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//! The backend of the "proc:" scheme. Most internal breakpoint
//! handling should go here, unless they closely depend on the design
//! of the scheme.

use crate::{
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            ActivePageTable, InactivePageTable, Page, PAGE_SIZE, TableKind, VirtualAddress
    context::{self, signal, Context, ContextId, memory::AddrSpace},
    CurrentRmmArch as RmmA,

use alloc::{
use core::{
use spin::{Mutex, Once, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};

//  ____                _
// / ___|  ___  ___ ___(_) ___  _ __  ___
// \___ \ / _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
//  ___) |  __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \
// |____/ \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/

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pub struct SessionData {
    breakpoint: Option<Breakpoint>,
    events: VecDeque<PtraceEvent>,
    file_id: usize,
impl SessionData {
    fn add_event(&mut self, event: PtraceEvent) {
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        // Notify nonblocking tracers
        if == 1 {
            // If the list of events was previously empty, alert now
            proc_trigger_event(self.file_id, EVENT_READ);
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    /// Override the breakpoint for the specified tracee. Pass `None` to clear
    /// breakpoint.
    pub fn set_breakpoint(&mut self, flags: Option<PtraceFlags>) {
        self.breakpoint =|flags| Breakpoint {
            reached: false,

    /// Returns true if the breakpoint is reached, or if there isn't a
    /// breakpoint
    pub fn is_reached(&self) -> bool {
        self.breakpoint.as_ref().map(|b| b.reached).unwrap_or(false)

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    /// Used for getting the flags in fevent
    pub fn session_fevent_flags(&self) -> EventFlags {
        let mut flags = EventFlags::empty();

        if ! {
            flags |= EVENT_READ;


    /// Poll events, return the amount read. This drains events from the queue.
    pub fn recv_events(&mut self, out: &mut [PtraceEvent]) -> usize {
        let len = cmp::min(out.len(),;
        for (dst, src) in out.iter_mut().zip( {
            *dst = src;

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pub struct Session {
    pub data: Mutex<SessionData>,
    pub tracee: WaitCondition,
    pub tracer: WaitCondition,
impl Session {
    pub fn with_session<F, T>(pid: ContextId, callback: F) -> Result<T>
        F: FnOnce(&Session) -> Result<T>,
        let sessions = sessions();
        let session = sessions.get(&pid).ok_or_else(|| {
            println!("session doesn't exist - returning ENODEV.");
            println!("can this ever happen?");
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type SessionMap = BTreeMap<ContextId, Arc<Session>>;

static SESSIONS: Once<RwLock<SessionMap>> = Once::new();

fn init_sessions() -> RwLock<SessionMap> {
fn sessions() -> RwLockReadGuard<'static, SessionMap> {
fn sessions_mut() -> RwLockWriteGuard<'static, SessionMap> {

/// Try to create a new session, but fail if one already exists for this
/// process
pub fn try_new_session(pid: ContextId, file_id: usize) -> bool {
    let mut sessions = sessions_mut();

    match sessions.entry(pid) {
        Entry::Occupied(_) => false,
        Entry::Vacant(vacant) => {
            vacant.insert(Arc::new(Session {
                data: Mutex::new(SessionData {
                    breakpoint: None,
                    events: VecDeque::new(),
                tracee: WaitCondition::new(),
                tracer: WaitCondition::new(),

/// Remove the session from the list of open sessions and notify any
/// waiting processes
pub fn close_session(pid: ContextId) {
    if let Some(session) = sessions_mut().remove(&pid) {

/// Wake up the tracer to make sure it catches on that the tracee is dead. This
/// is different from `close_session` in that it doesn't actually close the
/// session, and instead waits for the file handle to be closed, where the
/// session will *actually* be closed. This is partly to ensure ENOSRCH is
/// returned rather than ENODEV (which occurs when there's no session - should
/// never really happen).
pub fn close_tracee(pid: ContextId) {
    if let Some(session) = sessions().get(&pid) {
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        let data =;
        proc_trigger_event(data.file_id, EVENT_READ);
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/// Returns true if a session is attached to this process
pub fn is_traced(pid: ContextId) -> bool {

/// Trigger a notification to the event: scheme
fn proc_trigger_event(file_id: usize, flags: EventFlags) {
    if let Some(scheme_id) = proc::PROC_SCHEME_ID.get() {
        event::trigger(*scheme_id, file_id, flags);
    } else {
        log::warn!("Failed to trigger proc event: scheme never initialized");

/// Dispatch an event to any tracer tracing `self`. This will cause
/// the tracer to wake up and poll for events. Returns Some(()) if an
/// event was sent.
pub fn send_event(event: PtraceEvent) -> Option<()> {
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    let id = {
        let contexts = context::contexts();
        let context = contexts.current()?;
        let context =;
    let sessions = sessions();
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    let session = sessions.get(&id)?;
    let mut data =;
    let breakpoint = data.breakpoint.as_ref()?;
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    if event.cause & breakpoint.flags != event.cause {
        return None;
    // Add event to queue
    // Notify tracer
//  ____                 _                _       _
// | __ ) _ __ ___  __ _| | ___ __   ___ (_)_ __ | |_ ___
// |  _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / '_ \ / _ \| | '_ \| __/ __|
// | |_) | | |  __/ (_| |   <| |_) | (_) | | | | | |_\__ \
// |____/|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\_\ .__/ \___/|_|_| |_|\__|___/
//                           |_|

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    reached: bool,
    flags: PtraceFlags
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/// Wait for the tracee to stop, or return immediately if there's an unread
/// event.
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/// Note: Don't call while holding any locks or allocated data, this will
/// switch contexts and may in fact just never terminate.
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pub fn wait(pid: ContextId) -> Result<()> {
    loop {
        let session = {
            let sessions = sessions();

            match sessions.get(&pid) {
                Some(session) => Arc::clone(&session),
                _ => return Ok(())

        // Lock the data, to make sure we're reading the final value before going
        // to sleep.
        let data =;

        // Wake up if a breakpoint is already reached or there's an unread event
        if data.breakpoint.as_ref().map(|b| b.reached).unwrap_or(false) || ! {
        // Go to sleep, and drop the lock on our data, which will allow other the
        // tracer to wake us up.
        if session.tracer.wait(data, "ptrace::wait") {
            // We successfully waited, wake up!
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/// Notify the tracer and await green flag to continue. If the breakpoint was
/// set and reached, return the flags which the user waited for. Otherwise,
/// None.
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/// Note: Don't call while holding any locks or allocated data, this
/// will switch contexts and may in fact just never terminate.
pub fn breakpoint_callback(match_flags: PtraceFlags, event: Option<PtraceEvent>) -> Option<PtraceFlags> {
    loop {
        let session = {
            let contexts = context::contexts();
            let context = contexts.current()?;
            let context =;

            let sessions = sessions();
            let session = sessions.get(&;
        let mut data =;
        let breakpoint = data.breakpoint?; // only go to sleep if there's a breakpoint

        // Only stop if the tracer have asked for this breakpoint
        if breakpoint.flags & match_flags != match_flags {
        // In case no tracer is waiting, make sure the next one gets the memo
            .expect("already checked that breakpoint isn't None")
            .reached = true;
        // Add event to queue
        // Wake up sleeping tracer
        if session.tracee.wait(data, "ptrace::breakpoint_callback") {
            // We successfully waited, wake up!
            break Some(breakpoint.flags);
/// Obtain the next breakpoint flags for the current process. This is used for
/// detecting whether or not the tracer decided to use sysemu mode.
pub fn next_breakpoint() -> Option<PtraceFlags> {
    let contexts = context::contexts();
    let context = contexts.current()?;
    let context =;

    let sessions = sessions();
    let session = sessions.get(&;
    let data =;
    let breakpoint = data.breakpoint?;


//  ____            _     _
// |  _ \ ___  __ _(_)___| |_ ___ _ __ ___
// | |_) / _ \/ _` | / __| __/ _ \ '__/ __|
// |  _ <  __/ (_| | \__ \ ||  __/ |  \__ \
// |_| \_\___|\__, |_|___/\__\___|_|  |___/
//            |___/

pub struct ProcessRegsGuard;

/// Make all registers available to e.g. the proc: scheme
/// ---
/// For use inside arch-specific code to assign the pointer of the
/// interupt stack to the current process. Meant to reduce the amount
/// of ptrace-related code that has to lie in arch-specific bits.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// let _guard = ptrace::set_process_regs(pointer);
/// ...
/// // (_guard implicitly dropped)
/// ```
pub fn set_process_regs(pointer: *mut InterruptStack) -> Option<ProcessRegsGuard> {
    let contexts = context::contexts();
    let context = contexts.current()?;
    let mut context = context.write();

    let kstack = context.kstack.as_mut()?;

    context.regs = Some((kstack.as_mut_ptr() as usize, Unique::new(pointer)));

impl Drop for ProcessRegsGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        fn clear_process_regs() -> Option<()> {
            let contexts = context::contexts();
            let context = contexts.current()?;
            let mut context = context.write();

            context.regs = None;

/// Return the InterruptStack pointer, but relative to the specified
/// stack instead of the original.
pub unsafe fn rebase_regs_ptr(
    regs: Option<(usize, Unique<InterruptStack>)>,
    kstack: Option<&Box<[u8]>>
) -> Option<*const InterruptStack> {
    let (old_base, ptr) = regs?;
    let new_base = kstack?.as_ptr() as usize;
    Some((ptr.as_ptr() as usize - old_base + new_base) as *const _)
/// Return the InterruptStack pointer, but relative to the specified
/// stack instead of the original.
pub unsafe fn rebase_regs_ptr_mut(
    regs: Option<(usize, Unique<InterruptStack>)>,
    kstack: Option<&mut Box<[u8]>>
) -> Option<*mut InterruptStack> {
    let (old_base, ptr) = regs?;
    let new_base = kstack?.as_mut_ptr() as usize;
    Some((ptr.as_ptr() as usize - old_base + new_base) as *mut _)

/// Return a reference to the InterruptStack struct in memory. If the
/// kernel stack has been backed up by a signal handler, this instead
/// returns the struct inside that memory, as that will later be
/// restored and otherwise undo all your changes. See `update(...)` in
/// context/
pub unsafe fn regs_for(context: &Context) -> Option<&InterruptStack> {
    let signal_backup_regs = match context.ksig {
        None => None,
        Some((_, _, ref kstack, signum)) => {
            let is_user_handled = {
                let actions =;
                signal::is_user_handled(actions[signum as usize].0.sa_handler)
            if is_user_handled {
            } else {
                Some(rebase_regs_ptr(context.regs, kstack.as_ref())?)
        .or_else(|||regs| regs.1.as_ptr() as *const _))
        .map(|ptr| &*ptr)

/// Mutable version of `regs_for`
pub unsafe fn regs_for_mut(context: &mut Context) -> Option<&mut InterruptStack> {
    let signal_backup_regs = match context.ksig {
        None => None,
        Some((_, _, ref mut kstack, signum)) => {
            let is_user_handled = {
                let actions =;
                signal::is_user_handled(actions[signum as usize].0.sa_handler)
            if is_user_handled {
            } else {
                Some(rebase_regs_ptr_mut(context.regs, kstack.as_mut())?)
        .or_else(|||regs| regs.1.as_ptr()))
        .map(|ptr| &mut *ptr)

//  __  __
// |  \/  | ___ _ __ ___   ___  _ __ _   _
// | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '__| | | |
// | |  | |  __/ | | | | | (_) | |  | |_| |
// |_|  |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_|   \__, |
//                                   |___/

// Returns an iterator which splits [start, start + len) into an iterator of possibly trimmed
// pages.
fn page_aligned_chunks(mut start: usize, mut len: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> {
    // Ensure no pages can overlap with kernel memory.
    if start.saturating_add(len) > crate::USER_END_OFFSET {
        len = crate::USER_END_OFFSET.saturating_sub(start);
    let first_len = core::cmp::min(len, PAGE_SIZE - start % PAGE_SIZE);
    let first = Some((start, first_len)).filter(|(_, len)| *len > 0);
    start += first_len;
    len -= first_len;
    let last_len = len % PAGE_SIZE;
    len -= last_len;
    let last = Some((start + len, last_len)).filter(|(_, len)| *len > 0);
    first.into_iter().chain((start..start + len).step_by(PAGE_SIZE).map(|off| (off, PAGE_SIZE))).chain(last)
pub fn context_memory(addrspace: &mut AddrSpace, offset: VirtualAddress, len: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<*mut [u8]>> + '_ {
    let mut table = unsafe { InactivePageTable::from_address(addrspace.frame.utable.start_address().data()) };
    // TODO: Iterate over grants instead to avoid yielding None too many times. What if
    // context_memory is used for an entire process's address space, where the stack is at the very
    // end? Alternatively we can skip pages recursively, i.e. first skip unpopulated PML4s and then
    // onwards.
    page_aligned_chunks(, len).map(move |(addr, len)| unsafe {
        // [addr,addr+len) is a continuous page starting and/or ending at page boundaries, with the
        // possible exception of an unaligned head/tail.
        //log::info!("ADDR {:p} LEN {:#0x}", page as *const u8, len);
        let frame = table.mapper().translate_page(Page::containing_address(VirtualAddress::new(addr)))?;
        let start = RmmA::phys_to_virt(frame.start_address()).data() + addr % crate::memory::PAGE_SIZE;
        Some(core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(start as *mut u8, len))