# Arithmetic Expansions
We've exported our arithmetic logic into a separate crate
[calculate]( We use this library for both our `calc` builtin,
and for parsing arithmetic expansions. Use `math` if you want a REPL for arithmetic, else use
arithmetic expansions (`$((a + b))`) if you want the result inlined. Variables may be passed into
arithmetic expansions without the **$** sigil, as it is automatically inferred that text references
string variables. Supported operators are as below:
- Add (`$((a + b))`)
- Subtract(`$((a - b))`)
- Divide(`$((a / b))`)
- Multiply(`$((a * b))`)
- Powers(`$((a ** b))`)
- Square(`$((a²))`)
- Cube(`$((a³))`)
- Modulus(`$((a % b))`)
- Bitwise XOR(`$((a ^ b))`)
- Bitwise AND(`$((a & b))`)
- Bitwise OR(`$((a | b)))`)
- Left Shift(`$((a << b))`)
- Right Shift(`$((a >> b))`)
- Parenthesis(`$((4 * (pi * r²)))`)
Take note, however, that these expressions are evaluated to adhere to order of operation rules.
Therefore, expressions are not guaranteed to evaluate left to right, and parenthesis should be
used when you are unsure about the order of applied operations.