OrbTk 0.3.0 is under heavy development and is not compatible with earlier releases.
The Orbital Widget Toolkit is a multi platform (G)UI toolkit for building scalable user interfaces with the programming language Rust. It's based on the Entity Component System Pattern and provides a functional-reactive like API.
The main goals of OrbTk are speed, ease of use, and being cross platform.

- Modern lightweight API
- Uses the Entity Component System library DCES for widget and properties handling
- Updating instead of rebuilding sub-trees
- Flexible event system
- Widget state management
- Cross platform: Redox OS, Linux, macOS, Windows
- CSS theming
- Redox OS (native | cargo-node)
- Linux (native | cargo-node)
- macOS (native | cargo-node)
- Windows (native | cargo-node)
- openBSD (not tested, but should work)
- Web (cargo-node)
- Android (native planned after 0.3 | cargo-node)
- iOS (native planned after 0.3 | cargo-node planned after 0.3)
- Ubuntu Touch (native planned after 0.3 | cargo-node planned for 0.3)
To include OrbTk in your project, just add the dependency
line to your Cargo.toml
orbtk = "0.2.27"
To use OrbTk 0.3, just add the dependency
line to your Cargo.toml
orbtk = { git = "https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/orbtk.git" }
Minimal Example
use orbtk::prelude::*;
fn main() {
.window(|ctx| {
.title("OrbTk - minimal example")
.position((100.0, 100.0))
.size(420.0, 730.0)
Run Examples
You can find examples in the examples/
You can start the widgets example by executing the following command:
cargo run --example widgets --release
Run Examples with cargo-node
To run the examples on as browser, electron or cordova app you have to install
cargo install -f cargo-node
Before you could use cargo node you have to install npm
version 6.9.0. It is included in the Node.js
version 10.16.3. You could download it from https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.16.3/.
Rust's cargo
is presumed. All other dependencies of cargo node will be installed automatic.
Start examples
You can start the widgets example by executing the following command:
- Run as browser app:
cargo node run --browser --example widgets
- Run as electron app:
cargo node run --electron --example widgets
- Run as cordova app on android:
cargo node run --android --example widgets
Build and run documentation
You can build and run the latest documentation by executing the following command:
cargo doc --no-deps --open
Planned features
- Style guide
- More default widgets
- More examples
- Book
- Animations
- Exchange views / widgets / screens on runtime
- Split application in modules
- Theme update
- Support for Android, iOS, Ubuntu Touch and WebAssembly
- 3D support
Sub Crates
- api: base api elements of OrbTk e.g. widget and application parts
- css-engine: parse and read values from a css file
- render: cross platform 2D/3D render library
- shell: cross platform window and event handling
- theme: OrbTks default theme (light and dark)
- tree: tree structure based on DCES
- utils: helper structs and traits
- widgets: base widget library
Licensed under MIT license (LICENSE).