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Forked from redox-os / kernel
193 commits behind the upstream repository. 8.13 KiB
//! # The Redox OS Kernel, version 2
//! The Redox OS Kernel is a microkernel that supports `x86_64` systems and
//! provides Unix-like syscalls for primarily Rust applications

// Useful for adding comments about different branches
// Useful in the syscall function
// Used for context::context
// Not implementing default is sometimes useful in the case something has significant cost
// to allocate. If you implement default, it can be allocated without evidence using the
// ..Default::default() syntax. Not fun in kernel space
// Used to make it nicer to return errors, for example, .ok_or(Error::new(ESRCH))
// This is needed in some cases, like for syscall
// There is no harm in this being done
// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// Indexing a slice can cause panics and that is something we always want to avoid
// in kernel code. Use .get and return an error instead
// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// Overflows are very, very bad in kernel code as it may provide an attack vector for
// userspace applications, and it is only checked in debug builds
// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// Avoid panicking in the kernel without information about the panic. Use expect
// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// This is usually a serious issue - a missing import of a define where it is interpreted
// as a catch-all variable in a match, for example
// Ensure that all must_use results are used
#![feature(asm_const)] // TODO: Relax requirements of most asm invocations

extern crate alloc;

extern crate bitflags;

use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};

use crate::context::switch::SwitchResult;
use crate::scheme::SchemeNamespace;

use crate::consts::*;

/// Shared data structures
mod common;

/// Architecture-dependent stuff
mod arch;
use crate::arch::*;

use crate::log::info;

/// Heap allocators
mod allocator;

/// ACPI table parsing
#[cfg(all(feature = "acpi", any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
mod acpi;

#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "aarch64")))]
mod dtb;

/// Logical CPU ID and bitset types
mod cpu_set;

/// Context management
mod context;

/// Debugger
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
mod debugger;

/// Architecture-independent devices
mod devices;

/// ELF file parsing
mod elf;

/// Event handling
mod event;

/// External functions
mod externs;

/// Logging
mod log;

/// Memory management
mod memory;

/// Panic
mod panic;

mod percpu;

/// Process tracing
mod ptrace;

/// Performance profiling of the kernel
#[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
pub mod profiling;

/// Schemes, filesystem handlers
mod scheme;

/// Synchronization primitives
mod sync;

/// Syscall handlers
mod syscall;

/// Time
mod time;

/// Tests
mod tests;

static ALLOCATOR: allocator::Allocator = allocator::Allocator;

/// Get the current CPU's scheduling ID
fn cpu_id() -> crate::cpu_set::LogicalCpuId {

/// The count of all CPUs that can have work scheduled
static CPU_COUNT: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

/// Get the number of CPUs currently active
fn cpu_count() -> u32 {

fn init_env() -> &'static [u8] {
    crate::BOOTSTRAP.get().expect("BOOTSTRAP was not set").env

extern "C" fn userspace_init() {
    let bootstrap = crate::BOOTSTRAP.get().expect("BOOTSTRAP was not set");
    unsafe { crate::syscall::process::usermode_bootstrap(bootstrap) }

struct Bootstrap {
    base: crate::memory::Frame,
    page_count: usize,
    env: &'static [u8],
static BOOTSTRAP: spin::Once<Bootstrap> = spin::Once::new();

/// This is the kernel entry point for the primary CPU. The arch crate is responsible for calling this
fn kmain(cpu_count: u32, bootstrap: Bootstrap) -> ! {, Ordering::SeqCst);

    //Initialize the first context, stored in kernel/src/context/

    //Initialize global schemes, such as `acpi:`.

    let pid = syscall::getpid();
    info!("BSP: {:?} {}", pid, cpu_count);
    info!("Env: {:?}", ::core::str::from_utf8(bootstrap.env));

    BOOTSTRAP.call_once(|| bootstrap);

    #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]

    match context::contexts_mut().spawn(true, userspace_init) {
        Ok(context_lock) => {
            let mut context = context_lock.write();
            context.rns = SchemeNamespace::from(1);
            context.ens = SchemeNamespace::from(1);
            context.status = context::Status::Runnable;
   = "bootstrap".into();
        Err(err) => {
            panic!("failed to spawn userspace_init: {:?}", err);


/// This is the main kernel entry point for secondary CPUs
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
fn kmain_ap(cpu_id: crate::cpu_set::LogicalCpuId) -> ! {
    #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]

    //TODO: workaround for bug where an AP on MeteorLake has cpu_id 0
    if !cfg!(feature = "multi_core") || cpu_id == crate::cpu_set::LogicalCpuId::BSP {
        info!("AP {}: Disabled", cpu_id);

        loop {
            unsafe {

    let pid = syscall::getpid();
    info!("AP {}: {:?}", cpu_id, pid);

    #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]

fn run_userspace() -> ! {
    loop {
        unsafe {
            match context::switch() {
                SwitchResult::Switched { signal } => {
                    if signal {
                SwitchResult::AllContextsIdle => {
                    // Enable interrupts, then halt CPU (to save power) until the next interrupt is actually fired.

/// Allow exception handlers to send signal to arch-independent kernel
pub fn ksignal(signal: usize) {
    info!("SIGNAL {}, CPU {}, PID {:?}", signal, cpu_id(), context::context_id());
        let contexts = context::contexts();
        if let Some(context_lock) = contexts.current() {
            let mut context = context_lock.write();
            info!("NAME {}",;
            context.sig.pending |= 1 << (signal - 1);

// TODO: Use this macro on aarch64 too.

macro_rules! linker_offsets(
    ($($name:ident),*) => {
        pub fn $name() -> usize {
            extern "C" {
                // TODO: UnsafeCell?
                static $name: u8;
            unsafe { &$name as *const u8 as usize }
mod kernel_executable_offsets {

    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
    linker_offsets!(__altrelocs_start, __altrelocs_end);