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  • thebitstick/ion
  • TenStrings/ion
  • dardyfella/ion
  • tormeh/ion
  • echoSayonara/ion
  • bjorn3/ion
  • mneumann/ion
  • luke-clifton/ion
  • microcolonel/ion
  • ilmu/ion
  • xTibor/ion
  • Schyrsivochter/ion
  • kamirr/ion
  • batzor/ion
  • jonastoth/ion
  • amecea/ion
  • juhp/ion
  • andrey.turkin/ion
  • AdminXVII/ion
  • Abdillah/ion
  • sstanfield/ion
  • 0verk1ll/ion
  • sahitpj/ion
  • tathanhdinh/ion
  • redox-os/ion
  • wezm/ion
  • neallred/ion
  • timofey/ion
  • mpajkowski/ion
  • colinfruit/ion
  • chazfg/ion
  • ngirard/ion
  • grant.cooksey/ion
  • Tommoa/ion
  • voidboy/ion
  • coleman/ion
  • aignas/ion
  • cdbattags/ion
  • alaskacanyon/ion
  • aleksator/ion
  • vent/ion
  • ogkloo/ion
  • elshize/ion
  • omar-mohamed-khallaf/ion
  • matu3ba/ion
  • zak-grumbles/ion
  • Galestrike/ion
  • bool_purist/ion
  • namachan10777/ion
  • dubi_steinkek/ion
  • efikarl/ion
  • jbowen/ion
  • NateDogg1232/ion
  • zhaozhao/ion
  • zraktvor/ion
  • asvln/ion
  • KSXGitHub/ion
  • BuggStream/ion
  • seodisparate/ion
  • phoebe/ion
  • rw_van/ion
  • baka/ion
  • theryangeary/ion
  • RA_GM1/ion
  • rharriso/ion
  • bobogei81123/ion
  • edfloreshz/ion
  • end222/ion
  • stratact/ion
  • ids1024/ion
  • Ano-Nymus/ion
  • mimi89999/ion
  • rypervenche/ion
  • Shirtpantswallet/ion
  • jonathandturner/ion
  • zen3ger/ion
  • BafDyce/ion
  • vxv/ion
  • jD91mZM2/ion
  • panaman67/ion
  • gmacd/ion
  • peter/ion
  • toshokan/ion
  • jmintb/ion
  • shanavasm/ion
  • mortona/ion
  • storyfeet/ion
  • ondono/ion
  • emturner/ion
  • CastilloDel/ion
90 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (2148)
with 3757 additions and 19 deletions
# Command make manual overwrites this file anyway
# This file gets recreated by the command "make tests" anyway
# with home folder of the current user aka $HOME.
# Without this line, there is a danger of contributors committing their home folder path accidentally.
image: "redoxos/redoxer"
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -qq build-essential curl git
image: 'rustlang/rust:nightly'
key: format
- cargo/
- target/
- rustup default nightly
- rustup component add rustfmt
- cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check
image: 'rust:1.65.0'
key: linux
- cargo/
- target/
- cargo check --features=piston
- FULL=1 make tests
# Deactiavted: job linux:stable does always fail right now
# For details see issue:
# linux:stable:
# cache:
# key: linuxstable
# paths:
# - cargo/
# - target/
# script:
# - cargo check --features=piston
# - TOOLCHAIN= make tests
key: redox
- cargo/
- target/
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -qq build-essential curl git
- redoxer build # TODO: do test when it does not hang
# Disabled until issues can be fixed
# link-check:
# image: hrektts/mdbook
# cache:
# key: linkcheck
# paths:
# - cargo/
# - cargo/bin
# before_script:
# - apt-get update -qq
# - apt-get install -qq libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential curl git
# - test -x $CARGO_HOME/bin/mdbook-linkcheck || cargo install mdbook-linkcheck
# script:
# - make manual
# - mdbook build manual
image: hrektts/mdbook
stage: deploy
key: book
- cargo/
- cargo/bin
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -qq libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential curl git
- make manual
- mdbook build manual
- mv manual/book/html public
- public
- master
image: rustlang/rust:nightly
stage: test
when: manual
allow_failure: true
except: [master]
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential libboost-dev jq bc
- sh ./ci/
junit: target/report.xml
paths: [target/criterion]

129 KiB

bug: description
expect: outcome description
related: none/#issuenumber
code: input
shell code
expect: output
kernel: win10/win7/linux4.4/linux5.7/mac10.0/mac10.15/redox0.3.5/redox0.5.0
version: `ion --version`/`git rev-parse HEAD`
interaction: none/program list
context: additional setup/run inside terminal multiplexer etc
behavior of bash/dash/zsh/fish/oil
feat: (description with motivation)
BREAKING CHANGE: (effect on current programs or datastructures)
perf: impact
code: input
shell code
expect: output
reason: (for what use case is this important)
context: (links, text and further literature)
behavior of bash/dash/zsh/fish/oil
feat: (description with motivation)
BREAKING CHANGE: (effect on current programs or datastructures?)
perf: impact
code: input
shell code
expect: output
reason: (for what use case is this important)
context: (links, text and further literature)
behavior of bash/dash/zsh/fish/oil
feat: description
closes issue: #RFC
closes issue: #bug
BREAKING CHANGE: (where how and what breaks)
test: unit?
test: integration in (default in `tests`, otherwise explain concise)
refactor: affects other tests or data structures?
docs: documented?
perf: performance impact?
feat: description
closes issue: #featurediscussion
test: unit and integration
unit test?
integration test in (default in `tests`, otherwise explain concise)
refactor: affects other tests or data structures?
docs: documented?
perf: performance impact?
fix: description
closes issue: #bug
test: regression tested in (default in `tests`, otherwise explain concise)
refactor: (affects other tests or data structures?)
docs: (documented?)
perf: (performance impact?)

186 KiB

language: rust
sudo: false
email: false
# Contributor Guidelines
Contributors MUST:
Comply with the templates using [conventional commit]( or **explicitly reason why not**
## Merge Requests
Contributors MUST:
- Comply with the templates using [conventional commit]( or **explicitly reason why not**
- For **bug fixes** fill 1. Description, 2.Related issue, 3.Regression test, 4.Refactoring statement, 6.Documentation and 7.Performance
- For **features** fill 1. Description, 2.Related discussion, 3.Unit test, 4. Integration test, 5. Refactoring statement, 6.Documentation and 7.Performance
- For **BREAKING CHANGE**, where valid programs are not working anymore, create a Request For Comment(RFC)
- Format your code with `cargo +nightly fmt` before creating a commit
- Squash commits, such that each commit clearly does a specific thing, either locally or using gitlab's custom checkbox.
- [Adhere to a git workflow using rebase](
- Rebase upon the master branch, rather than merging it
- [Allow us to make commits on your merge request](
Contributors MUST NOT:
- Have merge commits in their merge requests
- Have breaking changes without RFC
- Have commits which do not adhere to [Conventional Commit]( guidelines
Contributors SHOULD NOT:
- Worry about code style, because `cargo fmt` renders this a non-issue
[conventional commit]:
## Finding an issue
1. Find an area to work on within the shell or one of it's related projects.
This may be:
- An existing issue which has been reported
- A feature that is missing that you would like to develop
- An issue you've discovered that you would like to fix
2. Submit your intent to the issue board. Write into an existing issue or create a new issue.
## On Unit & Integration Tests
Feature addition to the code should be accompanied by unit and integration tests,
in order to prevent issues from creating on refactoring in the future.
Bug fixes should be combined with regression tests in order to prevent issues from
re-occuring in the future.
If you see an area that deserves a test, feel free to add extra tests in your pull requests.
When submitting new functionality, especially complex functionality, try to write as many
tests as you can think of to cover all possible code paths that your function(s) might take.
Integration tests are located in the **tests** directory, and are the most important place
to create tests -- unit tests come second after the integration tests.
Regression tests are both integration and unit tests, depending on the bug.
Integration tests are much more useful in general, as they cover real world use cases and
stress larger portions of the code base at once.
See [this section][integration test] on how integration tests are done for Ion.
Yet unit tests still have their place, as
they are able to test bits of functionality which may not necessarily be covered by existing
integration tests.
> In order to create unit tests for otherwise untestable code that depends on greater runtime
> specifics, you should likely write your functions to accept generic inputs, where unit
> tests can pass dummy types and environments into your functions for the purpose of testing
> the function, whereas in practice the function is hooked up to it's appropriate types.
## Test your code
Before submitting a merge request (MR) on GitLab, ensure that you've run your tests locally and that they
You can run all tests via this command.
make tests
You can also run just one specific integration test via
make test.<name_of_test>
To run just test "comments" for example
make test.comments
## Format your code
In addition, format your code before submitting a MR. This will require that
you've installed the `rustfmt` Cargo component.
cargo +nightly fmt --all
Now you're ready to submit your work for review!
## Submitting your work for review
Submitting your work on the Redox OS GitLab server can be done by creating a [merge request (MR)](
**Important** Make sure you [enable commit edits from upstream members]( by clicking the *"Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch"* checkbox.
## Chatroom
You can join the chat of redox on maxtrix under which is used by the developers too.
Experience with Rust is not required for contributing to Ion. There
are ways to contribute to Ion at all levels of experience, from writing scripts in Ion and reporting
issues, to seeking mentorship on how to implement solutions for specific issues on the issue board.
## Discussion
In addition to the chatroom, there's a [thread in the Redox forums](
that can be used for discussions relating to Ion and Ion shell development. These are mostly served
by the GitHub issue board, but general discussions can take place there instead.
## How integration tests work in Ion
Integration tests are located at the folder named "tests" which is relative to the project root.
This is usual for rust projects.
Ion however does integration test via Ion/parameter input and expected output files.
- An input is just an Ion or parameter file which is executed by the Ion shell.
Such a file has the file extension "ion" or "params".
- The expected output file is a normal text file
which contains the expected content of the integration test.
Such a file has the file extension "out".
This [bash script] executes all the Ion input files with the Ion shell and compares
their output with their corresponding output files.
### How to create an integration test in general
There 2 ways of integration tests.
1. Ion executes an Ion script file
2. Ion is executed with arguments
You need to create an input file and an expected output file under the folder "tests".
The base name of the input file and its respective expected output file needs to be same.
Only the file extension of the both files should differ.
Example: integration test "example_method" would have an input file "example_method.ion"
and an expected output file "example_method.out" under the folder "tests".
### How to create integration test where Ion executes an Ion file
To create an integration test which is named "first_integration_test"
and is conducted by executing an Ion script file.
1. Create a file named "first_integration_test.ion"
with the content which Ion shell should execute
2. Create a file named "first_integration_test.out"
with the expected output
### How to create integration test where Ion is executed with arguments
To create an integration test which is named "first_integration_test"
and is conducted by executing the Ion shell with certain arguments.
1. Create a file named "first_integration_test.params"
with the arguments which the Ion shell should be executed with.
2. Create a file named "first_integration_test.out"
with the expected output
Every option and value for an option goes into a new line.
See [params file](./tests/keybinding_fail.params) as an example.
This example corresponds to the following command which is executed for the integration test
ion -o viemacs -c "echo 1"
[bash script]:./tests/
[integration test]:#how-integration-tests-work-in-ion
This diff is collapsed.
name = "ion-shell"
authors = [
"Michael Aaron Murphy <>",
"Jeremy Soller <>",
"Skyler Berg <>",
"stratact <>",
"AdminXVII <>",
"Hunter Goldstein <>",
"jD91mZM2 <>",
"Agustin Chiappe Berrini <>",
"Sag0Sag0 <>",
build = ""
categories = ["command-line-utilities", "config"]
description = "The Ion Shell"
repository = ""
version = "0.0.2"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["shell", "script", "program", "config", "configuration"]
license-file = "LICENSE"
name = "ion-shell"
readme = ""
authors = [
"Jeremy Soller <>",
"Michael Gattozzi <>",
"Łukasz Niemier <>"
repository = ""
version = "1.0.0-alpha"
rust-version = "1.65.0"
gitlab = { repository = "", branch = "master" }
maintenance = { status = "experimental" }
man = ["builtins-proc/man"]
piston = ["piston-ai_behavior", "piston_window", "piston2d-sprite"]
unicode = ["regex/unicode"]
members = [
criterion = "0.3"
serial_test = "*"
serial_test_derive = "*"
name = "terminator"
harness = false
name = "statement"
harness = false
name = "window"
required-features = ["piston"]
name = "ion"
path = "src/"
calculate = { git = "", rev = "d2719efb67ab38c4c33ab3590822114453960da5" }
thiserror = "1.0"
glob = "0.3"
redox_liner = { git = "" }
rand = "0.7"
regex = { version = "1.3", default-features = false, features = [
] }
small = { git = "", features = [
] }
smallvec = "1.4"
unicode-segmentation = "1.6"
ion-ranges = { version = "0.1", path = "members/ranges" }
scopes = { version = "0.1", path = "members/scopes-rs" }
types-rs = { version = "0.1", path = "members/types-rs" }
builtins-proc = { version = "0.1", path = "members/builtins-proc" }
itertools = "0.9"
lexical = "5.2"
object-pool = "0.6"
auto_enums = "0.7"
atty = "0.2"
permutate = "0.3"
xdg = "2.4"
#nix = "0.23"
# FIXME: Needed because of
nix = { git = "", rev = "ff6f8b8a" }
mktemp = "0.4"
# window example
piston-ai_behavior = { version = "0.31", optional = true }
piston_window = { version = "0.120", optional = true }
piston2d-sprite = { version = "0.58", optional = true }
[target."cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = \"redox\")))".dependencies]
users = "0.10"
[target."cfg(target_os = \"redox\")".dependencies]
redox_users = "0.4"
[target."cfg(target_os = \"dragonfly\")".dependencies]
errno-dragonfly = "0.1.1"
path = "src/lib/"
opt-level = 0
debug = true
lto = true
panic = "abort"
# Required to make `cargo vendor` work
redox_liner = { git = "" }
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Soller
Copyright (c) 2017 Redox OS Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
prefix ?= usr/local
BINARY = $(prefix)/bin/ion
RELEASE = debug
TOOLCHAIN ?= 1.65.0
SRC=Cargo.toml Cargo.lock $(shell find src members -type f -wholename '*src/*.rs')
VENDOR=.cargo/config vendor.tar.xz
DEBUG ?= 0
ifeq ($(DEBUG),0)
ARGS += --release
RELEASE = release
ifeq ($(VENDORED),1)
ARGSV += --frozen
REDOX ?= 0
ifeq ($(REDOX),1)
undefine ARGSV
ARGS += --target x86_64-unknown-redox
TOOLCHAIN = nightly
ifeq ($(RUSTUP),1)
.PHONY: tests all clean distclean install uninstall manual
ifeq ($(REDOX),1)
mkdir -p .cargo
grep redox .cargo/config || cat redox_linker >> .cargo/config
ifeq ($(VENDORED),1)
tar pxf vendor.tar.xz
cargo $(TOOLCHAIN_ARG) build $(ARGS) $(ARGSV)
rm -rf manual/builtins
mkdir manual/builtins
cargo build --features man
echo -n "# Builtin commands" > manual/src/
for man in manual/builtins/*; do \
echo "" >> manual/src/; \
echo -n "## " >> manual/src/; \
cat $$man >> manual/src/; \
cargo $(TOOLCHAIN_ARG) test $(ARGSV)
for crate in members/*; do \
cargo $(TOOLCHAIN_ARG) test $(ARGSV) --manifest-path $$crate/Cargo.toml || exit 1; \
TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) bash tests/ $@
vendor: $(VENDOR)
rm -rf .cargo vendor vendor.tar.xz
mkdir -p .cargo
cargo vendor | head -n -1 > .cargo/config
echo 'directory = "vendor"' >> .cargo/config
tar pcfJ vendor.tar.xz vendor
rm -rf vendor
if ! grep ion /etc/shells >/dev/null; then \
echo $(BINARY) >> /etc/shells; \
else \
shell=$(shell grep ion /etc/shells); \
if [ $$shell != $(BINARY) ]; then \
sed -i -e "s#$$shell#$(BINARY)#g" /etc/shells; \
fi \
Ion is the underlying library for shells and command execution in
Redox, as well as the default shell.
# Introduction
Ion is a modern system shell that features a simple, yet powerful, syntax. It is written entirely
in Rust, which greatly increases the overall quality and security of the shell. It also offers a
level of performance that exceeds that of Dash, when taking advantage of Ion's features. While it
is developed alongside, and primarily for, RedoxOS, it is a fully capable on other \*nix platforms.
# Ion Shell
[![Build Status](](
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)
[![Coverage Status](](
> Ion is still a WIP, and both its syntax and rules are subject to change over time. It is
> still quite a ways from becoming stabilized, but we are getting very close. Changes to the
> syntax at this time are likely to be minimal.
# Ion Specification
Ion has a RFC process for language proposals. Ion's formal specification is located within the
[rfcs]( branch. The RFC process is still in
the early stages of development, so much of the current and future implementation ideas have
yet to be written into the specification.
# Ion Manual
[The Ion manual online](
is generated automatically on each commit via [mdBook]( and hosted on Redox OS's website.
**Building the manual for local reference**
Sources for the manual are located in the `manual` directory.
1. Build the documentation file for the builtins
make manual
2. Then build the rest of the Ion manual via mdbook
mdbook build manual
Or you can build and open it in the your default browser via
mdbook serve manual --open
Or you can build and host the manual on your localhost via
mdbook serve manual
# Ion library example
See the [examples folder]( and the [Parallelion project](
# Packages
## Pop!\_OS / Ubuntu
The following PPA supports the 18.04 (bionic) and 19.04 (disco) releases. Bionic builds were made using the Pop\_OS PPA's rustc 1.39.0 package.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mmstick76/ion-shell
# Developer set up
Those who are developing software with Rust should install the [Rustup toolchain manager](
After installing rustup, run `rustup override set 1.56.0` to set your Rust toolchain to the version that Ion is
targeting at the moment. To build for Redox OS, `rustup override set nightly` is required to build the Redox
# Build dependencies
Please ensure that both cargo and rustc 1.56.0 or higher is installed for your system.
Release tarballs have not been made yet due to Ion being incomplete in a few remaining areas.
# Installation
## Installation of Ion shell for one user
git clone
cd ion
cargo install --path=. --force
This way the ion executable will be installed into the folder "~/.cargo/bin"
As an alternative you can do it like this
git clone
cd ion
cargo build --release
# Install to path which is included in the $PATH enviromnent variable
DESTDIR=~/.local/bin bash/
## Installation of Ion shell system wide, for all users
git clone
cd ion
cargo build --release
sudo DESTDIR=/usr/local/bin bash/
# Optional: Do this if Ion shell shoulb be login shell on your system
sudo make update-shells prefix=/usr
# Ion plugins
There are plugins for ion. These plugins are additional aliases and function definitions written in
Ion for Ion. They can be found under this [repository](
# Vim/NeoVim Syntax Highlighting Plugin
For vim/nvim users there is an [officially-supported syntax highlighting plugin](
Plugin 'vmchale/ion-vim'
![Vim Syntax Highlighting](.gitlab/vim_syntax.png)
# Emacs Syntax Highlighting Plugin
For emacs users there is a [kindly-supported syntax highlighting plugin](
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/ion-mode"))
(require 'ion-mode)
(autoload 'ion-mode (locate-library "ion-mode") "Ion majore mode" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ion\\'" . ion-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/ion/initrc" . ion-mode))
![Emacs Syntax Highlighting](.gitlab/emacs_syntax.png)
# Lsp /IDE support
There is a LSP-server for the scripting language of this shell.
You can install the LSP-server via to get IDE support like error messages for an code editor or IDE which understands the client side of LSP. Link to LSP server on : .
The source code of the LSP server can be found here: .
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf vendor vendor.tar.xz .cargo git_revision.txt
cargo clean
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ ! -f "$RELEASE" ]]; then
echo "$RELEASE does not exit. Please run (cargo build --release) before"
exit 1
if [[ ! -d "${DESTDIR}" ]]; then
echo "Target folder ${DESTDIR} where the ion shell executable is to be installed, does not exits. Please ensure the folder exits"
exit 1
install -Dm0755 "$RELEASE" "${DESTDIR}/ion"