que elas sejam esquecidas acidentalmente.
Se você tiver MRs (merge requests) prontos você precisa enviar o link deles na sala [MRs](, antes de entrar nesta sala você precisa solicitar um convite para o espaço Matrix na sala [Join Requests](
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ We highly recommend that you start with the [Book](
### Cargo Docs
- [redox_syscall]( - Documentation for the Redox system calls.
- [libredox]( - Documentation of the Redox system library.
- [libstd]( - Documentation for the Rust standard library.
......@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ We highly recommend that you start with the [Book](
- [Ion Manual]( - Documentation for the Ion shell.
- [Talks](/talks/) - Redox talks given at various events and conferences.
### Talks
- [Talks](/talks/) - Redox talks given at podcasts and conferences.
## Contributing to Redox
- Read the [](
- Read the [CONTRIBUTING]( document
......@@ -4,18 +4,20 @@ title = "Documentation"
## Débuter
Il est fortement recommandé de commencer par le
[livre](, qui explique comment configurer
et utiliser Redox.
Il est fortement recommandé de commencer par le [livre](, qui explique comment configurer et utiliser Redox.
## Références
- [Livre]( - Un livre présentant l'architecture de Redox.
### Documentations cargo
- [redox_syscall]( - Documentation for the Redox system calls.
- [libstd]( - Documentation de la bibliothèque standard de Rust.
### Gitlab
- [Gitlab]( - Le répertoire Gitlab de Redox OS où vous pouvez trouver son code source.
- [Drivers]( - Documentation de haut niveau des drivers.
- [RFCs]( - Demande de modifications de Redox.
......@@ -8,20 +8,26 @@ Nós recomendamos que você comece pelo [Livro](,
## Referências
- [Livro]( - Um livro que descreve o design do Redox.
### Cargo Docs
- [redox_syscall]( - Documentação para as chamadas de sistema do Redox.
- [libredox]( - Documentação da biblioteca de sistema do Redox.
- [libstd]( - Documentação para a biblioteca padrão da Rust.
### GitLab
- [Gitlab]( - O repositório no GitLab do Redox OS onde você pode encontrar todo o código-fonte.
- [Drivers]( - Documentação de alto nível dos drivers.
- [RFCs]( - Solicitação de Mudanças para o Redox.
- [Manual da Ion]( - Documentação para a shell Ion.
- [Palestras](/talks/) - Palestras sobre o Redox em diversos eventos e conferências.
### Conversas
- [Conversas](/talks/) - Conversas sobre o Redox em podcasts e conferências.
## Contribuindo pro Redox
- Leia o [](
- Leia o documento [CONTRIBUTING](
......@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ You can donate to Redox OS the following ways:
- [Patreon](
- [Donorbox](
- [Bitcoin]( - 3NhKNtLMBg7xvU3AeEQBxKii1Qm72R6pWg
- [Ethereum]( - 0x083e29156955A4c0f7eAA406e1167Bd1bE88933E
- For more donation options, please contact
## Merch
We sell T-shirts on Teespring, you can buy them [here](
We sell T-shirts on Teespring, you can buy them in [our Teespring website](
Each sale is a donation to the Redox OS Nonprofit.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Chaque vente est une donation pour l'association Redox OS à but non lucrative.
## Jeremy Soller
Jeremy Soller est le créateur, le mainteneur et le développeur principal de Redox OS.
Les dons à Jeremy Soller sont traités comme un don imposable et seront utilisés à sa discrétion.
Les dons à sa destination sont traités comme un don imposable et seront utilisés à sa discrétion.
Vous pouvez faire un don à Jeremy Soller des manières suivantes :
......@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ Você pode doar para o Redox OS das seguintes formas:
- [Patreon](
- [Donorbox](
- [Bitcoin]( - 3NhKNtLMBg7xvU3AeEQBxKii1Qm72R6pWg
- [Ethereum]( - 0x083e29156955A4c0f7eAA406e1167Bd1bE88933E
- Para mais opções de doações, por favor entre em contato no endereço de e-mail:
## Loja
Nós vendemos camisetas pela Teespring, você pode comprar [aqui](
Nós vendemos camisetas pela Teespring, você pode comprar na [nossa loja na Teespring](
Cada venda é uma doação para a Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos Redox OS.
......@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
title = "FAQ"
This page covers questions/answers for newcomers and end-users.
This page covers questions and answers for newcomers and end-users.
- [What is Redox?](#what-is-redox)
- [What does Redox mean?](#what-does-redox-mean)
- [What is a microkernel?](#what-is-a-microkernel)
- [What features does Redox have?](#what-features-does-redox-have)
- [Microkernel benefits](#microkernel-benefits)
- [Rust benefits](#rust-benefits)
- [Other benefits](#other-benefits)
- [Comparison with other operating systems](#comparison-with-other-operating-systems)
- [What is the purpose of Redox?](#what-is-the-purpose-of-redox)
- [What I can do with Redox?](#what-i-can-do-with-redox)
- [What is a Unix-like OS?](#what-is-a-unix-like-os)
- [How Redox is inspired by other systems?](#how-redox-is-inspired-by-other-systems)
- [What is a microkernel?](#what-is-a-microkernel)
- [What is an Unix-like OS?](#what-is-an-unix-like-os)
- [How Redox was influenced by other systems?](#how-redox-was-influenced-by-other-systems)
- [What programs can Redox run?](#what-programs-can-redox-run)
- [How to install programs on Redox?](#how-to-install-programs-on-redox)
- [Which are the Redox variants?](#which-are-the-redox-variants)
......@@ -29,15 +30,15 @@ This page covers questions/answers for newcomers and end-users.
## What is Redox?
Redox is a microkernel-based, complete, fully-functioning and general-purpose operating system created in 2015, with a focus on safety, freedom, reliability, correctness, and pragmatism.
Redox is a microkernel-based, complete, fully-functioning and general-purpose operating system created in 2015, with a focus on safety, freedom, reliability, correctness, and pragmatism. Wherever possible, the system components are written in Rust and run in user-space.
Wherever possible, the system components are written in Rust and run in user-space.
It aims to be a complete alternative to Linux and BSD.
### Current status
Redox is alpha/beta quality software, because we implement new features while fixing the bugs.
Redox is in alpha development phase, we implement new features and fix bugs.
Because of this, it's not ready for daily usage yet. Feel free to test the system until its maturity and **don't store your sensitive data without a proper backup.**
Because of this it's not ready for daily usage yet. Feel free to test the system until its maturity and **don't store your sensitive data without a proper backup.**
The 1.0 version will be released once all system APIs are considered stable.
......@@ -47,59 +48,75 @@ The 1.0 version will be released once all system APIs are considered stable.
It sounds like Minix and Linux too.
## What is a microkernel?
A microkernel is the near-minimum amount of software that can provide the mechanisms needed to implement an operating system, which runs on the highest privilege of the processor.
This approach to OS design brings more stability and security, with a small cost on performance.
You can read more about it on the [Microkernels]( page.
## What features does Redox have?
### Microkernel benefits
- **True modularity**
You can modify/change many system components without a system restart, similar to but safer than [livepatching](
You can modify/change many system components without a system restart, similar to but safer than some modules in monolithic kernels and [livepatching](
- **Bug isolation**
Most system components run in user-space on a microkernel system. Because of this, bugs in most system components won't [crash the system/kernel](
Most system components run in user-space on a microkernel system. Because of this some types of bugs in most system components won't [crash or damage the system or kernel](
- **Restartless design**
A mature microkernel changes very little (except for bug fixes), so you won't need to restart your system very often to update it.
Since most of the system components are in userspace, they can be replaced on-the-fly, reducing downtime for server administrators.
Since most of the system components are in user-space they can be replaced on-the-fly, reducing the downtime of servers a lot.
- **Easy to develop and debug**
Most of the system components run in userspace, simplifying testing/debugging.
Most of the system components run in user-space, simplifying the testing and debugging.
You can read more about the above benefits on the [Microkernels]( page.
### Rust benefits
- **Less likely to have bugs**
The restrictive syntax and compiler suggestions reduce the probability of bugs a lot.
The restrictive syntax and compiler requirements to build the code reduce the probability of bugs a lot.
- **Less vulnerable to data corruption**
The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs.
The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs due to implementation errors.
- **No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations on system components**
- **No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations**
As Redox is written in Rust we don't need C/C++ exploit mitigations for the system components, reducing the system complexity and increasing the program compatibility.
The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in C/C++ programs.
The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in operating systems written in C/C++.
By isolating the system components from the kernel, the [attack surface]( is very limited.
- **Improved security and reliability without significant performance impact**
As the kernel is small, it uses less memory to do its work. The limited kernel code size helps us work towards a bug-free status ([KISS](
As the kernel is small it uses less memory to do its work. The limited kernel code size helps us work towards a bug-free status ([KISS](
Rust's safe and fast language design, combined with the small kernel code size, helps ensure a reliable, performant and easy to maintain core.
Rust's safe and fast language design, combined with the small kernel code size, helps ensure a reliable, performant and easy to maintain system core.
- **Thread-safety**
The C/C++ support for thread-safety is quite fragile. As such, it is very easy to write a program that looks safe to run across multiple threads, but which introduces subtle bugs or security holes. If one thread accesses a piece of state at the same time that another thread is changing it, the whole program can exhibit some truly confusing and bizarre bugs.
You can see [this Wikipedia example]( of a serious class of security bugs that thread-safety fixes.
In Rust, this kind of bug is easy to avoid: the same type system that keeps us from writing memory unsafety prevents us from writing dangerous concurrent access patterns
- **Rust-written Drivers**
Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more secure.
Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more stable and secure.
### Other benefits
- **ZFS-inspired filesystem**
......@@ -109,25 +126,28 @@ Expect high performance and data safety (copy-on-write, data integrity, volumes,
### Comparison with other operating systems
You can see how Redox is compared to Linux, FreeBSD and Plan 9 on [this]( page.
You can see how Redox is compared to Linux, FreeBSD and Plan 9 on these pages:
- [Redox OS Features](
- [Comparing Redox to Other OSes](
## What is the purpose of Redox?
The main goal of Redox is to be a general-purpose OS, while maintaining security, reliability and correctness.
The main goal of Redox is to be a general-purpose OS, while maintaining security, stability and correctness.
Redox aims to be an alternative to existing Unix systems (Linux/BSD), with the ability to run most Unix programs with only recompilation or minimal modifications.
- [Our Goals](
- [Our Goals](
## What I can do with Redox?
As a general-purpose operating system, you will be able to do almost any task on most devices with high performance/security.
As a general-purpose operating system, you will be able to do almost any task on most devices with high performance and security.
Redox is still under development, so our list of supported applications is currently limited, but growing.
- [Use Cases](
- [Use Cases](
## What is a Unix-like OS?
## What is an Unix-like OS?
Any OS compatible with the [Single Unix Specification]( and [POSIX]( You can expect a [shell](, the "[Everything is a File](" concept, multitasking and multiuser support.
......@@ -135,22 +155,22 @@ Any OS compatible with the [Single Unix Specification](
- [Wikipedia article](
## How Redox is inspired by other systems?
## How Redox was influenced by other systems?
### [Plan 9](
This Bell Labs OS brings the concept of "Everything is a File" to the highest level, doing all the system communication from the filesystem.
- [Drew DeVault explains the Plan 9](
- [Plan 9's influence on Redox](
- [Plan 9's influence on Redox](
### [Minix](
The most influential Unix-like system with a microkernel. It has advanced features such as system modularity, [kernel panic]( resistence, driver reincarnation, protection against bad drivers and secure interfaces for [process comunication](
Redox is largely inspired by Minix - it has a similar architecture but with a feature set written in Rust.
Redox is largely influenced by Minix - it has a similar architecture but with a feature set written in Rust.
- [How Minix influenced the Redox design](
- [How Minix influenced the Redox design](
### [seL4](
......@@ -158,11 +178,13 @@ The most performant and simplest microkernel of the world.
Redox follow the same principle, trying to make the kernel-space small as possible (moving components to user-space and reducing the number of system calls, passing the complexity to user-space) and keeping the overall performance good (reducing the context switch cost).
### [BSD](
### [BSD](
This Unix [family]( included several improvements on Unix systems and the open-source variants of BSD added many improvements to the original system (like Linux did).
[FreeBSD]( is the most notable example, Redox took inspiration from [Capsicum]( (a capability-based system) and [jails]( (a sandbox technology) for the namespaces implementation.
- [FreeBSD]( - The [Capsicum]( (a capability-based system) and [jails]( (a sandbox technology) influenced the Redox namespaces implementation.
- [OpenBSD]( - The [system call](, [filesystem](, [display server]( and [audio server]( sandbox and [others]( influenced the Redox security.
### [Linux](
......@@ -170,14 +192,6 @@ The most advanced monolithic kernel and biggest open-source project of the world
Redox tries to implement the Linux performance improvements in a microkernel design.
## What is a microkernel?
A microkernel is the near-minimum amount of software that can provide the mechanisms needed to implement an operating system, which runs on the highest privilege of the processor.
This approach to OS design brings more stability and security, with a small cost on performance.
You can read more about it [here](
## What programs can Redox run?
Redox is designed to be source-compatible with most Unix, Linux and POSIX-compliant applications, only requiring compilation.
......@@ -189,33 +203,36 @@ Some important software that Redox supports:
- GNU Bash
- Git
- RustPython
- SDL2
- OpenSSL
- Mesa3D
You can see all Redox components and ported programs [here](
You can see all Redox components and ported programs on the [build server list](
## How to install programs on Redox?
Redox has a package manager similar to `apt` (Debian) and `pkg` (FreeBSD), you can see how to use it on [this]( page.
Redox has a package manager similar to `apt` (Debian) and `pkg` (FreeBSD), you can see how to use it on the [Downloading packages with pkg]( page.
## Which are the Redox variants?
Redox has some variants for each task, take a look at them below:
Redox has some variants for a group of tasks, take a look at them below:
- `minimal` - The most minimal variant with a basic system without network support. Aimed for embedded devices, very old computers, testers and developers.
- `server-minimal` - The most minimal variant with a basic system. Aimed at embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
- `minimal-net` - The most minimal variant with a basic system and network support. Aimed for embedded devices, very old computers, testers and developers.
- `desktop-minimal` - The most minimal variant with the Orbital desktop environment included. Aimed at embedded devices, very old computers and developers.
- `desktop-minimal` - The most minimal variant with the Orbital desktop environment included. Aimed for embedded devices, very old computers, testers and developers.
- `server` - The server variant with a complete system and network tools. Aimed at server administrators, embedded devices, low-end computers and developers.
- `server` - The server variant with a complete system and network tools. Aimed for servers, embedded devices, low-end computers, testers and developers.
- `desktop` - The standard variant with a complete system, Orbital desktop environment and useful tools. Aimed at daily usage, producers, developers and gamers.
- `desktop` - The standard variant with a complete system, Orbital desktop environment and useful tools. Aimed for end-users, producers, gamers, testers and developers.
- `dev` - The development variant with a complete system and development tools. Aimed at developers.
- `dev` - The development variant with a complete system and development tools. Aimed for developers and testers.
- `demo` - The demo variant with a complete system, tools, players and games. Aimed at testers, gamers and developers.
- `demo` - The demo variant with a complete system, tools, players and games. Aimed for end-users, gamers, testers and developers.
## Which devices does Redox support?
......@@ -233,8 +250,9 @@ Have a look at [](
(USB soon)
(Support for USB devices using hubs will come soon)
### Video
......@@ -263,8 +281,7 @@ Have a look at [](
### Input
- PS/2 keyboards, mouse and touchpad
(USB soon)
- USB keyboards, mouse and touchpad
### Internet
......@@ -293,20 +310,18 @@ A [hypervisor]( is a program providing
## How do I build Redox?
Currently Redox has a bootstrap script for Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD with unmaintained support for other distributions.
We also offer Podman as our universal compilation method. It is the recommended build process for non-Debian systems because it avoids environment problems on the build process.
Read the following pages:
- [Redox Book Guide]( - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
- [Redox Book Podman Guide](
- [Podman Build](
- [Native Build](
## How to troubleshoot your build in case of errors
Read [this]( page or join us on [Redox Chat](
Read the [Troubleshooting]( page or join us on the [Redox Chat](
## How to report bugs on Redox
Read [this]( page and check the GitLab Issues to see if your problem was reported.
Read the [Creating Proper Bug Reports]( page and check the GitLab Issues to see if your problem was reported.
## How do I contribute to Redox?
......@@ -316,4 +331,4 @@ You can contribute to Redox in many ways, you can see them on [CONTRIBUTING](htt
- Have a look at the [Documentation](/docs/) page for more details of Redox internals.
- Have a look at the [Redox Book]( to see if it answer your question or solve your problem.
- If the documentation or the book does not answer your question, ask your question or say your problem on the [Chat](
- If the documentation or the book does not answer your question, ask your question or say your problem on the [Chat](
......@@ -9,15 +9,11 @@ Cette page couvre les questions/réponses pour les nouveaux arrivants et les uti
- [Quelles fonctionnalités a Redox?](#quelles-fonctionnalités-a-redox)
- [Les avantages du micro noyau](#les-avantages-du-micro-noyau)
- [Les avantages de Rust](#les-avantages-de-rust)
- [Comparaison avec d'autres systèmes d'exploitation]()
- [Quelle est l'utilité de Redox?](#quelle-est-lutilité-de-redox)
- [Que peut-on faire avec Redox?](#que-peut-on-faire-avec-redox)
- [Qu'est-ce qu'un système d'exploitation de type Unix?](#quest-ce-quun-système-dexploitation-de-type-unix)
- [Comment Redox s'inspire d'autres systèmes d'exploitation?](#comment-redox-sinspire-dautres-systèmes-dexploitation)
- [Plan 9](#plan-9)
- [Minix](#minix)
- [seL4](#sel4)
- [BSD](#bsd)
- [Linux](#linux)
- [Qu'est-ce qu'un micro noyau?](#quest-ce-quun-micro-noyau)
- [Quels programmes peuvent tourner sur Redox?](#quels-programmes-peuvent-tourner-sur-redox)
- [Comment installer des programmes sur Redox?](#comment-installer-des-programmes-sur-redox)
......@@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ La syntaxe restrictive et les suggestions du compilateur réduisent considérabl
#### Pas besoin de mesures d'atténuation des exploits de C/C++
La conception du micro-noyau écrite en Rust protège contre les défauts de mémoire que l'on peut croiser en C/C++.
La conception du micro-noyau écrite en Rust protège contre les défauts de mémoire que l'on peut croiser dans des programmes en C/C++.
En isolant les composants du système du noyau, [la surface d'attaque]( est très limitée.
......@@ -110,13 +106,17 @@ Redox utilise RedoxFS comme système de fichiers par défaut, il prend en charge
Attendez-vous à des performances élevées et à la sécurité des données (copie sur écriture, intégrité des données, volumes, instantanés, protection contre la perte de données).
### Comparaison avec d'autres systèmes d'exploitation
Vous pouvez voir comment Redox est comparé à Linux, FreeBSD et Plan 9 sur [cette]( page.
## Quelle est l'utilité de Redox?
L'objectif principal de Redox est d'être un système d'exploitation à usage général, tout en maintenant la sécurité, la fiabilité et l'exactitude.
Redox vise à être une alternative aux systèmes Unix existants (Linux/BSD), avec la possibilité d'exécuter la plupart des programmes Unix avec seulement une recompilation ou des modifications minimales.
- [Nos objectifs](
- [Nos objectifs](
## Que peut-on faire avec Redox?
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ En tant que système d'exploitation à usage général, vous pourrez faire presq
Redox est toujours en cours de développement, donc notre liste d'applications prises en charge est actuellement limitée, mais en croissance.
- [Cas d'utilisation](
- [Cas d'utilisation](
## Qu'est-ce qu'un système d'exploitation de type Unix?
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Tout système d'exploitation compatible avec [la spécification unique Unix](htt
Ce système d'exploitation Bell Labs amène le concept de "tout est un fichier" au plus haut niveau, en effectuant toutes les communications système à partir du système de fichiers.
- [Explication de Drew DeVault de Plan 9](
- [L'influence de Plan 9's sur Redox](
- [L'influence de Plan 9's sur Redox](
### [Minix](
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Le système de type Unix le plus influent avec un micro-noyau, il possède des f
Redox est largement inspiré de Minix, il a une architecture et un ensemble de fonctionnalités similaires écrits en Rust.
- [Comment Minix a influence la conception de Redox](
- [Comment Minix a influence la conception de Redox](
### [seL4](
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Un micro-noyau est la quantité quasi minimale de logiciels pouvant fournir les
Cette approche de la conception du système d'exploitation apporte plus de stabilité et de sécurité, avec un faible coût sur les performances.
- [Explications du livre de Redox](
- [Explications du livre de Redox](
## Quels programmes peuvent tourner sur Redox?
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Vous pouvez voir tous les composants/programmes portés sur Redox [ici](https://
Redox a un gestionnaire de paquets similaire à `apt` (Debian) et `pkg` (FreeBSD), vous pouvez voir comment l'utiliser sur cette page :
- [Gestionnaire de paquets de Redox](
- [Gestionnaire de paquets de Redox](
## Quelles sont les variantes de Redox?
......@@ -292,16 +292,16 @@ Redox fonctionnera normalement (si l'architecture du processeur est prise en cha
À l'avenir, le micro-noyau pourrait agir comme un hyperviseur, similaire à [Xen](
Un [hyperviseur]( est un logiciel permettant d'exécuter simultanément plusieurs instances de système d'exploitation isolées.
Un [hyperviseur]( est un programme permettant d'exécuter simultanément plusieurs instances de système d'exploitation isolées.
## Comment compiler Redox?
Actuellement, Redox a un script d'amorçage pour Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE et FreeBSD avec un support non maintenu pour d'autres distributions.
Nous proposons également Podman comme méthode de compilation universelle, c'est le processus de construction recommandé pour les systèmes non-Debian car il évite les problèmes d'environnement sur le processus de construction.
Nous proposons également Podman comme méthode de compilation universelle. C'est le processus de construction recommandé pour les systèmes non-Debian car il évite les problèmes d'environnement sur le processus de construction.
- [Guide de compilation du livre Redox]( - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE et FreeBSD)
- [Guide Podman du livre Redox](
- [Guide de compilation du livre Redox]( - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE et FreeBSD)
- [Guide Podman du livre Redox](
### Comment lancer QEMU sans interface graphique?
......@@ -311,13 +311,13 @@ Exécutez:
### Comment dépanner un build en cas d'erreur?
Lisez [cette]( page ou rejoignez-nous sur [Redox Chat]( /ch13-01-chat.html).
Lisez [cette]( page ou rejoignez-nous sur [Redox Chat](
### Comment rapporter des bugs de Redox?
Vérifiez d'abord les problèmes de GitLab pour voir si votre problème est déjà connu.
- [Guide de rapport de bogue du livre Redox](
- [Guide de rapport de bogue du livre Redox](
## Comment contribuer à Redox?
......@@ -327,5 +327,5 @@ Vous pouvez contribuer à Redox de plusieurs façons, vous pouvez les voir sur [
- Jetez un oeil à la page de [Documentation](/docs/) pour plus de détails internes de Redox.
- Jetez un oeil au [livre Redox]( pour voir s'il répond à vos questions/résout votre problème.
- Si le livre ne répond pas à votre question, posez votre question/dites votre problème dans le [Chat](
- Si le livre ne répond pas à votre question, posez votre question/dites votre problème dans le [Chat](
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Głównym celem Redox jest bycie systemem operacyjnym ogólnego przeznaczenia, p
Redox ma być alternatywą dla istniejących systemów uniksowych (Linux/BSD), z możliwością uruchamiania większości programów uniksowych jedynie po rekompilacji lub minimalnych modyfikacjach.
- [Nasze cele](
- [Nasze cele](
## Co mogę zrobić z Redox?
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Jako system operacyjny ogólnego przeznaczenia będziesz w stanie wykonać prawi
Redox jest wciąż w fazie rozwoju, więc lista obsługiwanych aplikacji jest obecnie ograniczona, ale stale dodajemy nowe aplikacje i ich lista stale rośnie.
- [Przypadki użycia](
- [Przypadki użycia](
## Co to jest system operacyjny typu Unix?
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Dowolny system operacyjny zgodny ze [Single Unix Specification](https://en.wikip
Ten system operacyjny Bell Labs przenosi koncepcję „wszystko jest plikiem” na najwyższy poziom, realizując całą komunikację systemową z systemu plików.
- [Drew DeVault wyjaśnia Plan 9](
- [Wpływ Planu 9 na Redox](
- [Wpływ Planu 9 na Redox](
### [Minix](
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Najbardziej wpływowy system uniksowy z mikrojądrem, posiadający zaawansowane
Redox jest w dużej mierze inspirowany Minixem, ma podobną architekturę i zestaw funkcji napisany w Rust.
- [Jak Minix wpłynął na projekt Redox](
- [Jak Minix wpłynął na projekt Redox](
### [seL4](
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Mikrojądro to niemal minimalna ilość oprogramowania, która może zapewnić m
Takie podejście do projektowania systemu operacyjnego zapewnia większą stabilność i bezpieczeństwo przy niewielkim koszcie wydajności.
- [Wiecej informacji w ksiażce Redox](
- [Wiecej informacji w ksiażce Redox](
## Jakie programy może uruchomić Redox?
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Możesz zobaczyć wszystkie przeniesione programy/komponenty do Redox [tutaj](ht
Redox ma menedżera pakietów podobnego do `apt` (Debian) i `pkg` (FreeBSD), możesz zobaczyć, jak go używać na tej stronie:
- [Redox manager pakietów](
- [Redox manager pakietów](
## Jakie są warianty Redox?
......@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ Obecnie Redox posiada skrypt startowy dla Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch
Oferujemy również Podman jako naszą uniwersalną metodę kompilacji. Jest to zalecany proces kompilacji dla systemów innych niż Debian, ponieważ pozwala uniknąć problemów środowiskowych w procesie kompilacji.
- [Redox przewodnik]( - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
- [Redox Podman przewodnk](
- [Redox przewodnik]( - (Pop OS!, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, openSUSE and FreeBSD)
- [Redox Podman przewodnk](
### Jak uruchomić QEMU bez GUI
......@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ Uruchom:
### Jak rozwiązywać problemy z kompilacją w przypadku błędów
Przeczytaj []( stronę lub dołącz do nas na [Redox Chat](
Przeczytaj []( stronę lub dołącz do nas na [Redox Chat](
### Jak zgłaszać błędy w Redox
Najpierw sprawdź Problemy na GitLabie, aby sprawdzić, czy Twój problem jest już znany.
- [Redox przewodnik jak zgłaszać błedy](
- [Redox przewodnik jak zgłaszać błedy](
## Jak mogę przyczynić się do rozwoju projektu Redox?
......@@ -331,5 +331,5 @@ Możesz przyczynić się na wiele sposobów do rozwoju Redox OS, wiecej informac
- Spójrz na stronę [Dokumentacja](/docs/), aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów na temat elementów wewnętrznych Redox.
- Spójrz na [Redox Book]( aby sprawdzić, czy odpowiada na Twoje pytania/rozwiązuje problem.
- Jeśli książka nie zawiera odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie, zadaj pytanie/przedstaw swój problem na stronie [Chat](
- Jeśli książka nie zawiera odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie, zadaj pytanie/przedstaw swój problem na stronie [Chat](
This diff is collapsed.
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<div class="row install-row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<p class="pitch">
<b>Redox</b> is a <a style="color: inherit;" href=""><b>Unix-like</b></a> Operating System written in <a style="color: inherit;" href=""><b>Rust</b></a>,
aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel and full set of applications.
<b>Redox</b> is a <a style="color: inherit;" href=""><b>Unix-like</b></a> general-purpose microkernel-based operating system written in <a style="color: inherit;" href=""><b>Rust</b></a>,
aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel, a full set of programs and be a complete alternative to Linux and BSD.
<div class="col-md-4 install-box">
......@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ url = "home"
<div class="row features">
<div class="col-md-6">
<ul class="laundry-list" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
<li>Inspired by <a href="">Plan 9</a>, <a href="">Minix</a>, <a href="">seL4</a>, <a href="">BSD</a> and <a href="">Linux</a></li>
<li>Inspired by <a href="">Plan 9</a>, <a href="">Minix</a>, <a href="">seL4</a>, <a href="">BSD</a> and <a href="">Linux</a></li>
<li>Implemented in <a href="">Rust</a></li>
<li><a href="">Microkernel</a> Design</li>
<li>Includes optional GUI - <a href="">Orbital</a></li>
<li>Supports <a href="">Rust Standard Library</a></li>
<li><a href="">Microkernel</a> Design</li>
<li>Includes optional GUI - <a href="">Orbital</a></li>
<li>Partial <a href="">POSIX</a> compatibility</li>
<li><a href="">Source compatibility</a> with Linux/BSD programs</li>
<div class="col-md-6">
<ul class="laundry-list">
<li><a href="">MIT</a> Licensed</li>
<li><a href="">Drivers</a> run in Userspace</li>
<li>Includes common Unix/Linux <a href="">tools</a></li>
<li><a href="">Source compatibility</a> with Linux/BSD programs</li>
<li>Partial <a href="">POSIX</a> compatibility</li>
<li>Supports <a href="">Rust Standard Library</a></li>
<li><a href="">Drivers</a> run in Userspace</li>
<li>Includes common Unix/Linux <a href="">tools</a></li>
<li>Custom <a href="">C library</a> written in Rust (<a href="">relibc</a>)</li>
<li>See <a href="/screens/">Redox in Action</a></li>
......@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ url = "home"
<a href="/img/redox-orbital/large.png">
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<source media="(min-width: 1300px)" srcset="/img/redox-orbital/large.png" type="image/png">
<source media="(min-width: 640px)" srcset="/img/redox-orbital/medium.png" type="image/png">
<source media="(min-width: 320px)" srcset="/img/redox-orbital/small.png" type="image/png">
<img src="/img/redox-orbital/medium.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Redox and Orbital">
<source srcset="/img/redox-orbital/small.webp" type="image/webp">
<source media="(min-width: 640px)" srcset="/img/redox-orbital/large.png" type="image/png">
<source media="(min-width: 320px)" srcset="/img/redox-orbital/medium.png" type="image/png">
<source srcset="/img/redox-orbital/small.png" type="image/png">
<img src="/img/redox-orbital/large.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Redox and Orbital">